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Post by Jibjib » Sat May 25, 2013 10:07 am

As we're getting towards the end of the school year (at least here in England), and a lot of us are either school or university age, I thought it would be good to have a thread discussing exams, revision and the like :)

What's your best tip for revision? How do you fare in exams? What do you wish you could do better?

My usual tactic is to subdivide the information into small chunks which I then write out on flash cards which are easy to revise one at a time. My biggest problem is staying motivated to keep writing stuff out without getting distracted, so instead of actually taking a break when my limbic system tells me I want one, I go and do something related to the subject, a favorite being writing or listening to songs that are about what I'm studying, examples:


I also find listening to white noise or nature recordings through earphones helps me to get 'in the zone' as it were.
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Re: Exams

Post by T' Northerner » Sun May 26, 2013 8:30 am

I go through my notes (or, more usually the much better notes on the moodle or from the textbook) and make 'posters' of important information, equations and derivations. Creating them forces me to process the information properly in the first place, as opposed to just scanning the notes and not taking them in. It also helps me to remember them as I create a mental representation of my room, and I can 'see' where the poster for the relevant information is and look at it in my head.

That's the theory anyway, it doesn't always work and there where a couple of times in my exams this year (last one was a week ago- I'm free! Mwahahaha!) when I was cursing myself because I could see the 'shape' of the equation I needed but not the exact details, which was frustrating.

As for getting into the 'study zone'; Tea and music. Preferably instrumental, because words are distracting when you're trying to process information. Tea is brilliant because as well as being generally awesome and satisfying my caffeine addiction, it provides a natural cycles of short breaks which is helpful for concentration. At peak studying, I was getting through about 2 mugs every 3 hours.

Incidentally, If anyone wants help or advice towards a maths or physics related problem I'd be happy to help. I've suddenly got a lot of free time until I can bag a job or internship.

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Re: Exams

Post by ookooma » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:07 am

very nice video

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Re: Exams

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:04 am

I haven't had a traditional exam in a while now, but have students asking all the time. What we try to get then to do is learn biology as concepts and related processes rather than just memorizing names of things.

One thing I encourage them to do when studying is NOT to re read the text (If they've taken notes from it or annotated the chapters, great), but instead to use something to cover up the text so they can only read the section heading. If it says 'photosynthesis light reactions', I tell them to make that into a short answer prompt 'describe the steps of light reactions in photosynthesis'. Of they can mentally formulate an answer, then they don't need to review that section. Of they can't, then they would benefit from review.
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Re: Exams

Post by Krulle » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:15 pm

ookooma wrote:very nice video

[link removed]
Only marginally connected to the topic, and without any explanation why you linked somewhere?
I've looked at the site, and while it does seem to be learning software, there is no hint at which topics are available to learn from, nor any explanation about used methods.....

Well, usually When preparing the "hot phase" I do an older exam under exam conditions, to check how far I get without learning. Then I use the model answers to check how up-to-date the material I use is (my next exam will be very time-sensitive, as the materials used change at least once a year, likely more often), and which model-answers are wrong now-days.
The I review bad topics, the reiterate with the next younger previous exam papers.
As the next exam I am learning for includes at least 4x4hours in two days, I need at least one week for each reinteration, and I plan to do at least 5 reinterations, and hope for 7 reiterations.... 2017 is still far away though.... (that's when my exam will be... )

Another hint I only tried once is aroma tricking. Your brain may connect certain topics with certain smells, and vice versa. When learning math, have a slight orangy smell around you. When doing the exam, have it present too, your brain will by smell alone get into the mood.
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(I propose using things like oranges, bananas, bread, as you can have that stuff in the exam without being questioned why you have a bottle of orange aroma oil on your desk, amd that possibly being taken away as "it may disturb others". When needed, scratch the orange to increase the smell bow and then. Eat a bite of the banana and leave the rest open...
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Re: Exams

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:58 pm

Krulle wrote:
ookooma wrote:very nice video

[link removed]
Only marginally connected to the topic, and without any explanation why you linked somewhere?
I've looked at the site, and while it does seem to be learning software, there is no hint at which topics are available to learn from, nor any explanation about used methods.....
Since it was their first post, likely a spammer. Another forum I'm a mod in has it set up so the first two or three parts have to get mod approval before they show up, turning something like that on here might become necessary, it seems like the number of spam posts had been on the rise.
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Re: Exams

Post by Krulle » Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:41 pm

I thought so too, but then this "bot" got at least close to the topic...... The link was at least marginally related, althoguh I saw no video on the site, so the bits of text there were seemed wrong...
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Re: Exams

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:14 pm

Might scan sites for particular key words rather than the ones that just post random garbage
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Re: Exams

Post by RocketScientist » Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:12 pm

I'll discuss spam prevention tactics with the other mods and see if we can work something out. Thanks, guys. :)

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Re: Exams

Post by Synch » Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:54 am

Maybe they have to make their first post in username explanation or introduction? After making 1 post the rest of the forum opens up? Although I suppose its forcing people to post, some may just want to make an account then lurk.
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Re: Exams

Post by Guus » Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:59 am

We have a lot, and I mean a LOT of information to process. The drawback of studying history. Extra drawback, we don't have exercises that are clear cut. No systems that we can follow (thanks Derrida and Foucault!).
So, this is what I do:
I intensively try to study theories that are coupled to certain names. I skip examples. I look in the course guide what the course goals are and follow those. Result: theoretical knowledge that helps you through an exam, but little detailed event knowledge. Hence I read up on historical events outside my study hours :P
Notes help, but only to guide through the texts we need to study, it's a small miracle when notes alone are enough to prepare for an exam.
I feel smart, but I'm pretty sure I'm an idiot.

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