A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welcome
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A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welcome
Hey all.
So, me and some other users on this forum are currently writing a story. This story is taking place in a huuuge world that we are building as we play...
But we have talked back and forth, and have decided, why not give you guys access to the world also?
So we decided to do that.
So in this thread you will find, maps, a settings description, and all the lexicon entries we have made for the world so far. All this will be divided into multiple posts.
Aside from this OP, there will be the following posts (from me) after them, feel free to add suggestions/comments.
The Index post.
This one will contain links to all the other posts below. This is mostly for order.
A post containing maps:
This post will contain all ÔÇ£acceptedÔÇØ maps. It will start by containing 3 maps:
One map is a blank world; you may take that and use it for... whatever... IÔÇÖll use if for a strategy game later on anyways... so.. If you feel like using it for anything, feel free.. And IÔÇÖd love to hear about it.
Another world map has places names that correspond with the story we are writing and the entries in the lexicon that are accepted.
And a third map is just a small dungeon map that we have encountered in the story so far.
Then there will be a settings post:
The settings will not be updated unless some major holes in it are found, but mainly, it is static.
Lexicon posts:
These will be multiple posts, one for each ÔÇ£categoryÔÇØ in the lexicon... Lexicon posts will be updated with all accepted entries from the lexicon, both our own, and any suggestions you people make that gets accepted.
So, me and some other users on this forum are currently writing a story. This story is taking place in a huuuge world that we are building as we play...
But we have talked back and forth, and have decided, why not give you guys access to the world also?
So we decided to do that.
So in this thread you will find, maps, a settings description, and all the lexicon entries we have made for the world so far. All this will be divided into multiple posts.
Aside from this OP, there will be the following posts (from me) after them, feel free to add suggestions/comments.
The Index post.
This one will contain links to all the other posts below. This is mostly for order.
A post containing maps:
This post will contain all ÔÇ£acceptedÔÇØ maps. It will start by containing 3 maps:
One map is a blank world; you may take that and use it for... whatever... IÔÇÖll use if for a strategy game later on anyways... so.. If you feel like using it for anything, feel free.. And IÔÇÖd love to hear about it.
Another world map has places names that correspond with the story we are writing and the entries in the lexicon that are accepted.
And a third map is just a small dungeon map that we have encountered in the story so far.
Then there will be a settings post:
The settings will not be updated unless some major holes in it are found, but mainly, it is static.
Lexicon posts:
These will be multiple posts, one for each ÔÇ£categoryÔÇØ in the lexicon... Lexicon posts will be updated with all accepted entries from the lexicon, both our own, and any suggestions you people make that gets accepted.
-Best regards LAYF
- Discussion Moderator
- Posts: 7100
- Location: 5 degrees to the north of the first point on the last square!
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Re: A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welc
Maps.-Blank world map
-World map
-Random dungeon 001
-Magic and magic items:
-Teleportation and dimensional travel.
-The world, what youÔÇÖd like to know
-The world we live in
-The mountains that divide us.
-The West
-The East
-The encounters of the world
-Economy, Gold, silver, and trade goods .
-Time line
-Special and legendary places and locations
-People and cultures I A-N
-People and cultures II O-Z
-Beasts and monsters
-Flowers, Fungi and Trees
-Items of note, legends and magic
-Creatures of legend and myth
-Healing flowers and floating stones
-Myths, stories, poems and tales of legends
-Words, slang and phrases.
- Discussion Moderator
- Posts: 7100
- Location: 5 degrees to the north of the first point on the last square!
- Contact:
Re: A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welc
[anchor=001 goto=001]Blank world map[/anchor]
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- Discussion Moderator
- Posts: 7100
- Location: 5 degrees to the north of the first point on the last square!
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Re: A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welc
(This was written to the players in our game, feel free to use it as you wish)[anchor=0014 goto=0014]Basics[/anchor]
The game world we play in is divided into two regions, separated by a wide mountain range, that not only would take a month to cross on foot, but is also barren for all life, safe the demons rumored to be there. at the start of the story, everything is going one on the West side.
The East side of this world is much a typical DnD world where the rare high level characters are around level 12-14. and monsters are all the way up to epic level CR.
Everyone on the East side save a few selected Elves and Dwarfs believes the whole West side to be a barren wasteland, only habitable by demons worse than any evil known in the East. And the few Elves and Dwarfs that knows the truth have made sure that Dwarfs and Elves owns all the regions next to the mountains, making sure that nothing gets past, one way or the other! Why? Well because of the demons of course.
more in ÔÇ£The EastÔÇØ chapter
The West side on the other hand is inhabited mainly by humans, in fact, humans are so dominant that most believe the other civilised races to be a thing of either myth, legend or if anything the past.
Magic is not unknown but rare, rare to a degree where only the nobility and royalty may wield it or grant permission to wield it in the rare case that happens.
This law is most places upheld by a seasonal test of every people conducted in their birth town. if found to be a mage, on will be hunted by the law, and the punishment is hard and lethal, albeit the method varies from place to place.
Magic items are a bit more common than magic and actually not illegal to own or use (depending on the use of course), but still rare. no one creates magic items any more on the west side, no one knows how. and as a result of that, anything more powerful than the simplest cantrip will most likely already be in the hands of the nobilities.
More on this in ÔÇ£The WestÔÇØ chapter
[anchor=015 goto=015]Races:[/anchor]
First things first. The most important thing is the story, not what you are, but who you are.
Second, there are some races on one side of the mountains that are not found or are really rare on the other.
The known civilized races are:
Humans, by far the most numerous race on both sides of the mountains. humans fills all kinds of positions and functions it both nations.
Half elves, Some nobles of the nation Togen in the west claims to be of elven descend, barring that they are not true elves, half elves must have existed at some point for their claim to be true!
On the east side half elves are seen by far most elves as an insult to their bloodline, and if you ask them, they will deny they exists. but they do, in fact there is a whole community of them, but the location is a well guarded secret.when among humans they often pose as elves, and when among elves, well, they try to avoid that.
Physically and mentally half elves ranges between humans and elves to such a degree that some are indistinguishable from one of their ancestors race. but somehow, true elves always seems to know. the life span of a half elf is commonly between 70 and 130 years, but some have been known to pass just over 200 others seems to die of old age already at 50.
Elves, No elves are known to exist on the west side, so if any do exists, it is a mystery how they have survived for so long unnoticed. They are largely believed to be a thing of myths or legends among the common folk and a thing of the past among the royals.
in the East elves on the other hand are a common race, in fact three of the seven true nations in the east is ruled by elves, all of them being right up to the mountain range that separates the east and west. humans of the east sees the elves as aloof and as someone who think themselves better than all other. Dwarfs seem to have some unexplainable way of always keeping peace with the elves, even if the two races seems to disagree on all aspects of life.
The elves themselves can range much in personality, but it is true that a large fraction of them believes other races to be weaker and more impure than them. physically they stand about the same height as men, but is never seen to be either tall or suffer from lack of same.
Far most elves keep a fit and slender body no matter what their profession and background are. When it comes to war and magic elves seems to avoid its practice when possible, but if needed, most will soon realise why the elves refer to both as an art that should not be wasted on trivial matter! for the same reason, elven adventures are a rare thing indeed, and those few that are known are all seen as outsiders among their people, not worthy of a home or family. But should one fall to the darkness of death, he can expect the same burial as his ancestors.
Elves tends to take up only one hobby and profession, and applies its teachings to all other aspects of their up to 280 years long life.
Dwarfs, are believed to be a thing of legend or myth in the West, with one exception; In the nation of Togen the Royal history records states that Renwild and Gunnwild the last descendants of Orwild the dwarf, died only 81 years ago, both fell in battle according to the text, after serving in the royal guard for 92 years. Statues of the brothers stands in the capital of Togen, and some places, prayers are given to them in times of war and battle. but aside from that, none are known to exist.
in the East, this as with the elves is another matter. Dwarfs are found as merchants and blacksmiths in near all major cities and these are mostly liked by the common folk. and the three nations by the white top range that are not ruled by elves, are all ruled by dwarfs.
If you make friend of a Dwarf, you have a friend for life goes a saying in the east. among both humans and elves, the hospitality, kindness and honor of the Dwarfs are reknown. and it is not without reason. Far most dwarfs would rather shave off their beard then turn down a friend or family member in need, and that is not a thing they would do lightly. Gambling and festivals seems to come as a natural part of a dwarfs life, and if too long goes on without a good fest or at least good times on the local inn with friends, dwarfs seems to get grumpy and isolated.
But when the kindness and hospitality of the dwarfs has been named along their honor, one must also name their stubbornness, grudges and sometimes hatred that follows!
If you wish to make trades with a dwarf, prepare to haggle! Haggling seems to be a much enjoyed tradition among dwarfs, and while a dwarf will always be glad to take your gold, just paying what is asked is seen as a sign of being weird in a bad way or weak at best. so you must prepare to come again later, or the next day if you wish to make a good bargain. If you somehow manages to get on the wrong side of a dwarf, he will remember for a lifetime and so will his kids and following generations! luckily the hatred does not seem to pass one to your family, and even better, your lifetime is probably shorter than the dwarfs.
Of the physique of dwarfs is commonly that of a well sized barrel given a head, arms and legs. Dwarfs are wide in build, not necessary fat, but definitely big over the shoulders. the normal dwarf stands two heads lower than a human, but rare dwarfs are found that rivals the height of an average human. while dwarfs are pride and normally would say they are just the right size, these giants among them seems to enjoy much attention and affection.
they live to be over 150 years old normally, but it seems that there is no natural limit to it. If a dwarf gets well over 170, they tend to get crazy or even mad, slowly losing their mussels and weight along with their wits. The oldest known dwarf is Rowen the old, a hermit that lives in the most eastern mountains of known lands. he is said to be at least 700 years old, and filled with hatred for all things living or dead. if he is seen people report that they saw him walking around his cave, setting up one of his hundreds of deadly traps or throwing a corpse of an unlucky visitor out from a cliff nearby. This madness now known as the madness of the old hermit has lead to a tradition among dwarfs, if they live to be 149 years old, they will go to the coast where they have an agreement with the elves to sail them to the far north, where they will go in land on the edges of the wide top range, and here they will seek out a death in battle!
Other races are not accepted at this time, and no civilized versions of them is believed to exist. so a reason to play one of these needs to be rooted in a really good story and ability to continue it.
[anchor=016 goto=016]Classes.[/anchor]
does not exists.
that is the short of it. there are no classes, no Barbarian special abilities or Wizards spell list.
We wish to make a living world here. a living colorful world where words as levels and constitution checks are forgotten.
You can use Dungeon and Dragons, but only as a source of inspiration.
We would love, no! make that require that you make a short description of her talents and abilities or write it as parts of her background, or even better, both, and then show us in the game itself.
[anchor=004 goto=004]Magic and magic items:[/anchor]
In the regards of magic of any kind, you can expect magic to be as described in DnD or even if you have other sources like WoD we would like to hear you out. Just remember that there is a difference in how such things are accepted/viewed/avaliable between the west and east side of the world. and when using magic, we wants it to be a special feeling, a well described thing, a thing of wonder, we want it to be an art! if the spell is a horror scene from one of the greatests stage performances ever or a musical that makes lawyers weep is up to you
but how it works, where it comes from and such, well
In the West, it is believed that there are only 3 ways either by a bloodline with mages, by stalling (or been giving) it, or by making deals with devils. And according to believe, the law and more than 500 years of official records, only the nobility and royalty has magic in their bloodline, and thus, anyone not given magic by them must either have stolen it or made deals with devils to gain it, A crime punished most severely!
In the East there are many beliefs and theories of how magic appears in an individual, some say its the gods gifts, some that it requires years of study and others that it is randomly happening, but common knowledge will tell you that it is at least true that it can run in the family, be taken, given or dealt with devils to gain! as such, magic by it self is not illegal in most places here, it is its way of practice and source that determines its legal status.
Arcane; this is the most widely known kind of magic, some say its a question of will and knowledge, some that it is inherited or even gifts and others that it must be taken.
Divine magic; while many believe in gods, and some holy warriors and nature worshippers do possess what looks to be divine magic, there is no telling if it is truly from the gods.
True naming; no mortal is known to posses the true name of another being. but there are few rumors and myths about Elves who knows the true name of items and natural materials. having a power over them that no other has.
Psionics; is an unknown idea in this world, and if anyone really wants this, it would fall in under the Arcane magic believed to be a question of will.
Elemental magic; This would fall under either the arcane or divine part above.
Animal magic; As elemental either under divine or arcane.
Necromancy: the magic of becoming and controlling undead. This magic is inaccessible except through secret and dark rites through which evil forces, often of the devils, are contacted and a bond is made. This magic comes with great power but demands an even higher price, which is the prime reason it fell out of use and was lost in the halls of history.
Resurrection: Death is permanent. Period.
Summoning magic: It is possible to use Arcane, Divine or Necromantic magic to call upon beings, even those of other planes. but how they get there is another question...
A ÔÇ£Call of the wolfÔÇØ spell would compel the nearest wolf to come to your aid, but it would have to run to you. A ÔÇ£Summon impÔÇØ Would do the same with an, but he too would have to get to you somehow, if you are lucky, the imp can cast planeshift and is one of the few half demons that has been on our plane so he can use it. but if not, he would have to fly here through a dimensional gate (see teleportation and dimensional travel above).
Demons and Angels cannot be summoned to our plane, as they cannot live here.
[anchor=005 goto=005]Teleportation and dimensional travel.[/anchor]
is possible, but there is the limit that you must know exactly where you are and where you wish to go. and by knowing exactly, I mean that you have must have traveled from where you are to where you want to be. if not, things can go horribly wrong with everything from a simple displacement to well multiple displacements!
So to get to another dimension you must have been there somehow, there are dimensional gates between the planes, but traveling them is connected with great risk, and not just because of the natives, but also the journey itself, and this risk seems to scale with the power of the traveler.
As an effect of this, outsiders of any kind are somewhere between rare and non existent on any plane.
Some one who have been to another plane before can try a planeshift like spell, but the location he would end up would be relative to the location he currently was on his home plane.
[anchor=006 goto=006]The world, what youÔÇÖd like to know[/anchor]
The first and most important thing to remember here is that in this game, you make just as much of the story as the GMs do. The reason this document is here at all is mostly to provide a framework for you to build on. The world layout is preset, but only to a degree, there is lots of space for a new town by the seaside, or an unknown monster roaming the tunnels and hallways of an underground civilization, lost many hundred years ago.
With that in mind, the most important thing in the world layout you must remember is the divide between east and west. We will cross this gap at some point in the story, but for now, everything should be considered part of the West and the way it is there, including your character and his items. and you should also read the other established characters before making your own, so that you may find out how yours will fit best in and at the same time stand out as a memorable and person!
[anchor=007 goto=007]The world we live in[/anchor]
For a basic layout of the world, please look into the ÔÇ£world mapÔÇØ above.
The world is divided into 3 parts. The East, A mountain range that goes from north to south and the West. This is not the whole world, but it is the known continent, and by most (All that we will encounter in the first book/game at least) is considered to be the whole reachable world.
The mountains is a huge barrier of near inhabited conditions, containing both deadly cold and dangerous passes, few resources and if legends are to believed, demons.
The West is a place with less than 1000 years of real know history but many thousand years of legends and myths. as a common rule, people here fear magic, if they believe it.
The East is in contrast a place with no distinguishing between legends and history, the existance of magic, elves and dwarfs is a fact of life known for many millennia, no matter what people think of it.
[anchor=008 goto=008]The mountains that divide us.[/anchor]
From north to south, a huge mountain range counts down the middle of the known continent, people on each side have lived without contact for at least 1000 years according to recorded history and legends. To cross over the mountains would take at least a month on foot. no one has yet managed to sail around them, and going under them, well, the dwarfs did build tunnels so they could walk the distance in only 1┬¢-2 weeks instead of a month.ÔǪ butÔǪ no one knows the way!
and there are no pass where all places are big enough for horses to carry you, except one, the ÔÇ£Never pass wasteÔÇØ is a quarter mile wide pass that leads all the way through the mountains, but no one, not even in legends or myth has ever passed through the pass. no one knows what is there, but the earth close to its entrance on both sides is near black, no trees grow there and birds fly around at great length. even the skies seems to be avoiding it!
The people in the West calls the mountains Silver spikes due to a phenomenon that looks like a silver colored aurora, that can be seen at night all year around for people who lives 4-5 days ride from the mountains. legend has it, that the light are the screams of demons that roam the range, hindering any man to follow the elves and dwarfs of myth and legend, by looking for him so they can kill them and free themselves.
On the East side people call them the White top range, and they can only be seen from close to or within either the dwarven or elven nations. The aurora is not visible from here, but so it the highest mountains in the range, covered year around in snow. a great wall with only few gates stretches from the coast in the north, and deep down into the south many weeks travel through an unforgiving desert. on these walls Elves and Dwarfs patrol night and day, looking out that none of the demons that are said to roam all land to the West comes to try and invade the nations of the east. people are not allowed the other way either.
[anchor=009 goto=009]The West[/anchor]
For a basic layout of the west, please look into the ÔÇ£002 the combined nationsÔÇØ in the library. when you have clicked it twice, click the ÔÇ£openÔÇØ button in the lower right corner, this way, when hovering over the map, you will see some yellow squares, these are comments with names of places.
ÔÇ£A thousand years ago, a great war plagued our lands and nations, magic and blood were spilled so the soil soaked in it! We humans wanted to control all nations, and after only a few years, the elves and dwarfs gave it to us! but at a cost, they left us here and took the magic and all its great wonders with them, they left to behind the silver spike mountains, and set Demons to guard the way!ÔÇØ - Old man Bergil, telling his sons children some of the legends of times long past.
The combined nations as all civilized areas to the are called when named together, is a land much close to our own mid-late medieval europe. the only true civilized people known to be here are humans. some few primitive tribes of monstrous humanoids do exist, but they are so rare that it can be five or ten years between any stories of kobolds stealing food and animals from a small village.
As any fantasy, there are of course also the magical legends and myths. in this area, magic is not unknown, but it is a rare thing possessed legally only by nobility and those they allow to wield it, but in general magic is feared and punished hard.
Elves and dwarfs are most places believed to be only myth or at best legends or old. but some do believe them to still exist.
The combined nations are in fact a combination of 3 nations and 11 self governed duchies.
The nations are:
Barkenver to the south West, a nation ruled by a king, queen and their 4 advisors of the people.
