The final collab came out pretty nice. Not as big a turnout as I was hoping for, but way more people than last year! I'm glad of that for him.
He literally had to put me in the very back because that big poofy tail covered EVERYONE otherwise. I got chewed out on skype for it. xD
Uum I also made a sign for Flight Rising where I might be opening an art shop. Maybe.
And without the sign part
And I have some WIPS!
Only one worth posting though.
Freja, NPC from a D&D/Pathfinder game I'm running. This is pretty early (more important stuff sadly pushed her to the backburner) but she'll eventually have a finished portrait, along with Theda (another female half-orc) Rian, and a slew of other NPCs.
(Yup, finally found a place for Rian. He's made a fabulous NPC.)
Other than that um... never posted anything like this here but
Here's a WIP for a map I've been working on for my players.
Big wide open farmlands area, as you can see. They tried to use the wheat fields to sneak in as part of their approach, so the ranger's ability to use hide from animals on the whole party really worked! There were lots of crows, which didn't alert thanks to the spell, but DID still alert due to enemies they couldn't see moving through the corn fields.
They've also been very careful about their spells. They're terrified of catching something on fire! Haha
Things like fencing, windows, doors, furniture, etc were all separate tokens so that they could be interacted with. I've had these guys choose to dig through dungeon walls before, so I try to make my maps more flexible now.