Doctor Who!

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RobotSamurai » Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:42 am

wutzibu wrote:I'm Currently watching the third episode and Boy, the new Tardis Interior looks slick! aso the doctor seems to know what he is doing when operating the Tardis (he still left the handbreak though, maybe he just likes the sound?).
Hmmmm.... I've wondered about the handbrake comment. When we've seen the Master using his TARDIS and the Doctor's did it make the same sound. I can't recall.

Listen was an OK episode. There were some good bits in it, but nothing to compare to The Empty Child or Blink.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by wutzibu » Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:22 pm

it was mentioned by rivver song that the tardis sound is him leaving the handbrake on but you know how wibbly wobbly the doctor who canon is.

Just saw listen. the end was soooo meta? so the war doctor went to that barn? they wanted him to become a soldier? and clara made him accept fear as a companion? did anyone saw the old series? had any companion such far reaching meta effects on the doctors life? i know bad wolf was the next big thing bot clara not only saved his life several times in several reincarnations but now only defined his psychical development when he was a kid. im currently a bit confused and going to sleep now^^

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:20 pm

That's about the reaction I had, too. It went like this: Wait... what? Were they... what?

I don't even remember where the barn is. So confused. Liked it, though.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:34 pm

I loved it...there was no monster of the week...just character development. I love Capaldi's Doctor more every week, though I'm still confused about which number he is: he is a few volcanoes short of a Pompeii (and I love that they are working Capaldi's role as the ruler of Pompeii in as an actual plot point...maybe).

The barn is that structure out in the middle of nowhere where the War Doctor activated the Timelord doomsday weapon. At the time, it looked like a throwaway set, but now it's shown to be a place where he retreated in times of emotional distress. I lurved it. I've lurved each episode with Capaldi so far. He is such a massive prick to Clara that it's amazing, and it gives her lots of moments to shine, as well.

Edit: I also love the "The last man on Earth sat alone in a locked room. There was a knock at the door." Ok, so it wasn't *Earth* exactly, but it was still a good creepy moment...even if it was just pipes cooling. Or not.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:52 am

I know what the barn is. I don't know where it's physically located. Is it on Gallifrey? And if it is, why didn't they all get sucked into the crack with the rest of the Gallifreyans?

I definitely saw a monster standing behind them in Danny's bedroom. It looked like a Gringott's goblin to me.

Capaldi is 12. John Hurt doesn't have a number. "Eleven's time is ending. The clock is striking Twelve."

I read that Russell had a plan to work in both Pompeii and Children of Earth. No idea if Moffat's running with it, but he'd be stupid not to.

Anyway, thumbs up for Capaldi. He freaks me out, but not in a bad way. And every now and then he reminds me of a previous Doctor. Which is cool.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:02 am

Capaldi is embracing more of the previous Doctor's than any of the NewWho's have to date. Probably due to knowing he doesn't have to feel guilty anymore.

I'm loving Capaldi.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:43 pm

Capaldi said prior to filming that he planned on making this Doctor more alien than previously, and I think he's achieving that goal with gusto. His first episode was basically a letter written to the fans who rage whenever a new actor steps into the role, and it was great.

The thing about the monster in the room: it could've easily been a kid wearing a dime-store rubber Halloween mask, playing a trick on Rupert just for giggles (or it could've been an unrelated alien because this is Doctor Who, and the Earth is lousy with aliens). Every oddball thing they experienced could've been explained by something mundane. If it was an "ultimate hider", then it wouldn't have approached them, and it wouldn't have had to rely on them looking away in order to do its sneaky bit. Even the ubiquity of the "something under the bed" dream was explained by Clara in that really cool scene with Rupert.

Twelve is turning into my favorite Doctor, and Clara is climbing the ranks of favorite companions, now that they're giving her more to do.

Can you imagine the magic that would happen if Twelve's companion was Donna? The snarkasm would rend the universe asunder! We couldn't repel sass of that magnitude!
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:23 am

Liesmith wrote:Can you imagine the magic that would happen if Twelve's companion was Donna? The snarkasm would rend the universe asunder! We couldn't repel sass of that magnitude!
I'm not sure which I'd enjoy watching more: Nine and Donna or Twelve and Donna.

Twelve has the capacity to become one of the greats, I just hope they let him. :)
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by lingrem » Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:56 am

I'm really like Capaldi's merging of some of the older doctors. And does his TARDIS remind anyone else, at least a little bit, of Four's TARDIS?
Felicia Faustus in Shipwrecked!