The advisers are appointed by the nobility, but must by law not own a official title. the amount of time an adviser is in office is up to the king and queen, but by law, they may only require one replaced each season, and the nobility can remove a chosen from office at any time.
Rennadeer to the North is a nation with a huge army, but barbarians from the north sea take up much of said armys time, so it is not an offensive nation.
Togen in the south is a nation ruled by its nobility, it is also the most superstitious nation, as well as the one that fears magic the leasts, it is however still punished just as hard. it might be of interest that two of its noble houses claim to be descendants of elves from before the big war.
Last is Gilfal, in difference to the rest, Gilfal is not a nation or kingdom, but a huge area divided into eleven self governed duchies. and while they are all much alike, strife and small border disagreements are common among them, but full out war is rare, as none of them are big enough to support it.
[anchor=010 goto=010]The East[/anchor]
For a basic layout of the east, please look into the ÔÇ£002 nations at the white top rangeÔÇØ in the library. when you have clicked it twice, click the ÔÇ£openÔÇØ button in the lower right corner, this way, when hovering over the map, you will see some yellow squares, these are comments with names of places.
[anchor=011 goto=011]The encounters of the world[/anchor]
Animals and plants.
Any animal that you could meet in the real world can also be found in this one. with addition of some that you would never find here. if a creature or plant possesses no intelligence above what they would in real life, and has no magic properties, it is considered plant or animal. if it is outside this, it is either a magical, mythical, or legendary plant, beast or the like.
Magical beasts.
Are one of the most common real ÔÇ£monstersÔÇØ in both the East and the West, not including humanoids and animals. Magical beasts can be a animal from a normal species that somehow has gained magical properties or are born with it such as the Jyrd (Deer) in the lexicon, and it can be a unique animal where the whole species has the same properties, such as a phoenix or dragon.
most magical beasts are no more intelligent or only slightly more intelligent than normal animals, with a few exceptions.
Living ÔÇ£intelligentÔÇØ plants.
Does exists, but with a note to the intelligence, there is no true intelligent plants in this world, only plants that react to their surroundings, deploy magic or the like. some plants may attack you if you get close, others might have a magical aura that makes animals want to find food for them or even be the food. but there are no plants that can plan ahead, make an army to take over the world or hold a conversation with you. If somehow an army of orcs with rotten green skin and flowers growing out of their ears starts to raid the nearby village, it is not a planned attack of the plant, it is at best the orcs still partly alive, that tries to serve a plant that has infected them with the need to feed it.
Monstrous humanoids.
Kobolds and others like that.. In the East they are a common problem. raids happens on a monthly basis and adventures enjoy many rewards for seeking them out to regain what they have stolen.
West they are not unknown, but mostly keeps to themselves in far remote places, and most in tribal like societies, worshipping nature/demons or magical beings.. The stray band of lizard riding kobolds that has an unlucky encounter with a town or a road patrol is a thing that happens only once every fifth year.. or even less often...
Except for thinking the humanoids to be ugly, different, dumb or such, most people would simply not know what to make of it if seeing one... but would probably run from it and call the guards...
ÔÇ£half breedsÔÇØ such as centaurs.
Does not exist. sorry, but no! this is a thing that both SGT and I (LAYF) feels strongly against. all the ÔÇ£I put a human head on a Beatles bodyÔÇØ or this is a goat, but it walks on two legs and carries lazer guns and the like is not an option, not as encounters and especially not as characters
ÔÇ£infectedÔÇØ such as vampires and werewolfs.
Are a group of one animal or other species, that through physical means has been infected with either the properties of another, or with a whole unique set of characteristics, including magical abilities. common for all of them is an unnatural desire for something of others to consume, be it blood of humans, the souls of children or the magic of elves. the needs are different from one type to another, but common for them all is, that by extracting their essence of choice, they in return risks infecting the target, and if they donÔÇÖt feed on the needed substance they go crazy.
None of the ÔÇ£infectedÔÇØ are dead or undead for the matter, they may possess weaknesses or abilities far above or strange from other mortals, but they are mortal and they need to feed and breath, or they will slowly go insane and die.
There are zombies of this kind, but they are not normal. the most normal kind of zombies are the living dead.
The living dead.
The living dead are a result of either ritual magic, deals with devils or magical diseases infecting the body of dead beings, be it animals or humanoids.
Of these the most common is the undead zombie. in difference to the infected the living dead do not need to feed to sustain animation, it is simply a carving or instinct many of them, but not all, have.
Those that are the result of a magical disease tends to be unintelligent instinct driven beings, whereas those who are reanimated through the use of rituals or deals with devils may come in all flavours.
Another difference is that living dead do not transfer their undead situation directly. some such as zombies do indeed have the ability to reinforce their numbers, but it is not by biting the living, it is by spreading their decease to the already dead. this is also why zombies of this kind is often seen in flocks;
If a person who has been in contact with a zombie dies relatively short after the encounter, there are a big chance that the disease is still on his clothings or skin, if he then gets buried in a graveyard, he will rise after a week or two, but at that point, he will have infected the rest of the bodies that are still held together in the other graves, and they will rise shortly after, making for the tell tale problem of first one zombie, then many.
In the East, both magically disease infected, ritually reanimated and those made through devil deals are a problem.
in the West only those made by disease and devil deals are known to exist.
Fay and fairies.
Are so rarely seen that it is believed that they do not fully live in the same plane as us.
The few encounters people have with them reveal them to be strange beings with some humanoid traits, that somehow seem to come out of nothing, and vanish the same, but, people never see it happening, you may see one come out of a room they know to be empty, or walk in behind a tree and not come out the other side, and upon inspection being gone it might happen in the short time you blink, but you will never see them appear or disappear.
When people try to interact with them, their reaction pattern is so strange and alien from ours that were it not for the tool or weapon like items they carry, one would think them unintelligent.
If you fire an arrow at one, they might just rip it out of their body, and start to look at it and around as if they have no idea what it is that is hurting, or where it came from.
And if you try to reach for them, or to be kind, they may just ignore you, may give you a broken arrow, in a way that seems weird to us such as throwing it in the air and expecting you to pick it up, or by set it in your hair. but they may just as well react hostile and eat your hand.
There seems to be no connection between the appearance of them and their behavior, one who looks kind of like a human may behave like a tree just standing still swaying in the wind, and one that looks like a dog may seem to carry tools or weapons and be una hunt with a plant as its hunting dog. there are really no way to predict how the individual fay may react. do there are tales of someone encountering the same fay twice, and in both situations, it was doing exactly the same.
Fay seem to be equally uncommon in the West and the East, but in the West they seem more hostile than in the east, the reason is unknown.
Many dungeons and deep caves are host to monstrous humanoids, strange animals and magical beasts, and the legends of the dwarfs and some few adventures tell of something.. something more, dwelling in the deep.
Devils and Angels.
Do exist, but not any strong ones on this plane.
But first things first, Demons and devils are two different things in this world. Devils are beings from another plane with high powers and no way to survive on our plane. Demons you can read about in the section below.
Most of them require so much magic in the atmosphere that they could simply not survive here. the most lesser ones might be able to handle a few hours stay, but would soon be forced to return, or end up loosing all powers as their bodies require more magic just to function than they could ever get their hold on. there is one little guy who. nah Ill not spoil it.

Angels do not tend to interfere with our world, but Devils do make deals with mortals from time to time, granting them powers or wishes, but the price is always much higher than what is given in return. The reason for them to make these deals is no secret, the legends of it are so many on the east side that even the west side consider it a fact that devils give powers to mortals, so that they may slowly corrupt the world and one day invade it! For this reason, devil worshipping and dealing is seen as one of the worst crimes on both sides. and on the West side
This corruption is also the only reason Angels seem to ever mic in the affairs of our world, praying to them in battle or at the side of a sick persons bed never seems to yield any results, but myths tells of angels giving temporary power to individuals fighting things that has been helped by devils. This not seem to be out of love for the good, but rather just seems to be a personal agenda of the Angles.
Dealing with Devils are one of the three only ways to gain magic abilities according to common believes in the West.
It is also possible for an angel or devil to possess a mortal if some rituals are performed on both the target host and the being seeking to possess it, but these are rare happenings indeed, as the devil or angel will have no other powers than those of the target and their own knowledge, and if the target is salin before they can manage to get free ot the body, they seem to be slain along with them!
Demons: Demons are beings that once were something else, be it animal, human or even trees or stone. but that has by some today unknown magics been changed into something different... insane often.
With the exception of the demons in the mountain range, tales of them are rare indeed on the West side, but it do happen once every odd year or so that someone is found horribly molested and ripped apart in a way that must have been done by a demon, because, if a human or animal has done that, fear should truly be in our hearths.
in the East it is much the same except, the tales say that the demons are not only in the mountain range, but in all land to the west. and attacks by them are a bit more common, as is the weird trophy that adventures from time to time claim to be the remains of a demon they have slain!
Hightech Rats with lasers and dwarfs with snipers.
No, sorry! This is a fantasy world yes, and while we can accept the dwarfs being mechanically more advanced than humans, there must be a limit. the world is set in medieval times and already has magic. Too much tech and it would be steampunk, and while that is all good and fine, it is not the feel we are looking for. so no choppers or jetpacks!
[anchor=012 goto=012]Economy, Gold, silver, and trade goods .[/anchor]
Money makes the world go around an old saying goes. and that is also true in this one.
Both in the east and the west copper and silver are the most common material used in currency production. but other materials or even common goods and magic items are also commonly used as payment.
Coins and stable currency.
the value of this currency depends on the weight of the coinage. but the common rule is:
1 small copper coin = 1 apple in value.
1 big copper coin = 6 apples. or one dark rye bread (called a commoners bread)
1 small silver coin = 4 dark rye bread, 1 light wheat bread or a simple metal tool such as a fire poker or arrow head.
1 big silver coin = 5 light wheat bread or a ÔÇ£specially madeÔÇØ metal tool such as a pincer, a scissor one the required much metal.
1 gold coin = 12 specially made tools, a sword or 1 years pay for a soldier.
the gold coin had only 1 standard size most places, as its value was too big to risk mistakes in trade.
In the West, known as the combined nations, we use the naming of coins as follows:
small copper = copper head or a head.
big copper = copper crown or a crown.
small silver = silver head.
big silver = silver crown.
gold coin = most places name their gold coins after the current regent of the area, since his name is often portrayed on the coin. another name is ÔÇ£A mans worthÔÇØ due to the coin being the same as a years pay for a soldier.
An interesting thing to note is that if two regents are at war or at bad odds with each other, it is not uncommon for one to outlaw the coin of the other (usually only the gold and silver), in the best cases confiscating any such coins found, and in the worst punishing the owner for treason.
it may also be noted that special soldiers, such as cavalry or army officers would earn more. typically 1 gold a year for each year of service. with some upper limit set around 10-15.
Another type of stable currency is what is called a Rod.
A rod is mostly used by merchants that travels between nations, to avoid the risk of accusation should one regent decide to attack another.
A rod is a very accurately made staff or ÔÇ£stringÔÇØ of either copper, silver or gold (the later being really rare) and takes up the value of 10 times the big coins of the same material.
Each rod is made with a core of either wood or other light material such as a string of yarn, and is cut into 20 sections of equal size and weight that can be taken apart by breaking or cutting the core. thus 1 section is worth half the value of a big coin of the same size.
The average value of coinage is 20% less in the east than in the west, due to the higher access to both magic spells and magical tools.
Goods, Gems, jewelry and magic items.
Goods are a common item to use for trade, but both Gems, Jewelry and rare or magic items can also be used as a commodity, but only right in the places, unless you are willing to trade for less than ideal value.
A good idea if the possibility is available to you is to find someone who specializes in the goods you carry. that, or you need to be good at haggling. the second best option is probably to sell it at a marchants or adventurers guild, these are often available in any capital and some big cities!
[anchor=013 goto=013]Time line[/anchor]
> -12.000 Beginning
> -12.000- to -10.500 Creation
> -10.000 The creator decides to make the dragons
> -10.000 to -6.000 Dragons run the world by their energy
> -6.000 Dragons go to sleep
Ôëê -3.500 Digging down reveals dragons
Ôëê -3.500 to -2.000 elf/dwarf build Ulzirgist
Ôëê -3.000 Humans revolt and becomes ÔÇ£civilizedÔÇØ
Ôëê -1.400 Dwarfs go bad (some)
Ôëê -1.250 Humans start to go bad
Ôëê -1.200 Elves+dwarfs fight to correct but fails (elven magic :S)
Ôëê -1.000 The fall/Silver Rope debacle
Ôëê -1.000 Splitting of east/west (no trade/communication/etc)
= -800 till present Recent history
- pressent time Our game time
In the beginning of time itself there was nothing in our plane, it was an empty void! But then came the creator! and out of nothing it pulled earth and sky, fire and ice! It created the world we now live in with all there is! But it was a static world, never changing, never what the creator wanted it to be at all.
So it created the twelve dragons to make the world spin, to make the trees grow, animals age and the seas rise and fall. So great was the power of the first dragons that even when they went to sleep, the world kept changing and forever spinning!
Millennia passed and all was well in the world. The elves and dwarfs raised to build kingdoms of untold beauty and size with the help of their human servants. But the dwarves dug deep, so deep that they revealed two of the sleeping dragons, they did not know this, but this should change the world forever!
Elves and dwarfs together build two impressive labyrinths inside dungeons that reached far down towards the dragons, in 1.500 years the elves worked on the top of the prison not meant to keep anyone in, but everyone out! adding magic and spells to keep it forever lasting! The Dwarfs worked on dungeons beneath it, adding traps and places to keep deadly animals and beasts to release when the project was done, but it was forever growing and never finished.
And while the Elves and Dwarfs build, their human servants was set to clear the caves below for any dangers that may destroy the prison or awaken the dragons! But the humans were exposed to the energies of the dragons too much and for too long. and they changed, they evolved, they gained magic of their own and they revolved against their masters to be free!
The humans triumphed! Elves and dwarfs agreed to help them build nations of their own both in east and west, and with that, piece again rose in the lands of old! no longer were humans pets of the Elves and dwarfs, but friends on equal footing!
More than a thousand years later, a unknown dwarf clan of the bloodlines first to reach the dragons began to change, not by body, but by mind, they hatched plans, and they began to create new items, items with gold and gems from the mines of the dragons! and they sold them to the humans in the west, for the humans was easy to lure!
The items started to change man, and man became corrupted and aggressive, so aggressive that he began to rage war with spells against the Dwarfs and elves. So was the plan of the unknown Dwarf clans, to go to their kings and tell them ÔÇ£See, the humans cannot be trusted! He is free but he wages war against us still!ÔÇØ
But the Kings of Dwarfs would not destroy and imprison man again, they wished to aid them! So they turned to the elves and asked for help again, this time to save man from the darkness that lived in him, to show him the light of peace! and the elves agreed, One Elven Lord of a now unknown house Came with all his mages, and they tried to wave a spell to calm man again, so that they may talk to them and keep pease!
Yet as the spell started to take hold in man, it was clear that something was wrong! While many were calmed and laid down arms again, not all was good, because the greatest mages of man started to change, and soon did also the average mage among them! And when they changed, it was not just in mind, but also body, they started to twist and warp into monstrous forms! The first Demons of men was created!
Soon demons roamed the lands, killing human, elves and dwarf alike! and while all fought back, the Elves and dwarfs soon gave up and wanted to flee past the mountains into the east where there were no reports of demons! As they fled over the mountains, The dwarfs mined free the silver and mithril on their way, rising statues and inscribing runes as they were instructed by the elves!
And the elves turned on the top of the mountains and started to chant, they made a ritual so strong that its magic was fueled by the pure metals in mountain! A great veil of silvery light flew up into the sky from all along the mountain range, and the silver and mithral in the mountains began to shine with a pale silvery light, as the elves continued to flee, the one unknow Elven lord and his sworn seven protectors kept watching.
The plan seemed to work, as the first of the demons started to follow, the silver veil formed long ropes and leached unto them, binding them so they could not follow! Cheering The elven lord and his men began to turn, but then they heard it! Screams and cries for help! Some of the humans that they believed to have been lost had followed them, trying to also flee! It was horrible, as they got to close the demons in the silver ropes jumped at them! Flying skin from flesh! Some of the humans defended themselves and their families with magic and was close to make it to the other side, Then the worst thing imaginable happened!
The veil again started to form silver ropes, and the Elven lord could only watch as they leached unto the human mages, holding them, and as their families tried to drag the free, they began to change! The elven magic mixed with the corruption in them and turned them to demons, ripping the heads and hearts from their own! The Elven Lord and his sword seven decided to never let anyone, human, elf or dwarf know the horrible truth!
When the Elven lord reached his kin and the dwarfs on the other side, he told them that the veil had worked, that it had stopped the demons that followed, but also that he was sad to inform that he had seen the west start to burn, that the last living things down there was lost to the corruption, that nothing but demons lived there anymore!
And so, most of the West history was lost along with its greatest mages! many magical beasts had fell to the demons before the last was slain! Slowly, human began to regain strength in the west, slowly he recovered, but what truly happened he does not know, only the Poem of the fall is left to tell some of the truth!
The Dwarven clan that had started the corruption was never identified or even suspected, maybe they have all subcome to madness, or maybe, they still walk among us to this day!
The linage of the elven lord and his sworn seven are still among us, who they are are unknown, but it is them who makes sure that the wall along white top range is forever defended, and that no one, Demon, men, dwarf or elf will pass it!
