Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Amara » Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:52 am

Not much art has happened... (an unfortunate result of a combination of persistent low energy, and demanding class schedules,) but I did recently accomplish something I'm at least marginally proud of. A buddy was going to Anthrocon, and wanted a badge. We both play Secret World, and we're both Templar, and since the theme this year was Secret Societies at Anthrocon, he asked for his fursona to be drawn up in a Templar uniform.
He's been an absolute dear, and has several times ordered pizza out of nowhere (surprising me each time,) when he found out I had nothing else to eat, so I'm very happy it came out well and that he's happy with it.

My only complaint is that unfortunately, the blood magic spelling his character's name blends a bit with the uniform, but that's an unfortunate consequence of my markers being so limited in colour. I wanted the uniform a bit drabber than that, (as it should be!) Still, it looks nice in person.

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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Amara » Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:04 pm

Well, Uni has kept me busy, depression has kept me from liking anything I did produce, and it finally took the desperation of having no money for groceries to force me in to consistently producing things again...mostly for visibility.
It's not a big pile of stuff to show off, but I found this goofy thing and I've been doing sketchy little paintings based on things it generates for me.
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Otherwise, I just have sketchy things. Been trying to re-visit an older character of mine, and nail down a new consistent design for her, revise her backstory, etc. She's uh... still a necromancer, and (for now) still worships Evening Glory. Beyond that, I don't know what her new story's going to be. Her old story had her endeavoring to find the remains of her slain lover, avenge him, and bring him back. Don't know if that's staying.
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And I did manage to get a single commission when I ran out of cash for groceries. The funds went promptly toward buying a cabbage and some other veggies so I could have cabbage soup. I was pretty pleased with it, though. I don't do many portrait commissions (or get many for that matter, haha,) but they were definitely adorable together.
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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Amara » Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:01 pm

I have a sort-of WIP right now, but not much else. School is picking up. LOTS of assignments.
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She'll be in colour eventually, but progress has been slow. It's an NPC in my on-going D&D campaign. Homebrew race that's unique to the setting. They're called Drakkan, and are technically fire-oriented native outsiders, but trace their lineage back to an ancient beast race that was one of this setting's progenitor races. They're one of two homebrew races of the beast bloodline I've fleshed out so far.

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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Krulle » Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:58 am

Wow, I do like your Art, Amara!
I like the style, I like the colours, and definitely the result!
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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Amara » Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:51 pm

Ah, thanks! I didn't "finish" the drakkan per-say, but hit a point of it being useable and sort of forced myself to stop. That counts, right?

Things are going crazy again, so I haven't gotten much more done.
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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Krulle » Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:31 am

Wow, she looks great!
I wish I had half the talent you seem to have.
Would have made school and arts lessons much easier...

But then, in my life I never really needed artworks.
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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Synch » Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:48 am

I love the fox fursona, and the ferret.

What computer software so you use?
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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Amara » Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:42 pm

I use CS6 for my digital work!
Though I also have art rage, but I use it less often.

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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by DoodleMoogle » Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:19 pm

Holy crap. The Swan from Hell from that earlier post is freaking badass. Hell Swan cometh~
I might play around with that generator thing at some point. Seems like fun. :D
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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Amara » Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:25 am

Dang it, thought I'd replied to this.

Yeah, the generator's a lot of fun to play with, haha. When I had less work to do, it kept me going with at least ONE sketch a day.

Well, this isn't much to show but, my buddy's doing a Halloween collab, so I squeaked in something at the last minute.
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Theme's 5NaF, so it's a bit toonier than what I usually do. There are many things I'm not happy with, but it's done.

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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Amara » Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:37 pm

The final collab came out pretty nice. Not as big a turnout as I was hoping for, but way more people than last year! I'm glad of that for him.
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He literally had to put me in the very back because that big poofy tail covered EVERYONE otherwise. I got chewed out on skype for it. xD

Uum I also made a sign for Flight Rising where I might be opening an art shop. Maybe.
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And without the sign part
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And I have some WIPS!
Only one worth posting though.
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Freja, NPC from a D&D/Pathfinder game I'm running. This is pretty early (more important stuff sadly pushed her to the backburner) but she'll eventually have a finished portrait, along with Theda (another female half-orc) Rian, and a slew of other NPCs.
(Yup, finally found a place for Rian. He's made a fabulous NPC.)

Other than that um... never posted anything like this here but
Here's a WIP for a map I've been working on for my players.
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Big wide open farmlands area, as you can see. They tried to use the wheat fields to sneak in as part of their approach, so the ranger's ability to use hide from animals on the whole party really worked! There were lots of crows, which didn't alert thanks to the spell, but DID still alert due to enemies they couldn't see moving through the corn fields.
They've also been very careful about their spells. They're terrified of catching something on fire! Haha

Things like fencing, windows, doors, furniture, etc were all separate tokens so that they could be interacted with. I've had these guys choose to dig through dungeon walls before, so I try to make my maps more flexible now.

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Re: Sometimes I do things [Sorta art]

Post by Amara » Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:14 pm

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Finished Freja off! I can see mistakes with this, but I hit the point of being ready to just move on to something else. At any rate, I'm content with the likeness, and I learned that blood/bits are a PAIN to paint in to fabric with a varied texture.
Original description wrote:Freja is a half orc that lives in Thorngate, a small woodland town in my Pathfinder campaign. She works for the local butcher, where her primary job is handling the smokehouse.

Freja is a ranger, and her animal companion is a brown bear named Ksenia. IÔÇÖve frankly been delighted with how my players have reacted with her over the course of my campaign. I expected her to remain a background character, doing her thing while the players came and went; instead sheÔÇÖs become very important to them. They often bring back small gifts for her in their travels, such as exotic fabrics, upon learning that she enjoys sewing.

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