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:32 am

Really liking Twelve. Not as bored with Clara. Really liking Danny so far, and I like Clara's interaction with him.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:46 pm

RocketScientist wrote:Really liking Twelve. Not as bored with Clara. Really liking Danny so far, and I like Clara's interaction with him.
Though Clara was a bit of a dick to him about being a soldier. What is with everyone making fun of him for possibly killing people, then getting annoyed with him when he clams up about it? Seriously, Clara should start joshing the Doctor about wiping out that time his companion was murdered.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:56 am

Did she do that on purpose? I thought it was just an unfortunate "oops." If she said it on purpose, that does make a bit of a difference.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:48 am

Creating an awkward situation by making an insensitive joke is one thing...but then she got annoyed with him for taking offense, which was a little weird. I think the writers just wanted a way to get her to storm out, without having either character do something so bad that the audience would stop identifying with them, since they might be our Rory and Amy for the season.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:17 am

I think it was more of a "I put my foot in my mouth and I don't want to admit I'm wrong so I'll put it on you" situation. Which they then tried to work out twice more before it actually worked out.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RobotSamurai » Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:05 pm

I'm really enjoying Capaldi.

I've just watched Time Heist and avoiding spoilers I really enjoyed the episode. Certainly better than RobinHood episode. I just hope the writers don't get pressured into making The Doctor calmer and nicer.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:26 am

The latest episode had quite a bit of Danny in it...I'm not so sure about this actor yet. He seems way too subdued and drowsy most of the time, and I don't know if it's poor acting or poor direction. On the other hand, when he was getting into a shouting match with the Doctor, I thought he was fantastic.

I didn't like the solution of "use gymnastics to defeat the most powerful thing in the universe (this week)" was really silly and completely out of left field. Other than that five second sequence, I thought the episode was great, as have been all the Capaldi episodes.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:09 pm

Aw, I was all "Teenage Mutant Ninja Danny FTW!" :lol: I'm not sure it would be funny on a second viewing, but I was amused.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:29 am

RocketScientist wrote:Aw, I was all "Teenage Mutant Ninja Danny FTW!" :lol: I'm not sure it would be funny on a second viewing, but I was amused.
Well now it's funny to me, because I'm imagining it with his theme song.
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:17 am

"Teachers on a half shell... Danny Power!"

I liked it, though I'll have to watch it another time through. My roommates (hubby included) chatted through half of it so I couldn't hear) Grrr....
"This is my therapy dragon, she's for my panic attacks. I attack, everyone panics." (Quote found on

"If I have a +2 strength sword and I stab you, you won't get a +2 strength, you get wounds" ~Sir Butcher

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:13 pm

Wolfie wrote:"Teachers on a half shell... Danny Power!"

I liked it, though I'll have to watch it another time through. My roommates (hubby included) chatted through half of it so I couldn't hear) Grrr....
That calls for a little trick I like to call "lots of violence until the voices stop".
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:52 am

Liesmith wrote:
Wolfie wrote:"Teachers on a half shell... Danny Power!"

I liked it, though I'll have to watch it another time through. My roommates (hubby included) chatted through half of it so I couldn't hear) Grrr....
That calls for a little trick I like to call "lots of violence until the voices stop".
6 year old in the room prevented that from occurring, otherwise, I agree. >:D
"This is my therapy dragon, she's for my panic attacks. I attack, everyone panics." (Quote found on

"If I have a +2 strength sword and I stab you, you won't get a +2 strength, you get wounds" ~Sir Butcher

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:35 am

See, it's much better with the theme song.

I watched it again last night with my son, who wasn't around when we watched it the first time. Ninja Danny was still amusing. But yeah, I can see how that would be a :wtf: moment if you take it seriously. Because yeah. Cowabunga.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:38 am

You can't take Doctor Who seriously...

"There's been... a spillage"
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"If I have a +2 strength sword and I stab you, you won't get a +2 strength, you get wounds" ~Sir Butcher

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:16 pm

Just watched this week's. That was... weird. :o_O:

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:41 am

Loved the yo-yo... good throw back to Baker.
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"If I have a +2 strength sword and I stab you, you won't get a +2 strength, you get wounds" ~Sir Butcher

"How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them." ~Benjamin Franklin

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