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Re: A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welc
Yep, lexicon below.- LAYF
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Re: A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welc
Details of the world layout.A
Aelindor (City)
This place is big, and alive. There is always something going on, but thats because we are in the prime spot for adventurers to stop for a rest or to get some quality magic items if you know what I mean. It used to be a kingdom, but nobody does that anymore.well nobody but those stodgy guys out west. The city is run by an elected council and everybody does their piece to make sure the city stays safe and running. So we don't have an army or a city guard or anything like that. If anyone is stupid to try and attack the city...well it would not end well. But then again, because there is no guard, nobody really says much when feuds between citizens, or perhaps businessmen, turn lethal. The council has some guys they call in when there is trouble, but I have never seen them. Just the destruction they leave in their wake. Thats warning enough to not get on the councils bad side. Life is good in Aelindor. Just the way it should be. - Magic Eddie
Alliance, The
Apacola, Lake (Tentative)
ÔÇ£Largest Lake in Togen, way down to the south sits in some damn thick forestÔÇØ -Helpful Old Man in a pup someplace
Apachlacia (River) (Tentative)
ÔÇ£Well its the long river that runs from the Fog Sea up to Lake TikiÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pup someplace
Apachlacia (city) (Tentative)
ÔÇ£City there where the Apachlacia enters Apacola LakeÔÇØ - Helpful Old Man in a pup someplace
Arx, (City)
ÔÇ£The Ancient Capital of Leamead it was considered the strongest defensive position in Gilfal, a city built upon a spur of basalt that not even the Keer seemed able to break. And the east was still so steep that three tiers of city walls were just cut out of native rock. Currently the administrative headquarters of Protectorate for the area, for those who possess it control both the flow of goods along the Keer and the Nor above their meeting. It is remarkable for the ancient half timbered structures and palace that occupy the old part of the city.ÔÇØ -A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 5 Leamead
ÔÇ£Rothfuss Shepherd knew that Arx had drained too much of his peopleÔÇÖs sweat and blood, too much of their gold to be of any worth. It was Arx merchants who had sold them to Refort for all that silver. It was Arx merchants who had paid so little for the common manÔÇÖs wool just to sell it even higher prices in the city market to foreign buyers. It was the city where the men were paid with the rural folks taxes to build palaces of carved stone. For all the beauty of the palace, it represented the hard work of people in the fields, bled to pay for such extravagance. So Rothfuss Shepherd leased it to the greedy Haradarem but they tricked him and say now that he sold it. Sold it along with the Arxlands, as though any man would be so foolish! And so now they sit there, holding what is rightfully ours. Using the forged signature of an illiterate man, betraying him long after his death. I call for men not to bring glory to me, but to demand that the Duke of Hardarem and his council stop lying about my beloved Grandfather! Rothfuss the Great gave all for Leamead, and now in death he has need of worthy men to repay that debt. I will raise a blade to avenge him, though it should cost me my very lifeblood! Who among you would stand beside me?ÔÇØ -Rothfuss II rallying support for his new army.
ÔÇ£Little more than a country village and military garrison in the decaying ruins of a formerly great city. Nothing of interest but the ferry.ÔÇØ - TraderÔÇÖs Guide
ÔÇ£Thats the fortress town that sits on the border with Barkenevar and the main way to pass between themÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
ÔÇ£The town that sits on the north end of Bard Lake. Someone says that it was founded by Bards for Bards. But likely it was just named that ÔÇÿcause it sits on Bard Lake.ÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Bard Lake
ÔÇ£The large lake in Northern Togan, donÔÇÖt ask me why it is called Bard Lake, maybe they throw Bad Bards in it or somethingÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Carasta (City)
ÔÇ£Home of the Bazaar of Carasta, where a trader can find goods made of Rennadeer iron, Bathium Copper, Leamead Wool, and almost anything made from something from somewhere else. The only thing made from native Hardarem materials are the stone bowls, the cider, and the whiskey. And all know that Hardarem whiskey is wanted everywhere.ÔÇØ - Traders Guide
ÔÇ£It is said that there are more distilleries in Hardarem than anywhere in the world. And that all whiskey, if properly made, would be made in Carasta its capital. A city which lies on cliffs above the river, but where a good deal of small streams full of pure spring water flow, Carasta is far different that any of the other cities of Haradrem. It is recommended by the author that if one visits Carsasta, visit the Royal Residence and make sure to get a draught of royal whiskey at the Crown Distillery.ÔÇØ
Castle Neva (See Library of Togan)
ÔÇ£An island off the south coast of Togan. I hear only women are allowed thereÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Catalia Island
ÔÇ£Another island off the south cost of Togan. Private Island of the House of KerÔÇØHelpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Cauldron Valley
ÔÇ£Desert valley in far Eastern Togan. So damn hot that you donÔÇÖt want to be there. Only reason there is a river though there is because of all the small springs up and down it.ÔÇØHelpful Old Man in a pub someplace
ÔÇ£The major town, city...that lies at the mouth of the Cauldron Valley. Hence the name CauldrongateÔÇØ
Cinn Island
ÔÇ£Damn Togen and Damn their ownership of Cinn Island. It lays in the Sea of Fog like a diamond sitting in flour. With their control of that place, they control both the supply of cinnamon and pepper. Oh, what I could do with those revenues. Gilfal could finally have a true Queen!ÔÇØ - Advisor to the Queen of Barkenver
Combined nations, The
ÔÇ£A common name used to describe the three nations, Barkenver, Rennadeer and Togen. along with The eleven Duchies of Gilfal. located between the Silver spikes on its eastern side, the Renna Sea on its northern and northwestern side and last The ever fog ocean on its southern southwestern borders. The combined nations also has a major role in the Poem of the fall, all do Barkenver was two other nations at that time, known as Illinvel and KilremarchÔÇØ - History of the Combined nations, volume I.
ÔÇ£The copperbowl is just a valley down there in the very southeast of Togan. But so damn rich in copper that most people donÔÇÖt care the last time it rained.ÔÇØ -Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
ÔÇ£The Darkwald is the Dark forest of the south. It rains there everyday and the foliage is so thick you could have two armies pass each other fifty feet apart. A jungle is what some folks call it.ÔÇØ -Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Duchies of Gilfal (*not all duchies names are added, as IÔÇÖd like the players have a chance to add some themselves)
ÔÇ£Of the Duchies of Gilfal it can be said that there are eleven of them, named* Elbur, Grendell, Hardarem, Leamead, Refort,Ostatia, Lakeland, . They are all located in the middle of the combined nations, right next to the Silver spikes mountains. The climate is varied over both the whole area and year around, while the most southern regions rarely has seen snow it has been there, and while the most northern regions rarely sees a dry summer, it has been known to happen.
Of war, these regions are at one time the most aggressive in the combined nations, and at the same the least. This is contributed to the fact, that while most of them seem eager to steal a little of the others border, it is rare that anyone of them feels strong enough to risk open warÔÇØ - Regions and borders, author unknown.
ÔÇ£Why the duchies decided to name their collected area after an unnatural royal slayer I have no ideaÔÇØ -Rennadeer noble on the history of gilfal
ÔÇ£Gilfal could be said to be the most warlike of the combined nations, and certainly there are more professional soldiers per person therein than in any of the surrounding nations, but it has been decades since any major changes in territory have resulted from conflict, and more than a century since the last that marshalled more than the thousand men. There are many reasons for this, chief among them the memory of RefortÔÇÖs losses in the eighth century after the fall, the result of her southern allies attacking the duchy while itÔÇÖs military was tied up in the north. Beyond the lack of trust and fear of overextension, it can be argued that underneath the veils of resentment, endless disputes, and occasional treachery, there is little will for unfettered war between the Duchies. No fewer than nine of the dukes can trace a relation to more than one of the others, and the noble families often send their daughters to wed in other duchies. On top of this the lower classes also intermingle near the borders, and on some less contentious borders only those responsible for paying a householdÔÇÖs taxes can speak with certainty as to which duchy they inhabit.ÔÇØ -A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 1 No King, No Throne
Dukes lake
ÔÇ£Located in the mid western parts of Rennadeer, Dukes lake is the second largest lake in the combined nations. Its eastern parts are freshwater while the western parts are connected directly to the sea by a multitude of underground rivers and smaller lakes, the force of the tide has turned it into mild salt water, making it one of the best fishing places known to man. The name Dukes lake was given to the waters in the year 452, as a thanks from the high lord of Rennandeer, after the Green Duke had force marched his men by walking in the front with his banner himself all the way from his home region Refort in Gilfal, with the hopes that he could come to the lords aid in the battle against the northern hordes of sea barbarians!ÔÇØ - The records of Gilfal, history of the Green Duke
ÔÇ£ThatÔÇÖs the town the dwarves founded up along the big lake. Never been there myself.ÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
ÔÇ£Eastbay is the major town on Bard Lake, they tend to be focused on shipping either up or down river.ÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Elbur (Duchy)
ÔÇ£Most southern of the Duchies of Gilfal, Elbur is home region to the Order of the Test, and probably the only area that can truly claim to have no mages within their borders, not even among the nobility. Even do the test is also conducted here each season as every place else, No mage has been found in more than two hundred years here, It is believed that all bloodlines with magic has been found and eliminated over the years, and no one gets in without a test, not even nobles or royalty of the three big nations, this way none of its people has the chance to steal magic and anyone even suspected of dealing with devils will be tested.
While many would think such tight control to suppress the freedom and happiness of the people, Elbur is known to be the region with the lowest crime and fear in all of the combined nations.ÔÇØ - Elbur, an example to be followed, by Verdess the 2nd, Wife to Duke ÔÇ£kingÔÇØ Vrrutal the 2nd And Duchess of Elbur.
ÔÇ£Because of its hardline stance against magic, Elbur is often a barrier to cultural exchange between the more liberal Kingdom of Togen and Duchies of Gilfal, especially as no noble carrying magical ability may even pass through the borders.ÔÇØ -A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 11 Elbur
ÔÇ£The Elbur starts in Togen and flows through Elbur to Lakeland. Of course it leads to the Western Gilfal for most traders. Who get to watch their goods sit on the river for almost a day as Elbur inspects their goods to see if there is anything they may want to confiscate, besides your silver.ÔÇØ - Notes of an old man.
Elbur Gate
ÔÇ£Fortress town on the border with Elbur. The TogenÔÇÖs keep it there so if the Elbur bastards try to invade again, they either have to have an army sitting at their rear, or spend time trying to lay siege to Elbur Gate. If they try to do both, well then they just divided their forces for us.ÔÇØ Helpful but drunk Old Man in a pub someplace in Togen
EraÔÇÖneka (Kingdom)
ÔÇ£Most northern kingdom of the elves, and the most known for trade especially seaborne with the northern cities of the East. EraÔÇÖneka is well known for being a pragmatic nation, though at times it has had difficulties with some of its human neighbors which is why it has a standing, professional military and formed the Alliance with ÔÇØ -Kingdoms II. 6th edition
ÔÇ£A town in the Darkwald, known for making coffee. ThatÔÇÖs the only thing they are known for.ÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Faustaum Island
ÔÇ£An island off the south of Togen. But if I remember right there used to be a whole city out there when the KerÔÇÖs were Kings sort of a winter capital or something. Now I suppose its covered in sheep.ÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Falsegold Hills
ÔÇ£ThatÔÇÖs a bunch of hills in the Silver Spikes.. Some claim that there is gold up there but trust me it is all false. Just mountain lions and wolves to rip you to shreads and winds from the mountains to freeze your bones.ÔÇØ Mad Old Man in a pub someplace
Gold Lake
ÔÇ£Gold lake is the lake north of Togentorr. They named it for the one of the colors of the royal banner of Togen, goldÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Grand Ferry
ÔÇ£Least inventive name known to man. You see you got West Togan on one side of a river. And you have East Togan on the other side. And you have all these barges and lake boats going up and down the river. So you build a ferry. But since everyone wants to cross you either have to have a lot of little ferries, or a couple of damn big ones. This is Togen, what do you think we did.ÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
Grendell (Duchy)
ÔÇ£ ÔÇÿGrendell is the Northeasternmost Duchy of Gilfal, named for the lush woodland that makes up much of its territory. Much of the economy is based on passing goods between The Duchies and Northern Rennadeer by sea, and in the harvesting of saltwater fish from the cove.
There is a divide in the Duchy between Fort Grendell in the center where the Duke Hammond Grendell holds political power, and Saltport to the east, the economic capital.ÔÇÖ ThatÔÇÖs what the book says, but hereÔÇÖs all you need to know: thereÔÇÖs a bit of a sore spot between the DukeÔÇÖs men and the merchants. Play them against each other, and theyÔÇÖll be crawling at your feet begging to help you.ÔÇØ -Senior mage hunter to new arrival in Grendell.
Grendell (Town)
ÔÇ£The sword and oak, youÔÇÖll wear this as your uniform so long as you serve the Duke. WeÔÇÖll give you a roof over your head, food, and arms, but if you ever put down the green of the Duke to wear the Scarlet of Saltport youÔÇÖll never be welcome in this barracks again.ÔÇØ Captain of the Grendell Guard to a new recruit.
Gilfal (see Duchies of Gilfal or person entry of same name)
Hardarem, Protectorate of
ÔÇ£The world is filled with traders, and many of our fellows seem to come from Hardarem. For what else do they have? They do not have the silver of Refort, nor access to the sea, nor even all the sheep of Leamead. So they spend their time trying to take raw materials from the rest of the world and producing goods to sell to them all. All the wealth of Hardarem is from the skill of their hands and the ability to make a good bargain. So unlike the Bazaar of Togentorr, you donÔÇÖt find much in goods from the world in Carasta, but goods to sell to the rest of the world.ÔÇØ -The TraderÔÇÖs Guide
ÔÇ£Hardarem would have been wiped from the face of the earth if Leamead, Grendell and Rannandeer had had their way. All three marched when Kethra died with only a child to take his throne with claims that they would either protect the boy or that his ancestors had stolen their land. But all three learned why the Ne now rule Togen. And it was a bitter harvest for all but Ostatia who stayed their hand, for the ashes of their foes were used to richen the fields and orchards of Hardarem.ÔÇØ -The Rants against Gilfal by the Old Man.
Jezel Canyons
ÔÇ£A set of valleys found in EraÔÇÖneka that are cut deep into the Whitetop range. The Jezel Canyons were originally to be abandoned by the EraÔÇÖneka, but the ancient tombs of Vallana lay at their most western end. It was Thornar of Mountduran who convinced the elves to allow him to build the Lesser Great Wall. It was Thornar who settled a lost group of half-elves in the valley to help act as a horse mounted infantry to assist in any demon incursions. Divided into three parts by the North, Middle, and High cataracts. Due to the rough terrain around the Jezel Canyon, the Jezel Wall was the last portion of the Great Wall completed and would be the most difficult to reinforce if attacked.ÔÇØ - Geography of the World third ed.
Ker Canal
ÔÇ£That is the wonder built by House Ker nearly a hundred years ago to deal with their loss of barging rights from Togenhaven. Seems that rather than pay the toll to Great House Alpa, they dug a canal between Tawanic Lake and Little Apacola Lake and turned Tawanic into a major port of Togen and the world.ÔÇØ -The bartender in the pub
ÔÇ£Er...where is that...by the gods that so far east that...IÔÇÖve never heard of anyone from there or going there.ÔÇØHelpful Old Man in a pub someplace
ÔÇ£A major port that allows for most of the goods of far eastern Togen to be shipped by boat west. Also called the last point of civilization by some as both Red Jacket and Cauldrongate are not known for their culture.ÔÇØ Helpful Old Man in a pub someplace
ÔÇ£An elven kingdom in the east needing to be defined stillÔÇØ - G
Lost Valley
ÔÇ£No one has ever been there...they say it exists on a map and Neva was there once. But no one I have ever meet has been there. Somewhere beyond even the KaukenswaldÔÇØ
Leamead (Duchy)
ÔÇ£Worried about bandits? Yeah, IÔÇÖm worried about bandits, and thatÔÇÖs why weÔÇÖre not on the main road. Damn hick farmers bleed you dry with their tolls. This way all you have to do is have a little meat to keep the wolves busy. As far as actual bandits go, IÔÇÖve never seen any brave enough to hit a group of more than four or five men.ÔÇØ - Last words of Rogar the trader.
I would like you to consider coming home to the farm. I know you and your pa donÔÇÖt always see eye to eye, but heÔÇÖs getting old, and needs your help. He didnÔÇÖt mean it when he said you were going off to be the ÔÇÿDukeÔÇÖs banditÔÇÖ, he was just scared of having to run things without you. If you come back your pa will start to let you make some of the changes you always wanted to.ÔÇØ-Partial letter burned by Ronald Bywater before his wife could send it to that worthless son of hers.
ÔÇ£Leamead, also known as the nation of tolls. Every highway and by way seems to have a toll or a tariff. If you can, go any way but through Leamead. If you have to, plan on your purse being as empty as your belly. For they only serve mutton in the inns and it is usually of the sheep that are so old to have baaÔÇÖd when the Shepherds tended sheep. However, great prices on wool.ÔÇØ -Traders Guide
ÔÇ£Leamead, also known as three years of my life in hell. First they attempted to skimp on everything but the bricks, which they can make from their own clay. I swear the royal accountants would have us remove all the lime from lime mortar to save a silver and stop the firing of the brick with even greenwood to save a copper. And for a duchy dependent on the flow of trade, and all the bricks that they bake, all their roads are dirt. Not a single brick paves any of the major trade roads. Then there is Captain Duke son, who thought it was my job to run about and tell every carpenter, mason, and iron monger what to do next. Since most of them can not read instructions, that is what I had to do! So instead of working on problems, I spent my time just trying to keep people working. And they wonder why it is taking so long!
The only thing of value from that place is my wife. Who I had to teach to read! But apparently she was the only woman in Leamead who knows how to cook a chicken or a bass.ÔÇØ - Cathrasaul, Togen Artificer to Leamead on his return home to Togen.
ÔÇ£According to the Great Census of the Thousandth Year, there are thirty thousand men fit to serve in the guard, and another ten who could bear arms against an invasion. Our current roster of three thousand, four hundred, and seventy six seems small in comparison, but it appears to be comparable to the ratios our neighbors have of armed men when compared against their general populations, if you include the forces of Saltport in the case of Grendell. I have considered diverting some of the revenue that is currently being invested in border projects into increased manpower once the southern fortifications are completed.ÔÇØ -Duke Rothfuss Shepherd III to an assembly of Major Captains.
