The alignment of the soul in control is the one that appears to you.Amara wrote:So from my understanding of your writeup
If this is a "rider" type, her true alignment would detect when it is not active, yes?
The "rider" would have to become an "Agent" and relinquish control back to the native soul...
A native soul with a very good education in how to manipulate souls within a body...
Only what gear you have on you...But none of that would be all that effective.Arch Lich Burns I have anything else I can use to throw down? I want to know before I go to phase 2, which involves summoning the largest amount of largest creatures from summon monster from the air and bombing the ship while I feather fall into the water. (since I can't summon monster and have dra'kan out at the same time)
And both those ships are moving, though much more your quickly going to loose range if you do it while feather falling...
about 30 or so feet...but the ships are not getting any closer as the pirates have lost 4/5 of their sails now actually the Ferry is now dragging them via the mast.spiderwrangler wrote:That's about what I expected for his javelin attempt.
Couple questions to clarify Arg's next actions.
How much distance separates the decks of the two ships (and will they be getting closer, given another round)?
There are six humans armed with axe guns, seven hobgoblins armed with bording pikes, and two goblins armed with swords all in the pirate forecastle facing you.How many gunslingers remain on the pirate ship (I believe his Martial Flexibility giving him DEF against firearms is still active, but want to weigh options before turning another combat feat on).
Yes, Arg would have noticed this but I just wrote his focus on the bastard shooting at him.Makita saw the crewmen get trapped by the falling mast, has Arg seen this too?
Not far perhaps five to six feet, but on the other side of the mast so you'd have to jump over it to attack. (Or within easy 5 foot attack reach but only if you don't screw up a fairly easy acrobatics roll to get across.How far is Arg from the goblin attacking the captain (and did he notice it boarding the ship)?
Actually if I can have Speaks and Makita's actions first...I'll make a partial update since most of the pirates are higher in initative than Arg