French Translation: Discussion

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Mutters to Themself
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French Translation: Discussion

Post by Caltera » Mon May 13, 2013 5:57 am

Hi everyone

As I mentioned in my introduction I'd love to make Goblins understandable to all french around here, cause it's one of my favorite webcomic (and one of the best D&d adventure I ever read)

I'm french and quite fluent in english, and I can use the transcription file to translate the comic in french. One thing I'm not shure tough is how to post the page once they"re translated? Do I have just to translate, or do I have to edit every page to delete the words and copying the new one in french? If so I'll be glad if someone that really know how to do it can make it while I'll translate.

As a begin I'll reopen the discussion about the french translation of the name (one of the most important and difficult part)
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If anyone is willing to help I'll be glad :)
French reader, sorry if my english isn't always OK

French Goblins Traductor

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Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by Krulle » Tue May 14, 2013 1:00 am

Pour t'aider, mon français ne suffit pas.

Regarding the format: That's entirely up to you.
Some only post translated text to discuss over it.
Some first post the transcription, and below the translation.

Choose for yourself. When others really join you, they will come with new ideas, and you'll work it out yourself.

Good luck, and HAVE FUN!
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Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by Krulle » Sun May 19, 2013 12:03 pm

BTW, I found a list of translation proposals for many names: ... 2384#p3044

Maybe I can copy it out later...

Merci pour commencer!
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Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by Kula » Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:33 pm

Hello, I can translate everything if needed, I am a french native speaker! ;)

Mutters to Themself
Posts: 25

Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by Caltera » Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:03 pm

Hi kula, let's talk about it by private message to see how we can work together. I'll be more motivated if I can have someone to do it with me ^^
French reader, sorry if my english isn't always OK

French Goblins Traductor

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Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by Chasm » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:45 pm

Hey, I can help with the translation too, I'm french and I'm pretty good at english, I've already thought multiple times about translating Goblins in French but never of creating a thread for it x)
Anyways, I'm pretty good at English and I don't think I'd have any particular troubles with anything in the comic, except the names and the puns (puns are, most of the time, untranslatable, and names can result in some pretty ugly/not catchy stuff...)
If you need help with anything, PM me, I'm available ! :)

Edit : I just saw the thread dated from last year...How did I not see it before?
So is the project still on?

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Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by SamWiser » Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:37 pm

I would suggest sending a PM to Caltera. Based on his signature he has taken it upon himself to translate, and he has been online recently. I would help, but I only had a few years of French in high school and hat was long enough ago that I don't remember anything other than the basics.

It looks like Caltera translated the first two chapters himself. If he doesn't respond and you want to take over where he left off this should take you to the transcription of the next chapter.
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Mutters to Themself
Posts: 25

Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by Caltera » Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:38 am

I've added the two of them to speak about the translation. With a little team, we'll have enough motivations to keep going :)
Here's the result of our meeting. We'll work on a 4 state traduction
1) Translate all the text
2) Correction of mistakes, reading another time to be shure everything is ok
3) Find someone to correct the text, sfx and so on
4) Uploading

We'll try to go for a full translated and corrected text for the end of this year, if possible.

Thanks to my two new friends, we hope we can bring this awsome comics to France !
French reader, sorry if my english isn't always OK

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Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by Avistew » Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:01 pm

I originally posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry! I'm copy-pasting it here :)

"Hey there :) I thought your project died but since this post is recent I guess I'll comment on it :)

I started working on the French translation for Goblins back in 2008. It was even briefly hosted on the website but when the domain changed it was removed. I had only translated around 30 pages at the time, over the years I got back onto the project and translated 60 pages.

I got Tarol's official permission to do so but he's not fine with me hosting it somewhere else as he wants it to be on his own website, and sadly every time I've tried to ask about him hosting it he's been super busy, although he still supports the project and we even share the pages on Dropbox.

Anyways, my point is, it looks like he's fine with transcripts on the forums. Do you want me to create transcripts of the pages that already exist? Or do you prefer doing it? It's a bit awkward which is why I haven't said anything over the years, especially when I thought you weren't working on it anymore.

I'm sad that the official translation seems nowhere near being hosted for good, but I guess at least there is the forum. But as far as the forum translation is concerned, you're the translator, so I feel out of place just taking over, which is why I thought I'd just ask. I'm fine with staying completely away from it if you want, no worries there :)"

Mutters to Themself
Posts: 25

Re: French Translation: Discussion

Post by Caltera » Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:01 am

Life have make me shift from goblins traduction temporary, but I still have contact with the two other translator. I'd be glad to have you help us, even more if you have contact with thunt. Right now i'd like to be able to catch up from the comic in translation until we can find a great rewritter for editing thunt pages without altering is work, and god knows it's hard to find one. Send me a pm with your skype and we can talk about all of that :)
French reader, sorry if my english isn't always OK

French Goblins Traductor

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