Lake Taikai (See Taikainepalla)
ÔÇ£The King and the Nobles of Togen didnÔÇÖt take to kindly to the Order closing the border to them. They enacted a tariff and threatened war with Elbur. One of the nobles of Togen, built a long dock at a place called May Bay so that he could travel across Lake Taikai and avoid Elbur. The King of Togen, trying to rally the other duchies against Elbur also built a hunting lodge at May Bay to house his mages and himself. Within a decade almost every major and minor noble in Togen had a lodge at Mageport, and many of their retainers also. Then the Ne built the Mageport canal and a boat could travel from sea to lake for the first time. Even wealthy merchants leased land and built lodges for use in the hot summers of Togen.ÔÇØ - Prospectus May Bay Canal Company
ÔÇ£This is my crowning achievement on the border. All of my strategy hinges on it, and years of contending with my father on diplomatic issues went into it. It is the frustration of Refort, and the cornerstone of the Remeerland.ÔÇØ
ÔÇ£Yes, quite grand, my lord. We arenÔÇÖt compensating for anything are we?ÔÇØ Michael Shepherd and his Bodyguard Tabitha Belldaki
ÔÇ£Look Father, the Shepherds have decided to make a scaled down version of Bakengate here. Apparently there is a large number of people who travel to Togen to see it so perhaps they can get the pilgrims to stop here and visit. Since a shrine to a Shepherd apparently is not much of a draw these days.ÔÇØ Count Adila to his father on viewing Fort Reemerland Three (known as Michaelfort in Leamead)
ÔÇ£The Principality of Montderum is one of the smallest Dwarven Kingdoms but contains the ancient Dwarven City of Mostar. It is well known throughout the world as the center of the finest metal available. Montderum is the second member of the Alliance primarily to assist with some of its more pesky human neighbors and the elven kingdom to the south.ÔÇØ - ???????
Mordock Hills
ÔÇ£Mordock is where a man finds Jyrd, Buffalo or cattle. Noting more than hills of grass with trees dotting here and there across the place. Best calvary men come from Mordock they say, born in the saddle.ÔÇØ - A helpful bartender
ÔÇ£If you wish to find the Jyrd flower, or Rengilis Rose as is its true name, this is one of the best places to look, but I tell you, unless you know something that no one have known for a thousand years, you are not getting anything out of it, except maybe problems with one of the great houses in togenÔÇØ- Alchemist to this students.
Mor Rapids
ÔÇ£All I know is that is the farthest anyone can navigate up the Elbur River and that crazy man who tames dragons is from there.ÔÇØ - A helpful bartender
Mossback Hills
ÔÇ£A series of low, mostly grassy hills set upon a broad plateau in southwest Montderum. They form the far end of the Kestral mountain range that is considered separate from the much larger Whitetops Range to their west. Known for being primarily an area raising cattle and sheep due to the high elevations, tough grasses and rocky terrain.ÔÇØ - Geography of the World, third edition.
Map of the world
For full detail on a map of the world refer to the appropriate scrolls.
Never pass waste, The
ÔÇ£This place is ancient, if legend is true, older than even the fall! There is no trees growing here, no animals or life, not even magic in this place. it is said that it is a pass that stretches all the way to the east side of the mountains. but no one knows! If you go there you can clearly see where it begins, between two mountains the forest suddenly ends, and beyond that, not even grass grow! The earth is gray and black, dry and cracked, dusty and windless air hangs stall, not even birds fly over the place! The few who have ventured in there have returned soon after, full of panic and angst, when finally calm they cannot explain it, they say that it just felt wrong at first, then nerve racking and then all they remember was running as if chased by demons!ÔÇØ- Argat the bard.
ÔÇ£Why the wall is not finished? What do you mean my lad? Eh, so thats what you are talking about, well, IÔÇÖll say it like this, you try to get anyone to build a wall over that piece of land and if you succeed IÔÇÖm sure both elf and man will crown you king alongside your fellow dwarfs!
No, there is no reason to waste a stone on building on that mile! no one, not even a demon would dare walk that way!ÔÇØ -Dwarf captain to his son, showing off a map of the great wall.
Ostatia, (Duchy)
ÔÇ£If there is one Duchy who would take your gold one moment, and stab you in the back the next is Ostatia. Was it not Duchess Marrie who betrayed her own brother in law by taking all of south Refort? Is it not Ostatia who supplies over priced weapons to Leamead, forcing them to keep their tariffs high, therefore benefiting on all the southern trade passing along their roads rather than Refort. Was it not a daughter of Ostatia, friend and ally of Leamead who tried to put their own bastard upon the throne? No one trusts Ostatia to do anything but what is their own best interest.ÔÇØ - Baron Arx on why OstatiaÔÇÖs embassy was in Arx
ÔÇ£Drink now to Ostatia! She has been an ever constant boon to Leamead and the Shepherd line. She joined our fight for freedom. She supplies us with excellent arms and armor to defend our people. And now! Now she has given us the future Duchess Cassandra! If all goes well, before long Ostatia will have even given a few heirs.ÔÇØ -Exert from Duke Jonathon ShepherdÔÇÖs toast at the wedding of his son.
Port Salt
ÔÇ£They built port salt to load Salt from salt springs on boats to head north all the way to saltport. Of course it is a bit confusing to have two ports so cloesly named. Just remember Saltport is a real place. Port Salt is just a grid laid out on the river shore.ÔÇØ -Elbur boatman
Reemer (River)
ÔÇ£Few rivers are so deep and so strong as the Reemer. A man could pilot a lake boat all the way from Port Tiki to Refort, and many used to, till those damn sheep herders built those damn floating bridges over it. As far as they are concerned no boats should travel to Reemer lest they pay the great shepherd his due. Of course heÔÇÖs stuck with the treaty that lets Togan boats pass with no toll.ÔÇØ - Boatman
ÔÇ£If you want a bloody story, it is likely either about the Reemerland or Salt Springs. The Reemerland isnÔÇÖt much more than a strip of land on the south side of the Reemer that Leamead has held onto mostly to poke a stick in RefortÔÇÖs eye. I mean the silver wars were about all those possible silver deposits in the Green Duke Forest. But Refort kept on sending their cavalry into the Reemerland for no apparent purpose.ÔÇØ -Merchant on the Reemerland
ÔÇ£For all the supposed fighting in the Reemerland, there were few deaths from actual fighting. The Refort Calvary seemed more interested in either making incursions to raid stores and fortified positions, pounce on small detached units of Leamead guards or generally harass Leamead troops. But most Leamead guardsmen could just jump out into the soggy ground and avoid a lance in the gut, and usually the Leamead guard would pour across in great numbers to prevent any kind of invasion and run off the offending Refort calvary. The only remarkable thing was that Leamead slowly pulled back from the high ground along the south edge of the Reemerland because of their garrisons there tended to be cut off suddenly by penetrations into their rear.ÔÇØ Earl Oldston of Togen discussing the Silver Wars at a Society Lecture.
ÔÇ£Used to be that those Shepherds would built stockades out in the Reemerland to protect the paths across it. Just stuck posts into the wet ground and maybe throw up some dirt around the inside to give their archers something to fire from. We would either get around to burning them down with some oil and fatwood or just let the logs rot till they would fall over with a good kick. So we could go on down the road and harry them out in the Reemerland. Then they started pounding so many logs so deep you couldnÔÇÖt see their tops anymore. I mean they spent months just plunging tree trunks down into the ground, day after day. Then they started putting up those brick walls. Our sergeant tried to get the Lieutenant to send out a raiding party, but he pointed out you canÔÇÖt burn brick. Now look out there, a damn fort laying along the old cart road to Leamead protecting a damn gate and drawbridge that blocks the road.ÔÇØ - Color Sargent of Garrison Cohort 8, Refort
ÔÇ£The design of these new Reemer Forts, like Reemer Fort One here, all follow the same basic plan, one that is adapted from designs found in southern Togen. The base level is built of brick high enough so a man on horse with a torch canÔÇÖt reach the wooden levels above. The walls of the lower level are pierced by loopholes for ballistae and a sally port set into the walls that are protected by a pair of heavy doors of forag wood. The second level is framed with wood and covered with wooden planks that have an outer layer of mortar to prevent fire attacks. A third story, or large tower, is placed over the sally port which allows additional protection for the gate and drawbridge built across the protected path. The roofs appear to be made of thick clay tiles rendering fire arrows a mute option. The wooden carved vistages of what might be the Shepherd found along the roof edge actually conceal wooden pipes that direct rainwater inside the fort. This explains the reports of the large brick boxes we saw as they are likely cisterns found in most Togen fortresses of this type. Gentlemen add in the extensive network of ditches and water traps being built in the Reemerland and it is obvious that we now know what the King of Togen sold for his sweetheart deal on tariffs in Leamead. We also know where a good deal of the Leamead military budget will be tied down for decades. What is worst is that a string of these can effectively secure the Reemerland border and allows Leamead to effectively fire them before they can be taken rending attempted capture moot.ÔÇØ -Count Vasalar to the Commanders of the Northern Refort Garrisons.
Reemer Bend (Town)
ÔÇ£That town is a source of constant vexation for me. I banned the building of civilian structures south of the Reemer, so they built a town right after the ReemerÔÇÖs bend. By the time the sun rises dozens of merchants are outside the fort with wares. I swear, if RefortÔÇÖs cavalry attacks IÔÇÖm not letting them in.ÔÇØ -Michael Shepherd to Tabitha Belldaki
Red Lake
ÔÇ£The lake on the southside of Togentorr, it is illegal to flush wastes of any kind there as it is the water supply for the city. It used to be called the Virgin Lake but was changed to Red to match the colors of Togen.ÔÇØ- A helpful bartender
Red Jack
ÔÇ£If there is one place in Togen you go armed and you go ready it is Red Jack. For all the money that flows from the copper mines it is a wild place where they say that only the most powerful mages are sent as Questers to try and keep some order in the place. Just remember that you sleep with your armor on in Red Jacket.ÔÇØ - A helpful bartender
Red Spur Hills
ÔÇ£There isnÔÇÖt much in the Red Spurs but men prospecting for gold or lizards. The gold miners have thinned out over time. The lizard hunters are now trying to mate the lizards rather than let nature take its course. But for anyone else, there isnÔÇÖt much there.ÔÇØ - A helpful bartender
Refort (City)
Refort (Dutchie)
ÔÇ£ ÔÇÿWhen times are hard, any man must fight for those at his side! when times are hard for allies any man must come! and if he does not so, he is not a man at allÔÇÖ So said our great Duke ÔÇÿThe greenÔÇÖ Madilin revix in the year 452, as he marched in front for our people, so that we could aid the high lord of Rannandeer protect his people against invasion from the northern tribes! That courage and honor is what runs in the blood of all of us, and I say, let us be men! let us aid one another, let us end this uproar and stop this madnessÔÇØ - The last words of Gregin ÔÇ£the mageÔÇØ as he was about to be hung!
ÔÇ£There is much to say about the people of Refort, much good and much bad also! In times of prosper they are some of the most hospitable people I have ever met! And so I was happy to go there every year on my duty, until one summer I came, the harvest had failed!
And I tell you, as much as I support the seasonal tests of mages! The horror that is the accusations and lack of trials or even officials involvement, that these people force upon each others is without its like! in my two weeks there I saw nine hanged and burned without any other reason that a town or village had little to no food and blamed a random or disliked person, and the rumors was of many more throughout the region!ÔÇØ - The diary of Rubert the ambasador.
Saltport (City, see Grendell)
ÔÇ£You want to see the captain of the guard? Why? HeÔÇÖs naught but a drunken figurehead. The duke gives him pay for a dozen men, and the only ones whoÔÇÖll take it are the ones the Port Master wonÔÇÖt employ. Would you take half the pay to work for the DukeÔÇÖs drunk? If you want something done see one of the guys with an anchor on his shirt. They can help.ÔÇØ -Fisherman mending his nets.
ÔÇ£The office of Port Master is truly unique in all Gilfal, a Democracy of Currency. Any man or woman may run for the office, provided they pay 100 Gold coins for a candidate box, and then ÔÇÿvotesÔÇÖ, small black beads, are sold by the Saltport Watch for a silver head apiece. The candidate with the most of these beads in his box at the end of a week shall then be Port Master for a year. Despite the outrageous cost there are normally several candidates to choose from. The election is said to be the main source of revenue for the Port MasterÔÇÖs operating budget. The most unexpected part of this event for a visitor will likely be that even foreigners are allowed to both run and vote in the election, and it is even frowned upon to visit the town at this time and abstain from participating.ÔÇØ A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 7 Grendell
ÔÇ£Your men are a joke! I donÔÇÖt care what those merchants pay a man, yours arenÔÇÖt worth what IÔÇÖm giving you to pay them now! I will not set foot in your offices again until youÔÇÖve made them less of an embarrassment.ÔÇØ Duke Hammond Grendell to his captain in Saltport, 5 years ago.
ÔÇ£There are two schools of thought on Saltport. There are those who think we ought to do more to help Grendell, rather than lining our own pockets, and those who think Duke Grendell should just be happy we send him taxes at all and not test his authority. If youÔÇÖd like to know where I stand carefully consider whether I pay the bar tabs of the dozen men the duke has here out of gratitude, or to keep them so drunk and impotent that the people rely on my men instead.ÔÇØ Port Master Jacob Simmons
Salt Springs
ÔÇ£Salt Springs eh, well if you can stand being surrounded by nothing but salt flats
, a man can make a fortune out there. Has to be the ugliest city in the Combined Kingdoms. And they donÔÇÖt use gold for money out there...they use water. But its where a lot of men have made and lost fortunes. Of course donÔÇÖt be out there when Togen and one of the the Duchies decides to argue over it. -Man in at the Bar...
ÔÇ£That is the forest that lies at the foot of the Silver Spikes in North Togen. No one goes there though some people do cut timber from there and ship it down the lakes to Togen proper. But few men want to live permanently in those woods.ÔÇØ - A helpful bartender
ÔÇ£I know you outsiders call her Taikai but for those of us who make our living on her shores, we know to call her by her proper name. Yeah, you see the damn biggest lake youÔÇÖve ever seen. Freshwater so wide you canÔÇÖt even see the other side. But sheÔÇÖs a damn Goddess I tell you. Yeah, trying to land on the west side is damn hard, with all those cliffs and rocks and then the south shore is also no picnic either, though theres a few nice bays down there. But the East shore hereÔÇÖs great, with islands and bays. She gives us fish and oysters. Up along the north are are the vast marshes where if you know what to look for you can find fresh water scallops and shrimp.
But you outsiders build your boats and sail goods up and down her. But you canÔÇÖt read her...You donÔÇÖt know when a calm day is going to turn to a damn storm when winds come off the Silver Peaks. You donÔÇÖt know not to spend too long over the Deeps...cause those waters are deep and cold and hide all Her secrets. No you outsider's donÔÇÖt know Taikainepalla, you just try to use her.ÔÇØ -One Eyed Joe, Oldest living Fisherman of the Lake
ÔÇ£ThatÔÇÖs down on the Fog Sea, largest port in Togen. If it is made in this world, then you can find in the markets of Tawanic. For all the world passes through it from the Lake to the SeaÔÇØ - A sailor who is oddly sitting next to you.
Togen, Kingdom of
ÔÇ£Obviously man was not ment to live in the southern climates of the world. This is best demonstrated by the collective madness that is Togen. First, they claim they are a Kingdom, but elect their Kings, and elect said Kings for life before the old King is even dead. Second, their nobility rules the country, but lets the merchant and gentry class get a vote. Third, they allow women to train and fight, especially their noble houses. Fourth, they seem to be fascinated with short people who they think are another race. Fifth, they train Mages and send them about to operate their government. Togen is where insane people live, if they didnÔÇÖt seem to have a large army, and wealth, we could just seal the borders and let them stew in whatever disease lurks down there.ÔÇØ - Elder Rentos of RefortÔÇÖs New School
ÔÇ£Not much there anymore. If you listen to my grandfather it was always a bear to try and sail up that narrow river past the sand bars to the city itself. Yeah, most captains will demand twice as much to sail into that narrow harbor versus the protected waters of Tawanic. The only people who still use it is the Togen Navy and fishing boats.ÔÇ£ -Captain of the Barks Revenge
ÔÇ£The Torr of Togen is a fortress upon a huge granite rock found between two lakes, known as Red and Gold. It is said that the city built upon the rising hills that fall from the Torr. In all my years I have never seen a more defensible city for only from the east is the only way an enemy may approach and then still must cross the Sisters River.ÔÇØ -Sir Barksama, Ambassador of Refort to Togen on his impressions of the Capital of Togen.
ÔÇ£I walked the Great Mile of Togentorr where they say more wealth can be found that anywhere else. What they donÔÇÖt tell you is that you walk a mile, but climb two for every building is further up the damn slope!ÔÇØ - A Trader looking for new boots in Togentorr
ÔÇ£We recommend avoiding the Inns of Togentorr for most travelers but suggest you find quarters in one of tne numerous canvasaries that fall between the Bazaar and the Docks. The Bazaar, which is built into the slope consists of three levels. The first level is for the sale of livestock. The second level is given over to permanent merchant houses. The third is for visiting merchants who can rent a stall by the week or month. Remember that most merchants on the second level will stand behind a guarantee. Those on the third will seldom be found a week later. Which is where the phrase ÔÇ£Just a thirdÔÇØ comes from for disposable items. In addition, one should investigate Parna Square for there are many shops that will both buy and sell in bulk. Entertainment is usually available either in the the Cliff Theater or any of the private stages found around Blar Square. For those looking for nightly companionship, one should stick to a licenced Joy House. One may be confused that in Togen one may be invited to a ÔÇÿPoem HouseÔÇÖ where female entertainers will entertain clients. This is purely a intellectual exercise and one should not intend to enjoy a physical relationship, even at the exorbitant price.ÔÇØ - TravelerÔÇÖs Guide
ÔÇ£It was the armies of Barkenver who marched upon Togentorr. We stood at the Great Western Road and found ourselves facing a drawbridge over a gorge cleft by the Gods themselves that ended not in a city gate but a tunnel that cut into the heart of the living rock. And it was there, as we attempted to force a crossing, that NeÔÇÖs horde of magicians fell upon us like a whirlwind from behind. It seems that few of my fellows recall the old stories of their ancestors on the failure of our great invasion, but I shall sound the bell of warning. Attack Togentorr from the East!ÔÇØ-General of Barkenver during the ten year review of Togen invasion plans
Weilf Valley
ÔÇ£If you want a Weilf cheap, go to Weilf Valley for that is where most of the dealers own their Weilf camps. If you do not want to trek across the Morduk Hills and cross the Red Spur desert then I suggest you just pay the merchant and stop bothering me about it.ÔÇØ - Togen nobleman to a woman pestering him about where to get a cheap Weilf.
