Civilization Tweaks and Ideas

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Aegis J Hyena
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Posts: 4305

Civilization Tweaks and Ideas

Post by Aegis J Hyena » Sat May 03, 2014 7:53 pm

Posting them here as-is for anyone to swipe, warp, or blatantly mutate or melt to their advantage. These'll be in the next Civilization I make, probably around September (I -may- say fuck it and start in late june, depending on how the end of this month goes and if the landlord shows up.) Not checkin' for responses, go to the discussion thread in the Games forum for that.





.[tabs: Antennae] The Civilization has visible antennae that sense surroundings as well as invisibility, making it very difficult to sneak up on. On the other hand, if the antennae are cut off, all other senses are severely impaired... and your enemy will know this. Costs two Tweaks.
[tabs: Augmentation] The Civilization has augmented physical and mental capabilities thanks to an outside source. On the other hand, if you've got the gifts, other civilizations might get them as well or covet you as slaves!
[tabs: Claws] The Civilization has razor sharp claws that deal +1 wound and can be used for digging. Can be taken multiple times to increase the damage. On the other hand, "magical" metals (especially Mithril, enchanted gold, and dragon scales) cannot be pierced through.
[tabs: Dragon's Blood] The Civilization's members are descendants of an ancient Wyrm, 1 in 3 is related to the dragon directly, 1 in 20 has markings declaring heritage, 1 in 35 has Scales (armor, elemental resistance), 1 in 70 has large wings for flight, 1 in 90 has Breath; PCs will have a 1 in 5 chance to have any or all five of these. On the other hand, you may suffer the same weaknesses dragons have (greed, elemental attacks, Familicide, etc).
[tabs: Extra Arms] The Civilization has an extra pair of arms to help with the heavy lifting (+5 Strength, +1 wound). on the other hand, other civilizations don't have these extra arms, thus their clothes, armor and otherwise aren't suited to you.
[tabs: Fuzzy] Your Civilization comes equipped with a thick layer of fur, protecting from the elements to an extent. Can be taken multiple times to increase the elemental resistance. On the other hand, -you- try wearing clothes and armor over such thick fur; in a hot environment this could be trouble!
[tabs: Giant] The Civilization is 50% bigger in size than normal, allowing access to larger than man-sized weapons and technologies which enable you to both deal more damage as well as be able to take more damage (+3 Wounds). On the other hand, have you ever tried building homes for an entire tribe of giants? Things get expensive. Cancels and is canceled by Stunty.
[tabs: Hooves] The Civilization has large hooves in place of feet. Deals +1 wound in combat (a kick attack). On the other hand, normal and magical boots are out of the question, though horseshoes are not.
[tabs: Horns] The Civilization has horns that can be used to headbutt, to knock back enemies and break down fortifications. Can be taken multiple times to increase the size and stacks with the Horns racial power of Minotaurs. On the other hand the horns are seen as very valuable in magic use, and therefore you may be hunted for them.
[tabs: Large Bone Plates] The Civilization has armor-boosting bone plates along its body, arms and legs, like a pangolin. On the other hand, all this extra bone is very heavy, slowing you down and you can't wear most forms of armor.
[tabs: Lycanthropy] 20% of the Civilization's population is a Were(mammal, chosen randomly), with power based on the animal rolled. On the other hand, this is not the controllable type of lycanthropy (nor will there be one!) :P
[tabs: Powered By Death] The Civilization gets a great deal of spiritual and regenerative power from killing mortal things. On the other hand, like any other addictive drug, the death must constantly flow and sooner or later sacrificing your own people will not be enough to sustain you.
[tabs: Powered By Pain] The Civilization gets power from physical pain, bolstering their offensive and defensive capabilities (wound resistance and a bonus to saving throws). On the other hand, such constant pain ruins your social life (-20 to all rolls) and you attract Demons.
[tabs: Scaled] Your Civilization has scales, which adds natural armor and a minor resistance to arrows. On the other hand, you're also weaker against those things that traditionally harm dragons.
[tabs: Spiny] The Civilization has evolved spines. This allows damage on contact, like a porcupine. On the other hand, the spines don't regrow and you can't wear most forms of armor.
[tabs: Stunty] The Civilization's only about 50% as big as they should be in size. This means you can fit and fight in tight spaces where others cannot reach. On the other hand, small size makes you easy to injure (+1 wound to all injuries) and you can't wield bigger things. Cancels and is canceled by Giant.
[tabs: Taur] You're quadraped, not biped. You have a greater constitution and health (+2 Wounds) and can move at a faster speed. On the other hand, large size like this will require greater amounts of food (40% greater).
[tabs: Thick Skull] The Civilization's evolved to have a very thick skull. This protects against mental effects and being knocked out or psychically assaulted. On the other hand, such skulls are valuable for magic theory and study, thus you may be hunted.
[tabs: Tiny] The Civilization is 33% normal size, which means less space is needed to live and it's easy to hide from one's enemies. On the other hand, -everything- looks big to a tiny creature and that presents its own problems. Stacks with Stunty (reducing you to 15% size and +2 wounds to injuries) but is canceled by Giant.
[tabs: Venomous] The Civilization packs a potent poison, by bite, claws or blood. Stacks with Lizard Man venom. On the other hand, surrounding civilizations will already know you're poisonous and will have taken steps to antidote it (varying degrees of success).[/tabs]




Here's a list of racial ideas. Enjoy and steal as required or needed.

As a general rule:

HUMANOIDS are uncomfortable around Lawful Races, and afraid of Big Guys.
LAWFUL RACES are uncomfortable around Humanoids and openly dislike outcasts (but not enough for open fighting at the start). If there are two or more Lawful Races, they will attempt to tag-team the Humanoids into subservience and enslave the Outcasts.
BIG GUYS don't like each other, and especially dislike Outcasts (open fighting at the start is possible). They will bully Humanoids but not directly harm them. Two or more Big Guys is dangerous; three or more is asking for trouble.
OUTCASTS are uncomfortable around Lawful Races, and are afraid of Big Guys.
Skaven hate everyone and are hated equally in return.









It's Always Something. No, don't give me that look. It's Always Something.

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