Zerkeil Crossing
ÔÇ£Most chaotic battle known in the history since the Loss of the West. The battle was the last significant battle of the XXXX inheritance when three different claims to the throne of XXXX were supported as well as a ÔÇÿrepublicanÔÇÖ group supported by XXXX. On XXXX (date) the Fourth Cohort of Black Dragoons along with the 3rd Heavy Foot of XXXX (Dwarven Kingdom) and a detachment from XXXX( elven kingdom)
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Re: A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welc
Special and legendary places and locations
Dungeons, magical forests and undersea caves, all the places adventures seek out when others flee from them!A
Grand Chamber of Togen
ÔÇ£The Grand Chamber of Togen is located in the ancient citadel of Togentorr. A giant circular room of various colors of marble that was built to be a bath for some idiotic Togen king. But the Grand Chamber now rules, for they get to elect the heirs in order of succession. They write the laws of Togen. They issue the coinage. The Great and Major Houses of Togen get to sit in comfortable chairs and each have two votes. The Merchant Houses and Minor Houses get to sit on bleachers with only a vote each. Although the Great and Major houses were able to curtail the King, they themselves were curtailed. But if you wish to see a bunch of nobles fight amongst themselves, I suggest you go.ÔÇØ -Almond vendor of Togentorr to a visitor
Library of Togan
ÔÇ£The Library of Togan is the single largest institution in the Combined Kingdoms dedicated to the preservation of History and the education of all intelligent races. The Library consists of Three Departments, History, Literature, and Practical. It also contains the Archive, the largest repository of historical artifacts and manuscripts known. The Library is of course located in Castel Nava, the home of the LibraryÔÇÖs founder. The Library is open to any individual, of any race, who can prove that they are literate. The Archives are available only to those specified by the Regents or the Archivist herself. The Library also has its own dwarven printing press, the last known operating which is used to print the Codex of Magic.ÔÇØ -Pilgrimage to Togan guide
ÔÇ£If you plan on travelling North I recommend ÔÇÿA Guide to the Duchies of GilfalÔÇÖ. ItÔÇÖs a newly completed work containing twelve convenient volumes of the first true scholarly approach to producing a guide for understanding the duchies, and is far less biased than anything youÔÇÖll read once there. The copy here is the first completed work from the authorÔÇÖs notes, and one of only five copies made in the first edition. It will likely be another year before the guide is more widely available, as the second edition is on hold pending some revisions by our editors.ÔÇØ Librarian
Ulirzgist (Oo-lurz-gih-st)
Ulirzgist? Forget about it. No, listen to me, forget it. Do not go there. What is it? Its where the gods, if they existed, got totally drunk and dug a hole and puked up all their evil. How do I know? Its just a couple days from Aelindor here. It used to be something, that much is obvious. It is kind of like a tower but reversed, extending deep into the ground instead of up into the sky, and it is magic. It has to be. It draws adventurers with an itch just like you have now. Only it draws monsters too. And it gets worse the further down you get. There are supposed to be 10 floors, but Im not convinced it doesnt go straight down into hell. You think Im exaggerating? I found the corpse of a lich...on the 4th floor. And lower (he shuddered visibly before speaking)... its fucking scary. Im done talking about this. Go get yourself killed if you want to; Im done with that place. - Magic Eddie
Yorick Mill
ÔÇ£Nothing there, just a big ruin and some old mine workings. The only thing youÔÇÖll find there is trees, a bit of rubble and a damn deep hole somewhere in the bushes.ÔÇØ -Old man on the road
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People and cultures I
Human, Elves, Dwarfs, Monstrous humanoids and any others with their special culture and traditions, this belongs here.A
Adilon Trast Revix II, Duke of Refort
ÔÇ£I thank Gravidia that he bore only sons. ItÔÇÖs bad enough having the ÔÇ£LadyÔÇØ Jane after Michael without having a countess from Refort to worry about too. I shudder at the thought of that manÔÇÖs blood in my heir. HeÔÇÖs every bit the miser his ancestors were, and I believe that vault he keeps proves him to be a magic lover. HeÔÇÖs a dangerous neighbor.ÔÇØ -Count Rothfuss III of Leamead to Councilor Dobins
ÔÇ£Adilon of Refort is a man who grew up expecting to rule one of the wealthiest duchies in the known world, and finding himself with the duchies silver mines producing less and less silver every year, and even more dependent on agriculture to keep the coffers filled. With his blood enemy attempting to bleed all his trade white by holding the southern bank of the Remeer his own father lost. I do not say he did the best he could, only that he faced far more problems as heir than he expected.ÔÇØ - Baron Farem, First Council of Hardarem.
ÔÇ£Do you think it unwise to consider our neighbors mortal enemies? Every Duke in my line has done battle with forces of Refort, if not in open war then in skirmishes on this very border. The fact of the matter is thus: they donÔÇÖt consider the Shepherd line legitimate, and they donÔÇÖt consider LeameadÔÇÖs independence from them legitimate. How can you live in peace with a neighbor who thinks you should be his slave? Until they truly acknowledge the right of our line to rule over the people who chose us, there will be no peace. Ours is a line of Dukes, and it will be treated as such! I fail to see how having the heavily diluted blood of a once great line makes them any more worthy that us, six generations from our duchyÔÇÖs greatest hero, and to be quite frank, given their familyÔÇÖs propensity for siring bastards I imagine nearly any man in Gilfal to have as much of the Green DukeÔÇÖs blood in him as does the one who can trace the lineage. So, if then, they are mortal enemies of my kin, how can we risk precious blood on this front and not include our own therewith?ÔÇØ -Michael Shepherd to a Togen scholar on his assignment to the Refort Border
Black Dragoons (The)
ÔÇ£Primarily a mounted scouting force for EraÔÇÖneka though detachments have been sent as far south as Kolaske in the past. First and Second Cohort are believed to be permanently located supporting guarding of the Great Wall. Third Cohort is used for law enforcement and internal security within EraÔÇÖneka. Fourth Cohort is used for security of diplomatic missions and the royal family.ÔÇØ -Military Guide of Aliendor Council
Count Adila
ÔÇ£Eldest son to the current Duke of Refort. Is believed favored by his father to take the crown after his fatherÔÇÖs death. Count Adila is in charge of the Vaults of Tilda, one of the largest collections of magical objects known, paid for by the Mines of Tilda.ÔÇØ -Babbages Peerage for Dummies
Count Vaslar
ÔÇ£Second son to the Current Duke of Refort. Generally in charge of the families attempts to rebuild the silver trade in Refort. Is well liked by most of his fatherÔÇÖs subjects. Known to have a distinct hatred of his elder half Brother, Count Adila.ÔÇØ -Babbages Peerage for Dummies
ÔÇ£Vaslar? I met him once on our side of the border, and he apologized profusely for his inept guide. HeÔÇÖs either very friendly and courteous, or very clever. Either way I like him more than IÔÇÖd admit to my father, and the fact that he has a reputation for disliking Count Adila is all the proof I need that he and I could get along.ÔÇØ Michael Shepherd (II)
Countess Vaslar (Patcia Ventar Revix)
ÔÇ£One of the only outsiders to ever attend the Academy of the Wilds in Togentorr she is the youngest daughter of the Duke of Lakeland. Considered to be awkward and bookish by most, she has one of the keenest minds in terms of economics of any person I have met. And she has that Iron will all of the Ventar are known for. I am not sure if Vaslar made the most brilliant choice in the history of Refort, or she made it. But it makes me respect her husband more.ÔÇØ - Notes on Refort in the notebo
ÔÇ£Maybe I will just make her my heir hmm?ÔÇØ - Adilon Trast Revix II, Duke of Refort
Darst (Family)
ÔÇ£It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a nobleman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of someone or other of their daughters. It should also be said that any nobleman who wishes to avoid these young women, should not go out dancing with them. And especially not drink their motherÔÇÖs punch.
Unfortunately for the Duke of Refort, he did not take this advice. Which led to each of the daughters of the Darst family sending their sons off at a young age to work in the various positions within the bureaucracy of the Duchy.ÔÇØ -Abagail Trune, The Fall of Refort.
ÔÇ£The Darst family of Refort is ancient, being able to trace itÔÇÖs line to a Refort officer who served the Green Duke. The family appeared to be in decline at the beginning of the last century, but itÔÇÖs current ties to Duke Adilon II are returning it to prominence.ÔÇØ -A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 3 Refort
Delgar ÔÇ£the SwiftÔÇØ
ÔÇ£Here, take this. It belonged to a partner of mine, Delgar. He had a knack for getting into trouble but this sword kept him out of it. He was a burglar, like you, but a little more risky. He always made me smile and laugh with his crazy schemes, which worked out most of the time. Its unfortunate his last one didnÔÇÖt. You should use this sword to honor his memory. He was a good burglar.ÔÇØ - Dorn ÔÇ£The BraveÔÇØ to Jasper.
Dobins, Counselor to the Duke Leamead (961-Present)
ÔÇ£Trust is a thing hard earned. I trust you, and I trust Dobins. I know you never would betray me, and I know Dobins can neither speak nor write anything I tell him. I trusted your mother too, and look where that got me.ÔÇØ Duke Rothfuss III to his son on why he keeps an illiterate and mute counselor.
ÔÇ£My father is ÔÇÿresoluteÔÇÖ. ItÔÇÖs just a way to call him stubborn and have him reward you for it. A great many things will change when IÔÇÖm the Duke, and one of them is that we will acquire the Collar of Tongues and see if it can help you. Just donÔÇÖt tell him I said that.ÔÇØ Michael Shepherd to Counselor Dobins
Duke ÔÇ£KingÔÇØ Vrrutal the 2nd (please read Mage hunter and Elbur first)
ÔÇ£That man is a forward thinker. I wonder at times why Rothfuss the Great didnÔÇÖt declare himself a king in like manner. On top of that heÔÇÖs leading the fight against magic, doing a great service to all of Gilfal. Elbur is an example of order to be followed, and none would dare try conquer it; it is my greatest hope that Leamead is viewed as such before my reign ends.ÔÇØ -Duke Rothfuss III of Leamead
ÔÇ£My father is infatuated with the ÔÇÿkingÔÇÖ of Elbur, and I will admit heÔÇÖs impressive, much in the same manner as watching a king wolf tear apart a deer. The deer is likely a nuisance, destroying crops and the like, but I fail to see what keeps the wolf from turning his eyes to me. Elbur isnÔÇÖt a kingdom, Gilfal is, and I feel the mage hunters are meant to show us who truly rules it.ÔÇØ -Michael Shepherd
Duke Madilin revix (438-478)
ÔÇ£The Green duke as Madilin was also know is the youngest men to have held the title Duke in Refort, late winter 451 after the fall, his father fell to lung rot disease, it was then up to the only 13 year old boy to take up the mantle after his father, only three months after taking up the task, he alone walked in front of the whole Refort army, through another duchy unannounced and into Rannandeer, down below the royal range mountains and up along west coast of Rannandeer, defeating a full seven legions of northern barbarians.
As he came to the north most point of Rannandeer he took his horse and rode into the battle, seeking out High lord king Erik amidst swords and axes swung from to sides, none of which was his allieds, her the now fourteen year old Duke looked a king in the eyes and said the same words as he had told his men all the way to this place words: ÔÇÿWhen times are hard, any man must fight for those at his side! when times are hard for allies any man must come! and if he does not so, he is not a man at all. you were not an ally of my father, nor his father before that! but the wisest man I have ever known, my uncle said that if you have half the honor of your father I should make you my ally even if my father hated you! So here I am, and there not four hundred meters away are all the soldiers Refort has to offer from both its army, border patrols and city guards! if you are king enough to shake the hand of a child! IÔÇÖll be Duke enough to call my men in here and help you win this hopeless battleÔÇÖ
Not the most inspiring speech no, but when it comes from a boy who is as the only one keeping calm in the midst of battle and promising an army at a moments notice, its more than enough!
He became a great duke, it is sad that his bloodline has been polluted and thinned so much over the last five hundred years.ÔÇØ -Rannandeer lord, knight and scholar sir Ruberth the fifth.
ÔÇ£Michael, know this, I do respect one man who lived in Refort, as any Duke must. The Green Duke Madilin was a great man. He had the audacity of Rothfuss the Great, and the vision of Rothfuss II. Add to that his word was ironclad. As much as you should strive to follow the example of my fathers, you should also strive to follow his. Had his line not weakened much ours would never have started.ÔÇØ -Duke Rothfuss III to his son on the Green Duke
ÔÇ£Ha!, If my nephew was half as much a man as this boy was, there would be no fight at the borders!ÔÇØ -Torrvul, unckel to the Duke King about his nephew and Madilin.
Dulbard Leamead (II) ÔÇ£The CursedÔÇØ, Duke Leadmead (430-455 Duke 447-Death)
ÔÇ£When Dulbard became Duke of Leamead it was one of the largest Duchies in Gilfal. It wasnÔÇÖt until after the Green Duke stopped in Arx asking for aid in his northward mission that Leamead began to decline. Whether it was because of a curse, or because his neighbors turned from him, the fortunes of Leamead turned and before he died Dulbard was known as the ÔÇ£Pauper DukeÔÇØ. There was little his heirs could do to reverse the damage, and by the time his line ended Leamead was hardly recognizable as a duchy, as it had poorly defined borders, there was no standing military, and had taken to using a mixture of foreign coppers rather than minting its own currency.ÔÇØ -A History of the Green Duke: Discerning Fact from Myth
Escam Tork
ÔÇ£Escam Tork, was likely the best cavalry officer Refort has produced in twenty years. He is tough but fair, always good in an officer. Of course he was ambitious, and got to be the commanding officer of the RefortÔÇÖs Capital District. Then he hit the wall of too little funding and too much politics. HeÔÇÖs been quickly aging ever since.ÔÇØ Mortis Barnell of The first Refort foot explaining why he was glad he was stuck on the northern border
ÔÇ£The biggest mistake IÔÇÖve seen a duke make was when Refort moved that Tork fellow from his border. He and I would play our games, testing each other without openly crossing the border, and he was the best opponent I ever found. If swords were drawn today IÔÇÖve done things that have already beaten his replacement in at least the first several battles; he doesnÔÇÖt even seem to know weÔÇÖre playing the game. Tork was vigilant, and clever. I learned a lot from that man, though we only spoke a few times. I miss him, but IÔÇÖm glad heÔÇÖs gone.ÔÇØ -Michael Shepherd of Leamead speaking of guarding the Refort border.
Erinfall I (see King Erinfall I of EraÔÇÖneka)
ÔÇ£GilfalÔÇØ (Person, For the area of the same name see Duchies of Gilfal under Geography)
They did not call him the royal slayer for nothing, more than one hundred lives was lost to this thing.
But how did grandfather gain that shoulder piece I wonder, it is beautiful, but it makes little sense to make an armor out of this thing platings, and silver and copper? why not at least bronze. and the only iron is only decorative but I must admit, it is beautifully made...
To think, it wore that armor all the time and never spoke a single word, do we even know if he ate or drank? Materes? ÔÇØ -Duke Madilin the ÔÇ£GreenÔÇØ to Keeper of records Materes, when he was shown his fathers treasury for the fifth time that day.
ÔÇ£Lord, King, Man, Beast, Demon or God! Gilfal has been called many things, but what he truly was is unknown, it is not even known if he was a ÔÇÿHeÔÇÖ at all!
Said to stand as tall as the tales man and never speak, he was carrying no weapon and a armor of silver, copper and black iron leaves. Gilfal would wander the area known now as the eleven duchies in the first two hundred years after the fall.
He never took any throne or even had any servants, all that he did was strike down anyone claiming to be of royal blood, not even caring to defend himself against guards and assassins he seemed to half walk, half dance his way past any sword swung at him until he was in front of his target, he would grab the person by the throat, lift him up and then look into his eyes. shortly after he would release the person and go again. All people lifted like this would do nothing to stand again, not eat or sleep! For up to a week all they would do was just repeat over and over again ÔÇÿNot king, not worthy! No throne by GilfalÔÇÖ until there last breath.ÔÇØ - History of the Eleven Duchies vol 2.
ÔÇ£ÔÇÿNot king not worth! No throne in GilfalÔÇÖ I tell you, the words they spoke was in Gilfal, why the hell do you think this whole region is called Gilfal you rambling idiot! if it was ÔÇÿby GilfalÔÇÖ donÔÇÖt you think one of the other nations history would mention an area called gilfal? of if it was ÔÇÿfor GilfalÔÇÖ as you half wit brother suggested that someone would know who this gilfal was? Argh! Noble brats, why do I have to educate you!ÔÇØ - Amar that scholar a few hours before he was beheaded for striking King Vrrutal the seconds youngest son with a history book.
Gillberrull (Se also, Order of the Test, Mage hunters and Bowls of voices)
ÔÇ£Former mage hunter in the dutchie Elbur, Gillberull is known as the discoverer of the Bowls of voices properties, founder of the Order of the Test and co-signer of all the Scrolls of laws of sessional tests, in all nations and duchiesÔÇØ - The Professionals for hire records vol II, in the Adventurer's guild of Barkenver.
Hammond Grendell IV, Duke Grendell (944-Present Duke 975-Present)
ÔÇ£Michael, that man is the oldest spoiled brat IÔÇÖve ever had the displeasure of meeting, and IÔÇÖve little hope his son will be any better. He likes to whine a lot, but never learned to do much of anything else. Just remember to keep decent relations with the port master in Saltport, and you shouldnÔÇÖt have too much trouble from the north.ÔÇØ -Duke Rothfuss Shepherd III of Leamead on his Northern neighbor
ÔÇ£Hammond the fourth has at least two good points. First, he realizes that he needs the Saltport trade as much as anyone, though he is always looking for a new fee or tariff he could levy to fund more units. Second, that sending his lancers against barbarians raiding his coast or raiders from his western border are one thing. Sending them to try and fight in the forests of Leamead is another. As for a third, I heard he was nice to his mother once.ÔÇØ -Man in a bar
Lady Jane Grendell (976-Present)
Its a real shame about her ladyship, such a kind heart, and yet she cant find a husband. I hear even that shepherd boy down in Leamead doesnt want to marry her. Dont get any ideas though! I Im not noble born enough to marry her! And. And I couldnt provide a good life! Theres no need to mention me to the Duke. -Beggar in the town of Grendell
GrimkillÔÇÖs Bandits
ÔÇ£You see them? Those big guys by the bar? Check out the tats; see the one thatÔÇÖs an eagleÔÇÖs claw clutching a sword? That tattoo marks them as part of GrimkillÔÇÖs Bandits. TheyÔÇÖre a huge gang up by the coast, one of the largest bandit groups around and led by a guy named Tonar Grimkill. HeÔÇÖs way past his prime but still somehow keeps those big, young thugs of his in line. Been seeing a lot more of them lately, spread all over the West, since GrimkillÔÇÖs son died. Almost like they are looking for someone.ÔÇØ - Veteran Guardsman to Rookie in Tavern.
Gunnwild and Renwild. (see Renwild and Gunnwild)
ÔÇ£The Jezel is a hereditary military class of EraÔÇÖneka. Individuals who are direct lieges to the Crown of EraÔÇÖneka. They tend to be horse scouts really, most serve in the EraÔÇÖneka Dragoons. They originally were raised to act as a quick reaction force to defend the Jezel Canyon against any demon incursions before the Wall was completed. Most live up in the Mossback hills and are excellent horsemen, hunters, and swordsmen. It is that tough country they live in, which is why I suppose that has made them known for their tenacity. However, a real Jezel serves at the pleasure of the Crown of EraÔÇÖneka, we would have to get their approval for hiring any to train your men. Unlike most of the con artists one finds these days that pretend to be Jezel. If they look like an elf, act like an elf but seem to hang out with the dwarves and sing dwarven drinking songs...then they likely are real Jezel.ÔÇØ - Burton Andrews of Antioch Adventurer and Mercenary Guild explaining to a customer about his request to hire genuine Jezel for his project
Karnhim, Duke of Hardarem
ÔÇ£Karnhim has spent most of his life trying to balance the various factions of his own Council of State. He learned at Prince NevaÔÇÖs knee, but he doesnÔÇÖt have the flair the old goat did. He knows that all Leamead wants is a foothold across the Keer to force all the trade back along their roads, so his army is constantly training or patrolling. And so heÔÇÖs forced to spend more time out in the field than he ever does at home. It is not easy being thrice married and a widow every time. His marriage to the Royal House of XXXX got them off his back, but she proved to be a weak reed who died in childbirth, though she produced a healthy son and daughter that day. No, if there is one monarch in this world who I would not trade places with, it is Karnhim.ÔÇØ -Adilon Trast II, Duke of Refort
ÔÇ£I sometimes tire of being Duke. Take Karnhim for example: if one man alive have I met who could have been my friend and equal it was him, and yet he is my greatest adversary outside of Refort. By the Great! His very uncle slew my grandfather: the greatest defeat of our line since we left the flocks. But, heÔÇÖs an honest man, unlike Adilon the magic lover, and intellectually my equal, if not my better, unlike Grendell. ItÔÇÖs a shame I can never admit it to anyone but you.ÔÇØ -Duke Rothfuss III of Leamead to Counselor Dobins
King Erinfall I Argus of EraÔÇÖneka,
ÔÇ£Rose to power soon after the ÔÇ£Loss of the WestÔÇØ. Erinfall is well remembered for both diplomacy within his realm as well as without. Considered a ÔÇÿhuman loverÔÇÖ by many Elves, he was well traveled within the world. Erinfall I was able to curtail the growth of power of the elvin nobility of EraÔÇÖneka and recover some powers of the crown by having military units (see The Jezel) directly loyal to the crown.ÔÇØ Royal Bastards and Princes, Kings and Queens of History
King Nevo the 5th of Togen
ÔÇ£The merchants king? They call him a king, but all he really is just an administrator with a crown. I mean he can not pass laws without the Grand ChamberÔÇÖs approval! Sure, he happens to be an excellent administrator, far better than his father. And like his Grandfather has a backbone against those who would try to diminish the power of Togen. But heÔÇÖs in bed with merchants and the damn Society! ÔÇØ
ÔÇ£How many rulers of the world do you know who are secure in their throne enough to travel from the South to the North and to do so just for the founding of a place for people to be taught? The only one I know is King Nevo himself. Who did upon the opening of the Library of Carasta and the founding of the Ne school did travel there to personally investiture of the Regents with the Protector of Hardaren. King Nevo himself visited my father at his castle on this trip, lengthening the trip by almost a full week. My father only came to an accord with Togen when I argued that Togen would only lend us the knowledge we required for the southern defenses if we agreed to drop the tariffs on all goods arriving and leaving by Togen ship and barge. Now all I need to do is convince the Togen artificers that men do not need to be able to read to build a strong fortress!ÔÇØ -Michael Shepherd of Leamead
King Vrrutal the 2nd (See Duke ÔÇ£KingÔÇØ Vrrutal the 2nd)
Mage hunters (Also see Gillberrull)
ÔÇ£Bounty hunters are a common thing, a respected profession even, but there are those that seek out the worst illegal practice in the land, those who seeks out the wicked, the corrupted and the true danger to our great duchy and the rest of the world! Those who seek out the Mages! and Those are we! We are the mage hunters!
The seasonal tests is just a tool to keep the people in line, to keep them from trying to break the law. But the real work is done by us, as if The order of the test could ever do their job without us to back them up, without us to capture those that get away, to capture those who are never tested, lift the ring your sovereign has given you, show me the true power we have! Show her the true power you have! Kill her!...ÔÇØ -ÔÇØThe secret gathering of mage hunters and sacrifice of a noble born mage will always be held somewhere in Togen to spite the mage loving regent and his bastard nation! and all they ever find is a corpseÔÇØ -The hidden
ÔÇ£With this ring I King Vrrutal Serpis Chalorin the second name they Sir Cristof TaÔÇÖburl, Mage hunter of Elbur, with all the rights to act as Accuser, Judge, Jury and Executioner in all matters of illegal magic practice among the common folk of Elbur and By the extension given in the Scrolls of laws of sessional tests, the common folk of all the Combined nations. Rise sir TaÔÇÖburl and hold high your ring!ÔÇØ -Duke ÔÇ£KingÔÇØ Vrrutal the 2nd, duke and self appointed king of Elbur.
ÔÇ£While the scrolls of law of sessional tests demands that I allow the order of the test into my kingdom and to punish those who breaks the common law of magic practice, I will be damned before I give out one ring as blessing to a mage hunter!ÔÇØ - King Nevo the fifth of Togen.
ÔÇ£Oh them Mage hunters are some scary folks indeed! now donÔÇÖt get me wrong, IÔÇÖm glad that they protect us by capturing those bastard mages. But I knew a man who saw one of them ÔÇÿat workÔÇÖ so to say, and he was never the same again! Nope them Mage hunters are scary, and what they can do makes you wonder if they are not mages them self of some sort, is all IÔÇÖm saying. Now if you want to know what my friend saw youÔÇÖll have to buy me another beerÔÇØ -A Drunk!
ÔÇ£Oh, yes. I love the idea that there are a bunch of armed men in our land using magic to hunt down our citizens, who hold more allegiance to Elbur than to Leamead. How could my ÔÇÿresoluteÔÇÖ father be anything but right about that?ÔÇØ Michael Shepherd (II) of Leamead
Millennial Cult (995-1000)
ÔÇ£You know, Derek, I had a cousin who was in that Cult a few years back. He really believed demons were going to come down out of the mountains and kill us all. The guy was nuts.ÔÇØ -Last words of Jonathan Smith, member of the Leamead guard.
ÔÇ£For all their talk of equality and every man being free, the Shepherds were the most brutally oppressive of the Millennial Cult. Michael Shepherd himself oversaw rounding them up, and once captured every one older than twelve had the broken crook branded onto their cheek: the mark of banishment, not to mention the hundred or so men he put to the sword and then hung from trees. Of course, given how fire happy they got when the world didnÔÇÖt end, maybe he did the right thing.ÔÇØ -Duke Adilon Trast Revix II of Refort
Ne, House of
ÔÇ£Once, after the fall, when the Duchies were a lot more powerful and ambitious, TogenÔÇÖs nobles needed to defend the border. They called upon the old sot Ne of the south, to take hand in the northern Marches. He did so, but being a caggy man he did also suddenly had an heir with his sixth wife. The other nobles were not quite happy since they had thought at NeÔÇÖs death, his lands would revert to the central treasury. It was not until the Black Days, when TogenÔÇÖs king had fallen to the Barkenver army, that they found love again for House Ne for the 8th Markgrave of Ne did march south and take the Barkenver from the rear. Then the House was raised to be the royal house of Togen over that of House Ker. And the House did secure its position by help with the Society of the Lost and the DwarvesÔÇØ - History of Togen
Prince Neva of Togen
ÔÇ£A Prince Neva story eh? Well which one? That old coot spent his life and a couple of fortunes chasing after everything attached to the rumor of a dwarf of any man in the Combined Kingdoms. Led more adventuring parties than likely are remembered. Hell, then there was the time he overthrew his nephewÔÇÖs, the duke not the King, Regency Council and fought three battles in four days to keep it from being over run. Of course its always like that in the eleven duchies, but most of them learned to respect him. Yeah, a man of adventure but still a bit soft in the head. Had this crazy notion that there was a vast dwarven civilization on the other side of the Silver Peaks. Hell he spent a fortune launching three ships to find a southern passage and the whole thing became a disaster. Still, the old coot died one of the wealthiest men in the world. Left most of it to an order of knights named in honor of a dwarf and a library in Togen. So how about the time he supposedly went after the legendary Serpent Stone eh boy?ÔÇØ - Old man to his grandson at bedtime
ÔÇ£The removed pages contain accounts of Prince Neva of Togen that are largely inaccurate and wildly biased. The second edition will contain a version revised to portray greater historical accuracy. The original text will be made available as ÔÇÿThe Rantings of Duke Rothfuss III on Prince NevaÔÇÖ in an appendix to the second edition.ÔÇØ Note inserted in place of missing pages from the Togen Library copy of A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 2 Hardarem
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People and cultures II
OOrwild of the Kings guard
ÔÇ£Orwild ÔÇÿSwordcleaverÔÇÖ Remg├â•rld, served the House of Ne, and the people of Togen loyally for years. He was not only an honored captain of the guard, but a trusted adviser and friend to my Father and my Grandfather. How many of this Grand Chamber have sought his advice? How many of you called him friend? So, it is with great honor that I, Prince Nerasu, do in the name of of my father King Neva and the Grand Chamber name the family Remg├â•rld Great House of Togen, and entrust them the Duchy of Eastlake. In addition, each of the six younger sons shall carry the honorarium title of Most Noble Landgrave of Togen. Finally, anyone who wears the Crest of State of Togan and who carries the blood of Remg├â•rld shall be titulated Most Noble Warrior and will be addressed as Most Noble of the given rank, even by superiors!ÔÇØ - Part of prince NerasuÔÇÖs speech at the funeral banquet for Orwild Remg├â•rld 673 who died as he fought of two assassins who was halfway done with poisoning the king.
ÔÇ£I am Captain Remg├â•rd of the royal guard and appointed commander of oh his Majesty King Neva. I am the last full blooded dwarf to walk the plains and forests of Togen, and first to crack the skull of anyone who speaks ill of the Royal House of Ne...
...And I have just one more thing to say to you new worthless sons of dogs!..
...First recruit to buy me a flagon of wine in the mess hall when we are out of uniform may call me Orwild! The rest of you will have to earn it!ÔÇØ -Orwild ÔÇÿSwordcleaverÔÇÖ Remg├â•rld meeting the new recruits for the royal guard.
ÔÇ£Orwild fought besides the Markgraves of Ne as their right hand dwarf. When Neva was named King by the Star Council, he became the head of the Royal Guard. And how many times did the dwarves keep House Ker from returning to the throne? Who knows, but if the dwarves of Togen have one true ally, it is House Ne. And in return they have the loyalty of Great House Remg├â•rd ÔÇØ -Grave Nasta discussing the relationship between House Ne and House Remg├â•rd in 792
Edwin Paztnafall
ÔÇ£I will tell you who I am my good fellows. I am a man who believes that a man should work. I am a man who believes that a man should earn an honest day's wage for an honest dayÔÇÖs work. I am a man who thinks that it is not the nobles or the Duke who are going to drag us out of the mire of these troubled times, but the sweat of the our own brows. That is why gentlemen I am the leader of the National Miners Guild of Eastern Refort!ÔÇØ Paztnafall in his own words.
That Paztnafall talks a big talk and all, but he wants one thing. A big score, which is why he and his so called Guild is out there. Seeing if there is any silver left out in the Western Woods in land already worked over once, but now that the nobs need cash they'll take less rents on the land and the rights so wham shows up old Paztnafall out to make a killing.. - United Miners Guild of Refort district leader.
Refort Merchant Alliance
ÔÇ£I am not a member, but I have had dealings with them at the borders of Leamead. They will gladly exchange Refort coins for a mix of other duchy coins for a copper crown per silver crown, far better than losing a full four copper crowns per silver crown that LeameadÔÇÖs tarriffs change. They do ask for exchange back when you leave Leamead of only a copper head, but few merchants do not do this immediately after being raped through Leamead. Of course at the border the line of merchants waiting to have coin exchanged can be quite long and they run an inn at each end that offers decent room and board.ÔÇØ (Merchant in an Inn of Saltport)
ÔÇ£DonÔÇÖt worry about those moneychangers. If they think theyÔÇÖre beating us by dodging my tax of RefortÔÇÖs coinage then let them think that, because in truth, we win at every juncture this way: RefortÔÇÖs currency is debased within itÔÇÖs own borders, and travellers gladly pay our tolls thinking they beat the system. Sure, we collect a little less per traveller this way, but we collect from more, so it all evens out in the end.ÔÇØ Michael Shepherd to his Captains at the Refort Border responding to complaints about the Refort Merchant Alliance
ÔÇ£I have seen with my own eyes men with sacks of gold walk in to the Merchant Alliance Hall at Leamead Road Landing and come out with nary an item. Yet when I see them again in Refort, they seem to once again be flush with cash. I know not what they are doing, nor by what means, but they seem to have made their cash somehow vanish for the Leamead crossing and reappear in Refort. There is the smell of Lakeland deviousness in it all for most of the original members appear to be from that duchy though those of Leamead, Ostatia, and Togen are banned from being members and entering their hall.ÔÇØ -Togen merchant in Mageport to a fellow trader
Renwild and Gunnwild.
It is Renwild and Gunnwild, not Gunnwild and Renwild, you always mention Renwild first He was tallest! -Prince Neva to his second in command while talking strategy during the Eight salt lake war!
ÔÇ£Heh! there was no hiding that the two of them were related, sure Renwild was two inches higher than his big brother, but who else have you heard of that has reached the rank of captains but never reached the height of a normal man's chest? Heh, I donÔÇÖt know if I believe in the legends about dwarfs, but the blood of Remg├â•rld sure seems to prove it, sad thing that those boys never got to get any sons, formidable soldiers in that bloodline, they make one proud to be a TogenÔÇØ -Heard at a Togen inn shortly after the night shift at the guards.
ÔÇ£923, that was the year of our greatest triumph that cost us our most noble bloodline, when the last sons of Orwild the dwarf fell at the Battle of the Oak Beach, all guards, no matter his rank took his hand to his hearth and waited in silence. Tomorrow, when the bells ring for the high sun it will be 80 years since these two fell defending our kingdom, and as we do every decade, we do again. for those of you that is new that means that you may all stop what you are doing, no matter what it is when you hear the bells. from that moment, no man in uniform may remove his hand from his hearth, speak or move from his spot until he hears the words ÔÇÿThe people forgive you and praise you for all you doÔÇÖ when you hear those words you will respond by a salute to whoever who said them and say ÔÇÿI am sad I could not save them, but I am glad I live to serve another dayÔÇÖ then you continue whatever you did before at normal phase, and should you meet another man in uniform who stand with his hand to his hearth you say the words that will let him go oneÔǪ
 And let me tell you this, the first recruit, sergeant or other in uniform to walk past me and not say the words will be one head shorter, just to honor Remg├â•rlds bloodline!ÔÇØ -High Captain Emulir the day before he was rushed to the infirmary with severe leg cramps.
ÔÇ£Great House Remg├â•rld has not died this day. Yes, the last Duke and his brother, finding out about the invasion of the Island, led what few men they could find to repulse them. It was their warning that led me to join them with what guard I could muster. We were outnumbered but they waited not for reinforcements, or allowed me to tarry. They led the charge upon the enemy and their landing parties. The fight cost us dearly, for my friends and allies did fall this day. Let black fly upon every standard of Togen, let every arm be wrapped in black. But know this Togen, the duty they showed, the courage they demonstrated, and the future they worked for has not died. From henceforth, the first and second Lightfoot are to be renamed, and reborn as the First and Second Wild, to be trained to attack with speed and vigor from ship and land. And the Lands of our fallen friends shall continue the work that they silently did for us. Providing shelter, food and a place to call home for those who served us but have found themselves in difficulty. And worry not that their memory shall pass, for House Ne declares that it shall maintain the memory of our fallen House.ÔÇØ - King Nevnew announcing the death of Renwild and Gunnwild
Royal Wilds
You see those in the green tabards over there? Yeah the motley group with the black armor? Those are from the First Royal Wilds of Togen. Never heard of them? They are the most disorderly bunch youve ever seen. They either lollygag around or are fast marching somewhere. But I dont want to meet one in a fight, all are expert bowman and they carry those short, odd halberds called Dwarven sword axes. Damn nasty in a long range or a close range fight, but luckily they tend to stay on Togens galleys so you seldom see them around here - Sargent of Lakeland to a guardsman.
Cassandra Roth-Shepherd, Duchess of Leamead (949-995 Duchess 968-Death)
ÔÇ£My mother and her other son were fools, but their incompetence did save me a bloody war of ascension. There are two morals to their story: ÔÇÿa paranoid man is hard to assassinateÔÇÖ, and ÔÇÿyou only get one chance to kill your lordÔÇÖ. By Gravidia, I sound like my father. IÔÇÖm sure the moral ought to be something about loyalty.ÔÇØ -Michael Shepherd on his motherÔÇÖs failed coup.
Shepherd, Jonathan (970-995)
ÔÇ£Of course, I was outraged at the circumstances of his birth. I had always remained faithful to my wife, and bearing a son to a peasant of Refort was surely done to spite me. Nonetheless, I raised Jonathan as my own. I even made him heir over my own son, the younger Michael, never telling a soul about his father. It was only waking up with a sword passed through my shoulder that showed me I was not a father to him as he was a son to me. The saddest part, Dobbins, if that his mother hadnÔÇÖt been in the room, and if she hadnÔÇÖt mentioned killing Michael next, I may never have reached for my sword.ÔÇØ Duke Rothfuss III on his WifeÔÇÖs failed coup
ÔÇ£Jonathan Shepherd was the first son of Duke Rothfuss III and heir to his throne, until along with his mother he launched a coup that failed due to the botched assassination of the Duke. It is unknown why he turned against his father, but some suspect that the DukeÔÇÖs worsening relations with his neighbors, and the instant popularity of his younger brother Michael among the military are possible causes.ÔÇØ -A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 5 Leamead
ÔÇ£If you speak that name to me again I will cut out your tongue! I have no brother.ÔÇØ Michael Shepherd when asked by a Togen scholar about Jonathan Shepherd
Shepherd, Marcus (983-Present)
ÔÇ£My younger cousin shows little interest in bearing arms, and I will not force it on him, but if he doesnÔÇÖt find a way to serve Leamead soon I may ask him to fall on the sword that is the Countess Grendell.ÔÇØ -Michael Shepherd to a Togen Scholar
ÔÇ£WeÔÇÖll do this, Marcus. As my ward I feel it is the best I can do for you. Know this, much treasure is going into your education. You will be a man when you return, and you will be expected to prove that the gold was well spent. I will expect you to be just as valuable to Leamead as your cousin.ÔÇØ -Duke Rothfuss Shepherd III to his nephew, on sending him to study in Togen (999)
I feel my studies are going well. I wanted you to know, in spite of any missives you may receive to the contrary, that I consider this my duty to Leamead, and am taking it as seriously as if I had sword in hand.
Interestingly enough, at times I literally have a sword in hand; I could likely even teach you a technique or two when next we meet. The weapons I am only now learning about are impressive as well: dwarven sword-axes, bill hooks, poleaxes, guisarmes, glaives and pollaxes to name just some of the pole-arms. IÔÇÖll try to complete some drawings of them to include in my next letter, and describe their uses; many of the pole-arms are designed to counter cavalry, an important thing on the Refort border. I was surprised, given my lack of skill compared to others in Leamead, but I feel IÔÇÖve most impressed my weapons master with my abilities with a sling, though many laughed at a joke about it being a shepherdÔÇÖs weapon.
I have yet to be accepted into a school of the Academy, though I hope to be accepted to the school of Rhetoric. You wouldnÔÇÖt beleive there are so many books in the world as even the tiny fraction IÔÇÖve already read. I feel I started far behind my peers, and my Tutors make you look very forgiving. IÔÇÖll spare you the details, as IÔÇÖm sure theyÔÇÖll interest you less than the list of weapons.
Your cousin,
Marcus ShepherdÔÇØ -Letter from Marcus Shepherd to Michael Shepherd on his studies.
ÔÇ£Why have I been saddled with a shepherd who knows less about anything than a common Togen plowboy? If this is how well educated the ruling class of Leamead is, then it is a wonder that they have not sold the entire Duchy to a cookware dealer in Tawanic for a complete cook set.
I would not expect the sheperd, who is now called Baa, by his fellow students to start his studies for at least another year and a half, until then he will focus primarily on catching up on everything he does not understand about the world. In addition the boy is obviously poor in physical strength and coordination. I very much feel that he will find his hours in the weapons hall to be quite embarrassing as he will likely wind up within the female fighting forms rather than the more blunt male ones, and will still be bested regularly.
All that said, the boy is apparently somewhat of a sponge when it comes to knowledge. A dirty, muddy, ill-used sponge, but a sponge. I will report if he falters in his progress.ÔÇØ -Tutor Baldric Mansuer to the Regents of The Academy of Wilds in 999
Shepherd, Michael (II) (977-Present)
I hear good things about the work you are doing to establish defensible positions on the southern border. Remember, if our border is strong enough we wonÔÇÖt need spend the noble blood of our people defending it.
You were right about your man Derek; he is likely to become the youngest captain in the guard. Currently heÔÇÖs preparing to join a party with a mage hunter. The hunter, Tarick, you may remember him from your last time at the castle, thinks a rogue mage out of Refort may be hiding with some bandits. I agreed to send a contingent of men to help him, as I fear his prey may be an illegal agent of Refort sent North to cause havoc in our land.
I trust in the success of your current endeavor, and eagerly await your next trip home. I hope that upon your return you will allow me to bend your ear in regards to the issue of a wife and heirs. You will find accompanying this letter one from Lady Jane Grendell. Do what you will with it. I only ask you consider finding a wife soon; I donÔÇÖt mind if sheÔÇÖs the lowliest peasant, so long as she isnÔÇÖt from Refort.
With love,
Your Father.ÔÇØ-Letter from Duke Rothfuss Shepherd III to his son and Heir Michael Shepherd (II)
I burned the letter from Grendell as you should have done in front of the messenger who delivered it to you. I understand that you think of the family line when you prod me to take a wife, but I will not dilute the Shepherd blood by mixing it with that of a half-wit from a waning dukal line. I will furthermore not marry until I find a woman capable of thought beyond bearing sons and enjoying the trappings of wealth, for it would be better for our line to fail than to fade like GrendellÔÇÖs has.
I am a bit disappointed that you allowed the mage hunter control of our men. It is one thing to allow ElburÔÇÖs dogs free range in our territory, but to spend our menÔÇÖs blood solving RefortÔÇÖs problems seems counter to all youÔÇÖve taught me.
As to the work I am doing, I assure you it will be a success. Even if our enemies were to somehow take the land I am securing, it would take them years, if not decades of work to make it passable by a large force of men by any means other than following the trade roads north. When I am done, the blood Refort will have to spill to take our southern territory will far outweigh its worth.
Michael.ÔÇØ -Letter from Michael Shepherd to his father Duke Rothfuss III
ÔÇ£Twenty seven, and still no wife, not even the hint of a mistress. ItÔÇÖs almost more scandalous than if he had a string of Refort bastards.ÔÇØ
ÔÇ£They say the Lady Grendell has designs on him but he isnÔÇÖt interested, and I hear heÔÇÖs awful friendly with one of the younger men in his group.ÔÇØ
ÔÇ£Oh, hush! ThereÔÇÖs a difference between gossip and slander. Besides, rejecting Lady Grendell proves all the more heÔÇÖs only eyes for women. Now I just think if he met my Rosie thatÔÇÖd end the whole issue.ÔÇØ
-Gossip overheard in Leamead
ItÔÇÖs little use dealing with the Duke himself, heÔÇÖs a hard headed fool, but I may be able to make some headway with his son Michael. If we can convince him to reduce the heavy tariffs on our fatwood for the silver mines, while leaving the rest of their current tariffs intact, the costs of working the silver from lead would drop dramatically. I will make an effort to convince him of the mutual benefit of such an arrangement, but it would help if we had someone warming his bed to make the case for us. If you know any impoverished noble with a comely daughter who could stand connecting herself with a shepherdÔÇÖs heir just to climb rank I think it would help immensely.
Your loyal servant,
VaslarÔÇØ -Letter from Count Vaslar to his father Duke of Refort
ÔÇ£IÔÇÖd say heÔÇÖs a damn fine Captain if he bore the rank. You almost never see the man not moving, doing something, and heÔÇÖs always thinking. HeÔÇÖs clever too. I swear, I donÔÇÖt understand the half of what he does until I see the end result, and I like to think IÔÇÖm not exactly an average rock beater.ÔÇØ Sgt Rothfuss Longshank, Leamead 5th Infantry 4th unit
ÔÇ£IÔÇÖve been posted on this border for most of the last five years, and have served with or commanded nearly every unit of Leamead as theyÔÇÖve cycled through this post. I canÔÇÖt tell if my father wants me to get to know all of the men, or if heÔÇÖs worried IÔÇÖll wake him one night as rudely as his last heir did once.ÔÇØ Michael Shepherd on his assignment to the border.
ÔÇ£The heir to Duke Rothfuss III spends much of his time serving as a military leader on the Refort border. Though he dresses plainly, as would a common foot soldier, Michael Shepherd is easily distinguished by his restlessness and the vigor with which he speaks to those around him. If a man still isnÔÇÖt sure which is the heir he need only look at the coins in his pocket, for even the Duke looks less like Rothfuss I than does his son.
Michael is well liked among the armed men who serve under him, officer and enlisted alike, in spite of being known as a very strict commander. He requires every man under him to maintain a short beard or shave it entirely, permits no alcohol within seven hours of a shift, and prohibits the hiring of Refort prostitutes, a staple of the southern front before he assumed command.
He is a fiery orator, who can make digging a drainage ditch seem like taking an enemyÔÇÖs capital, and seems unafraid to speak rather harshly about the leaders of the neighboring duchies, especially Refort, though how much of this is rhetoric meant for his menÔÇÖs benefit is hard to tell.ÔÇØ
ÔÇ£EditorÔÇÖs note: It appears the author may have become influenced by his subject. Have him revise for second edition.ÔÇØ A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 5 Leamead
Shepherd, Rothfuss ÔÇ£the GreatÔÇØ I, First Duke of Leamead (Ôëê 845-911 Duke 875-Death)
ÔÇ£Well, son, many years ago Leamead had no duke, and then one day the duke of Refort decided he would take it over. Well, the shepherds were just about starving paying the dukeÔÇÖs high taxes, and then one named Rothfuss started a rebellion. Back then the duchies tended to squabble over borders, so he was able to get them to attack Leamead from three sides while he fought from the forest. Leamead lost some land, but it was free of RefortÔÇÖs taxes, and to thank Rothfuss they made him the first Duke Leamead; our lord, Duke Rothfuss III was named after him, as are many sons of Leamead. That man was a great hero, and the most worthy duke Gilfal has ever seen.ÔÇØ - Leamead shepherd to his son.
ÔÇ£There is no formal religion in Leamead, and apart from the aforementioned prayers to a vague fertility goddess a bizarre form of hero worship is the closest facsimile.
On a rocky hill in the middle of a sheep pasture there stands an unmarked statue, to which every man makes a pilgrimage with his son, and in front of which the Dukes are crowned.
The bronze statue is quite impressive, considering that it was made by a couple of smiths whose greatest other work was shovels and horseshoes. The statue itself is of a man of unremarkable stature, dressed in peasantÔÇÖs attire, apart from a circlet on his brow made of true silver. In his right hand he bears a short sword, and in his left a shepherdÔÇÖs crook. The base for the statue is a large rock said to have been naturally occuring, and it has be carved to appear as a pile of Refort corpses. A man would wonder how the silver crown has remained unmolested nearly a century, unless theyÔÇÖve seen the eyes of the man bearing it; the statue has an intense gaze, more natural and intimidating than the work of many far more skilled sculptors. It is said that even his heirs find the statue intimidating. This is called simply ÔÇÿThe StatueÔÇÖ in Leamead. The locals feel no need to say that it is Duke Rothfuss Shepherd I. It could be no other man. It is said that when Duke Rothfuss III was crowned there with the Iron circlet his namesake had worn in life he could not look into the eyes of the statue, feeling unworthy of his ancestor.
It is easy to see why Duke Rothfuss II ordered all gold coins of Leamead to forever bear his grandfatherÔÇÖs visage, though having met the current heir, Michael, I must say that when he takes the throne the difference will be imperceptible.ÔÇØ A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 5 Leamead
ÔÇ£As I look about me it is hard to believe the way my life has unfolded. I sit now to write about things that happened when I didnÔÇÖt know how to read. I am called a hero because I stood against Refort, risking my life to save that of my sons, as any father would have. In trying to save my sons I turned them into martyrs. I had to stand because the sons of the Green Duke, whose faithfulness to another nation is legendary, were faithless to the subjects they acquired in annexing Leamead. The sons of the greatest line were worse than a line that failed. My father had no surname. His name was Roth. He named me Rothfuss. It was the tax collectors of Refort who first said I needed a surname. Refort created House Shepherd. I hope they regret that decision until my grandsonÔÇÖs grandson walks the Earth.ÔÇØ Prelude to the Memoirs or Rothfuss Shepherd. The rest of the document has been lost to time.
Shepherd, Rothfuss II, Third Duke of Leamead (903-963 Duke 933- Death)
ÔÇ£Duke Rothfuss the First and his son Duke Michael never really established a guard, it was just the law that each man had to be prepared to fight to defend our land, and maintain the weapons and arms taken from the Refort invaders. It was Duke Rothfuss II who decided a standing force of men was needed, and so to fund it he started paying men to help him collect tolls on the goods that travelled through our land, the first member of this very guard was hired in 935, nearly seventy years ago. For about ten years the Duke himself lived near the Refort border collecting tolls. It was these tariffs that funded the construction of his castle in the 940s and 50s, and continue to fund the Leamead guard, now a fighting force large enough to make even Refort hesitant to attack our border unaided.ÔÇØ Leamead training captain to cadets
ÔÇ£Rothfuss likes to claim that he built up his army to defend his land. Yet when the old duke died leaving poor Karnhim with those twits on the Regency Council to govern his lands, what did Rothfuss the Shepherd do? Claimed half the land of Hardarem and marched his feudal levies into battle. But he didnÔÇÖt meet a bunch of squabbling nobles, no he met Neva on the field and learned that a properly trained and led force could smash a rag tag army three times its size. And found NevaÔÇÖs hospitality much to his dislike. So remember that the tariffs of Rothfuss are to build a sword for our belly!ÔÇØ -Sargent of Hardarem 3rd Foot in a bar
ÔÇ£My father was a good man, but my grandfather was a great one. It wasnÔÇÖt until he invaded Hardarem in 963 that the other Duchies truly considered Leamead sovereign land and not a pie to be divided among themselves. The only wound deeper than when Neva cut him down was when my own son tried to kill me.ÔÇØ Duke Rothfuss III to Togen scholar
Shepherd, Rothfuss III, Fifth Duke of Leamead (950-Present Duke 971-Present)
ÔÇ£Another thorn in my side, that Rothfuss is!! Sired by a shepherd when my fathers had been dukes ten generations, and he treats me like heÔÇÖs my superior. The ingrate forgets that it was with the help of Grendell that his duchy even came to exist. If I had the men to spare IÔÇÖd show him what I think of his tariffs.ÔÇØ-Duke Hammond Grendell on his southern neighbor
ÔÇ£He should be called the Mule Duke, for even a mule would find him stubborn. If he surrendered back the southern bank of the Remeer back to Refort his border would be secured by nature far more effectively than by all the fortresses he builds in the middle of marshland. If he lowered his tariffs, that much more trade would cross his roads and fill his coffers. If he had considered NevaÔÇÖs scheme for a grand canal rather than try to spit in the face of my uncle, then even more silver would fill his coffers. If he gained allies rather than treat us all as enemies, he could train men not just to fight, but to read and write. I do not consider myself RothfussÔÇÖs greatest enemy, no, that would be himself.ÔÇØ -Karnhim I, Duke of Hardarem to the Envoy of Refort.
Slings of Leamead
ÔÇ£If you see one of them sheep lovers over there with a sling, watch out. Their best slingers are given lead pellets to throw at us, and some of them can put our archers to shame. Trust me, I know.ÔÇØ -Refort Sergeant, One-Eyed Pete to a rookie on the Leamead border
ÔÇ£A shepherdÔÇÖs sling can be made by hand of some twine or yarn, can use simple stones as ammunition, and can be hidden at a momentÔÇÖs notice, even up a manÔÇÖs sleeve. Add to that the fact that the men of Leamead are the most skilled users of the weapon West of the Silver Spikes, and it becomes clear as to why the sling was so critical to the rebellion of Rothfuss the Great. Even today those who excel in the use of the weapon are given special status in the Leamead Guard, and honored with the title ÔÇÿSlings of LeameadÔÇÖ.ÔÇØ -A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 5 Leamead
Society, The (See Society of the Lost)
Society of The Lost (Togen)
ÔÇ£The Togen claim that they formed the Society because they had ÔÇÿindividuals of royal descentÔÇÖ running around north Togen. And how could a poor, defenseless royal orphans, with no throne to claim, be guilty of anything wrong? In reality who knows what the Dwarves and House Ne were actually up to when they set it up. But they definitely developed a system to round up the remaining mage blood and get them parceled out to the various High Houses of the Togen nobility. There are still very few Mages even in Togen, and are rare even in the Society itself, for they are far outnumbered by the untainted members of the Society. This is because the Society runs the finest school in Togen, The Wilds Academy, and has become something of a requirement for any civil office of the government. The society operates Halls in key locations the country that support Questers, members of the society who are authorized to investigate the illegal use of magic, though many are nothing more than recruiters and guards who work to keep the common man unafraid of the Society and the NobilityÔÇØ - Ambassador Reglus of Refort
ÔÇ£Never in a thousand years would I take my child to The Lost. Have them declared a bastard, say my wife cheated behind my back! My children are mine, not some sneaking prat of a fallen royal. When I was a kid, my best friend was run off to the Society a week ahead of the damn Test. Suppose his mother must have had a tumble with some stranger down at the Inn, donÔÇÖt know why her husband didnÔÇÖt call it quits right then and there. I saw him again, still consider him a friend. Not as though it were his fault his mother got knocked up by some bastard royal.ÔÇØ - A man in a Togen beer hall
Tabitha Belldaki (979-Present)
ÔÇ£Grave Belldaki, I have been petitioned by your daughter for a post in the Royal Guard. However, I have selected her for a more suitable task for one of our Academy graduates. I have a request by the House of Shepherds for a bodyguard for their heir. I have been informed by her tutor that she is discrete in almost all matters and is circumspect in her behavior when needed. I smell the tang of intrigue when the Duke of Leamead made this request so both should do her service. Since the boy lives among the military in the Remeerland her training with the Toganas will be quite beneficial. I should point out that she will be considered to hold a post of Chamber Guard under my grace..ÔÇØ King Nevo commissioning House Bell to provide Michael Shepherd a bodyguard.
ÔÇ£My King, might I offer a solution that may kill two birds with a single stone? The Bell daughter pesters us daily but she is too gruff to serve well in the Royal Guard and the Wilds do not need more officers at the moment. Yet do we not need someone to send to watch the shepherdÔÇÖs son? The very same rough attitude that makes her a problem as an officer here would be an asset there, and sheÔÇÖs clever enough to see through any schemes that might be in play there.ÔÇØ -Advisor to King Nevo of Togen
ÔÇ£About that guard you sent: did you tell her she was to be my advisor? At times her sarcasm makes me understand why your closest counselor is a mute. I asked her about her orders, but all sheÔÇÖll say is ÔÇ£My duty is to guard Michael ShepherdÔÇÖ. Her apparent inability to use the word ÔÇÿyouÔÇÖ while stating her orders or to explain them is equally infuriating. Will it start a war if I kill her?ÔÇØ Excerpt from letter sent by Michael Shepherd to his father the Duke
ÔÇ£About your new guard: I ordered her to say no more. That discussion is ended. As far as killing her goes, youÔÇÖre welcome to try, but I wouldnÔÇÖt advise it; besides, you of all people shouldnÔÇÖt complain about a subordinate being an opinionated thorn in the side. If she greys your hair half as much as youÔÇÖve mine, IÔÇÖll have to reconsider my dislike of her king.ÔÇØ -Excerpt from Duke Rothfuss IIIÔÇÖs reply to his son.
ÔÇ£Well I suppose that hiring a woman to sleep with his son is one way for the Shepard to get an heir.ÔÇØ Count Adila before having hot tea acidentily spilled in his lap by his sister-in-law.
Toganas, The Order of
ÔÇ£A woman cannot bare arms! you will hear that in any nation but Togen, in Togen they say a woman who bare arms is as much nobility as the children of the high houses!
Toganas is a special order of female warriors and soldiers, probably the best trained order in all of Togen except for the royal guard. The women in this order are all women who have freely given up the right to bare children or to ever get married, cause such is the requirement to join!
As a thanks for the high sacrifice, the Ker pays the order directly of its own pockets to make sure they are never missing anything in the way of training and equipment, the Order even has a high recruiting success in the Society of the Lost, so if you meet one of the Toganas in war, there is a big chance she is not only a prime fighter, but also a mage but at least these mages all wear the mark proudly, often in the form of a scar tattoo on the shoulder or on their bold shaved heads! Yea, If we are ever going to have to fight Togen in a open war, Ill try to avoid a fight with these witch warriors -Jurll sergeant in the southern border guard of Elbur.
ÔÇ£The daughter of one of the Houses of the Grand Chamber shall not be permitted to join the Order of Toganas without the permission of the House and her direct guardian. But any woman of such birth may, by her own choosing, take up to learn the weapons of war. And may seek a warrant or commission to serve from either Lord or Crown.ÔÇØ - Decree of the Grand Chamber on the House Alder vs Athia Alder.
Tonar Grimkill
ÔÇ£The old man wanted it done so we do it. I know he donÔÇÖt seem like much but heÔÇÖs a brutal son-of-a-bitch and clever too; you donÔÇÖt get to a position like his without being both. Under his leadership, weÔÇÖve become the largest, nastiest gang in the nation; any nation! Looks like heÔÇÖs about seventy but still moves like heÔÇÖs thirty and could and would gladly whip anyone who got out of line. Including you, kid.ÔÇØ - ÔÇ£BonesÔÇØ, a bandit, talking to a reluctant recruit.
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Beasts and monsters
This includes only non normal animals and magical creatures, dung beetles, house hold dogs and hedgehogs does not have a description in this document with the exception of legendary versions.A
Jyrd (Deer)
ÔÇ£Long believed to be magical beasts, The deers that are grazing on the lowland plains of northern Togen and few meadows of forests in the southern Duchies of Gilfal was given the name Jyrd. The reason for this was that these animals are stronger and faster than any deer found other places in the combined nations, and their skin glimmers with the colors of red and gold. they also seem more intelligent than most animals and do not flee from people who does not carry weapons, unless actively provoked. Sadly it has become clear that the animals do not possess any magical abilities, and are infact just regular deer. On the lowlands and in the forests where the Jyrd grazes grows an uncommon plant known as Rengilis rose, and somehow deers, but not other animals, that feeds on this plant for an extended period of many weeks will gain the aforementioned qualities. Again it is sad to mention, but if not feeding on these flowers, the animal loses these gifts after only two to three daysÔÇØ - the book ÔÇ£Wild game of TogenÔÇØ
King Wolf
ÔÇ£Adult males grow as large as a small man and easily over 100lbs. They are named both for their size and for the ring of fur around their necks that resembles a thick necklace with a medallion shaped patch. Their jaws are large enough to bite a human head and have been known to take down creatures 3x their size. Usually hunting in packs, they are one of the most dangerous creatures in the mountainous area.ÔÇØ - Any hunter or ranger who knows his way around a huge mountainside forest.
ÔÇ£Scaly small buggers eh? yes yes he is a cute one and the perfect pet for a beautiful lady such as yourself! only a silver crown and two heads, he will be yours! just let him lay in front of the fire each evening and be sure to not put it out to early. They hail from the south east of togen, in the deserts edges near the silver spikes, so they need the warmth when up here in the north. It is a good thing my lady found him now, a few more weeks and he would be too old to sell, you see when they reach early adulthood they bond on whoever they are together with the most and will see you as its own. he, trying to take a wild weilf in after it reaches adulthood. well, they are as self dependent as they are beautiful, it would run away within a day.ÔÇØ - Traveling merchant selling exotic animals in a Leamead marketplace.
ÔÇ£These elegant lizards live in the eastern edge of the Red Spur Hills, they grow to a full meter in captivity, but rarely more than a half to three quarters in the wild. the colored feathers along their sides, on the stomach and from the hip to the tip of the tail is not for flight, but rather for warmth, the feathers on hte chest hand half the tail down are of down feathers, while from the hind legs and half way down the tail is covered in proper feathers, The colors of the feathers varies greatly even within one generation, but hte color of hte body, whil also varied from weilf to weilf is alway unicolor both on the individual but also its siblings. The thickness of their body varies greatly but all are very slim creatures. they live of rodents such mice, small rats and chipmunks, insects and occasionally small amounts of sweet fruit and nuts if they can get any. they seem to be able to both sense color as us humans and to sense the warmth of objects within close distance of them, during night time they seem to rely on small and the sense of temperature. hearing seems to be limited to sharper and higher tones as they more often respond to the voice of women than men. While they are solitary animals in the wild they are also extremely curious and if raised from youngs they will bond to humans or other large sized mammals for some unknown reason, it is not uncommon to see semi tamed weilfs as the companion of horses, oxen and other large beasts of burden in the south-eastern of Togens towns and cities and all the way out west to cauldrongate. such untrained wielfs will not be scare by or attack humans that comes nearby, but simply crawl around besides or on the animal they have bonded withÔÇØ
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Flowers, Fungi and Trees
This is description of any special plants and such that need it, including magical ones with the exception of rare/legendary ones.A
Coffee Tree
ÔÇ£Coffee Trees are the damn hardest thing to grow. They like high elevation which means that they prefer being where most people shouldnÔÇÖt be. Yeah, there are a lot of low orchards these days, but the pods are short, and they take longer to roast to get a good proper cup of joe. No, if you want what the Gods meant Coffee to be its got to be coffee from a high elevation tree with those nice long seed pods.ÔÇØ - Coffee Dealer in Mageport
Cooks pot mushroom;
ÔÇ£Common in the northern parts of the Duke green forests, this mushroom grows to the size of a small human head and is mostly hollow. It has gained its name from its use as a makeshift pot used by woodsmen and hunters alike to cook over a gentle fire.
Its outer skin is flexible and leathery, and when the mushroom is cut in half, the top part can be filled with water to cook a stew or soup in it, and while it does not provide much taste itself, the stalk of the mushroom is edible and can add volume to any dish.ÔÇØ - Malak the bard, in his book ÔÇ£tales and songs of the open roadÔÇØ
Dragon Tail
ÔÇ£Every peasant knows that the dragon tail is one way of avoiding starvation. The large seed head, which looks like the tail end of a dragon, can be eaten raw or roasted. Raw they taste like eating wool. Roasted they actually taste not so bad. They grow in wet areas such as marshes and are a favorite food of marsh deer, jyrd, and horses.ÔÇØ - Malak the bard, in his book ÔÇ£tales and songs of the open roadÔÇØ
Dagger Bush
ÔÇ£The neat rows of bushes one sees outside most elven cities of EraÔÇÖnaka are of the dagger bush. A native of the most northern climates it is known for use as a fencing material because of its large, long thorns and deep foliage which make it ideal for large animal management. Also, Dagger Bush is the source of leaves for the ever popular Blue Tea and the much less well known Thorn tea.ÔÇØ -A wandering life, Diary of Edham Neil
ÔÇ£Remember never use fatwood in a fire unless your prepared to have your chimney fall down around it. That stuff doesnÔÇÖt burn normal, it is as hot as the fires of hell. No good except for starting fires, cause it is too damn hot and fast.ÔÇØ - Woodcutter to his son.
Jyrd (flower) see ÔÇ£Rengilis roseÔÇØ
Killberry Bush
ÔÇ£We just called them Killberries ÔÇÿround these parts. They got them dark green leaves and twisty vines and bright yellow berries. The berries smell real sweet but donÔÇÖt eat them or touch them whatever you do. The berries contain a powerful poison juice that paralyzes you quick then stops your heart. Soaks through the skin on contact too. The bush is mostly a problem to deer and inexperienced woodsman. Kills them dead fast and then uses the body for fertilizer. Wherever thereÔÇÖs a Killberry Bush, youÔÇÖll find a few skeletons tangled in the roots underneath and maybe some loot if youÔÇÖre lucky.ÔÇØ - Tucker Kane, forest guide for hire.
Lakeland Black Leaf
ÔÇ£DonÔÇÖt judge smoking a pipe until youÔÇÖve tried Lakeland Black Leaf; even the scent is intoxicating. I canÔÇÖt tell you why the best Smoke Leaf comes from Lakeland, but I can say with certainty that it does.ÔÇØ -Trader in Salt Port
Rengilis rose
ÔÇ£Also known as the Jyrd flower, Rengilis rose is a small plant native to the lowland plains of northern Togen and the forests of the southern Duchies of Gilfal. The plant only carries one flower that is as big as the size of a fist and resembles a blue rose, resting just above ground. the rest of the plant is a huge net of fine and delicate roots that will break upon the slightest touch. Famous for its ability to bestow strength, speed and intelligence to wild deer, the plant has many times been attempt moved by herbalists and royals with interest in its gifts. sadly all attempts has resulted in nothing more than a plant that dies when the winter season starts, and never regrows. Any attempt to harvest the flower and using it in any way has also proven to be fruitless, as the flower withers and dies already within hours after being removed from the ground where it grew. But according to legends, the Elven cavalry known as Runde├ÃvalÔÇÖs seventy seven lances knew how to both harvest and resow this plant.ÔÇØ - Young Bumfil looked at his teacher with pride as he was done reading in the book ÔÇ£Alchemy theory and resourcesÔÇØ
Smoke Leaf
ÔÇ£Ah smokeleaf,
Sweet Moss
ÔÇ£ The reason sweet moss is considered a dangerous substance by most of my fellows is that unless properly blanched before use, the toxins within the moss will kill you. Unless of course you are an elf. Then you can just dump the stuff in your hot tea and sip away with a nice bit of sweet kick.ÔÇØ - Local Apothecary
Tea Vine
ÔÇ£ It is said that almost every home should have its own tea vine. You need to pluck the leaves when they are small and contain the most flavor. These can either be directly used or dried for later use. Typically most find fresh tea vine leaves to be the best however dried tea leaves will do in a pinch. To properly make vine, or green tea, place the leaves in the cup and place boiling water over them and allow to stoke for at least three minutes.ÔÇØ - Refort Ladies Club Cookbook
ÔÇ£The pickers pick the young leaves off the tea vine every day then bring them here. We soak the leaves in oil for upwards to a week, depending on the season, and then put them over in the press. Then we press out the oil leaving us with a tea cake. Now the key to making Red Tea is quite simple, you need to make sure you donÔÇÖt have no water in your oil.ÔÇØ - Foreman of Red Tea Mill in East Bay
ÔÇ£A goat will travel unknown hardships and difficulties to eat your tea vine. Whatever you do, donÔÇÖt let a goat near a tea vine unless you want it eaten to the root.ÔÇØ -Farmer on the cultivation of tea vine.
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Items of note, legends and magic
Special items belong here, be it a single item or a type of items, if they are extraordinaire enough, youÔÇÖll find them here.A
Bolling Ball (East)
ÔÇ£Dwarves play such an odd game. It may be played by anywhere from three or more teams. The basics of the game are simple. The teams each try to take the ball from their stick at their end of the field though another teams goal located at the center. The rules are quite simple, and cheating seems to be pardonable since most players are usually half drunk anyway. The odd thing is that the Referees can win the game by throwing out a set number of the players for cheating, though the spectators can, and do, overrule them. Also, there seldom are fixed teams as they are traditionally selected by drawing lots before the game.ÔÇØ -Kendric Oldston, Life amongst the Dwarves
Bolling Ball (West)
ÔÇ£A game exclusively played by the members of the Academy of Wilds and by the alumni on Mourning Day. The teams are always based on their Houses, though for alumni games usually the old, sick, wounded and infirm members are Referees and ÔÇÿtransfersÔÇÖ are made to balance the teams. The object of the game is to take a ball from touch a stick near your goal to a goal of an opposing team after crossing the ÔÇÿeyeÔÇÖ or center of the field.ÔÇØ - TraderÔÇÖs Guide
Blessing Ring
ÔÇ£A beautifully crafted band of twisted silver and gold, the ring is smooth on the surface all the way around with exception to the front where a crest made of mithril. The crest combines a dagger piercing a thunderbolt with the crest of the home region of the carrier. if somehow you ever get to look inside the ring, you will find a small stamp, this would be the signature of the ruler who have given this ring, And I can tell you this, if you see that signature, you are in mortal danger because, that would mean you had just killed a Mage hunter!ÔÇØ -Assassin master to his two apprentices.
Bowls of voices
ÔÇ£Seeing as he sold the lot for just two silver crowns, the merchant who first sold these items in the year 360 to a mage hunter by the name of Gilberrull must have had no idea what he had found! . According to him, it was just seventy five very nice clay bowls that he had found in a hidden cave by Taikai Lake between Togen and Gilfal.ÔÇØ - Story of the test by Yron the vise - Mage hunter in the seventh hundred years after the fall.
ÔÇ£These small bowls looks to be nothing but ordinary serving bowls made of dark brown claybut when clear water is added to the bowl. it will suddenly turn into our most important tool in finding and exposing illegal magic practitioners! It was our founder Gillberrull who was the first to discover their properties after buying them in the years around 360.
When clear water is added, they will react to any magic that gets too close to them, the reaction varies from time to time, but if it is anything but a sound of a low sight, it is a sure indicator that the thing of question is magical. This is why in his Wisdom, Gillberrull made a deal with the leaders of The combined nations, that each season every region would be visited by two of our members, each protecting a bowl, and together with a selected group of trusted soldiers go to all towns to test its inhabitants, should any have obtained magic without clear permission.
Of Course the exact procedure varies from region to region, and I wish we had more bowls but sadly that difference in procedure is also why we now only have fifty three bowls left out ot the original seventy five! Some have been destroyed due to carelessness, other been stolen due to low security provided by the host region, but whatever the reason, I will tell you this, from this day a new law has been agreed on in all areas but those of Togen, that If a bowl is lost, its protectors and the selected soldiers who are to commit the test will be hanged! And donÔÇÖt think taking duty in Togen is any protection for you, Togen may not wish to punish their men so hard, but you are still members of this order and will be judged by our laws!ÔÇØ - Fran the stern, keeper of records and law in the Order of the Test.
ÔÇ£This is the genuine article: a testing bowl that doesnÔÇÖt have a bunch of muscle running it. Listen, IÔÇÖm not calling you a mage. All IÔÇÖm saying is this: half the people who get hanged for failing the test look surprised when they get caught. All IÔÇÖm asking for is a Gold coin. IsnÔÇÖt your peace of mind worth that much? ArenÔÇÖt your wife and childrenÔÇÖs lives worth a measly piece of metal?ÔÇØ- Sammy Longshanks
Codex of Magic
ÔÇ£We being the rightful heirs of all Magic in the Combined Realms, do hereby list those objects of magical power which we do own here in this text. Further we each pledge to secure the objects of our fellow heirs and as such, shall endeavor to ensure that all objects if sold or traded, shall be recorded in this work.ÔÇØ -Opening Paragraph of the Codex, 1st ed.
ÔÇ£The Codex, just a damn way of the nobles to protect themselves against thieves. See once Prince Nava had bought the Darwin Flute and found it was magical. Well hell three different Dukes all claimed it had been stolen from them. Of course Prince Nava asked them to describe it and show that they owned it. But they all failed. My one question is, why would anyone want a magic flute that can make cats dance?ÔÇØ - Max the Fence, former magic article fence just before being hung for receiving stolen goods.
ÔÇ£The Codex is not a complete list my boy. It is only a list of the object that those Princes want everyone to know about. I assure you that only half of the objects that exist are listed, and never the most powerful and rarest objects of them all.ÔÇØ -Typical answer on the black market when asked about the Codex.
Collar of Tongues
ÔÇ£Collar of Tongues- Owner: Rennadeer Crown, under care of Rennadeer Court Knave; Appearance: Golden torque with red ruby at center; Abilities: Allows the wearer to speak in any language or dialect they have heard spoken, as well as imitate any voice they have heard to perfection. Said to have been used by a diplomat to the elves and dwarves before the fall, it has spent much of its recorded history in the hands of entertainers.ÔÇØ Codex of Magic, 3rd ed
Cursed Dulbards
ÔÇ£A special gold coin from around five hundred years after the fall, the cursed Dulbards is all believed to carry a curse that will strike anyone who use it. the coins are recognisable by the portrait of Dulbard on one side and the runes Ferl, Doni and Ar on the back side. though often the portrait is found to have been scratched unrecognisableÔÇØ -Cursed items and illegal artifacts vol XVII.
Mage hunters ring (See Blessing ring)
ShepherdÔÇÖs Sword
ÔÇ£As far as I could see thereÔÇÖs nothing too special about it but that the pummel has the crest of Leamead on it. Karnhim didnÔÇÖt even know where it was when his cousin asked him to give it back to the Shepherds. ItÔÇÖs in good shape for a sword that old, probably because the pummel has seen more use from the current DukeÔÇÖs son sealing letters with it than the blade did in the war with Prince Neva.ÔÇØ -Hardarim official who found the ShepherdÔÇÖs Sword
ÔÇ£The sword of Rothfuss II would be a treasure to Leamead. The swords of his fathers are lost to time, and that of his son to the Reemer. The Shepherds have few heirlooms, and one of them sits in the hand of our neighbor. If you would speak to Karnhim about returning it to us you would have my gratitude.ÔÇØ Michael Shepherd to King Nevo at the Accord of Shepherd Castle
Test Bowl (See bowls of voices)
Tome of Oath Binding
ÔÇ£Tome of Oath Binding- Owner: Revix Family, The Tome is missing, believed to have been lost or stolen after the Sixth Century; Appearance: Large leather-bound book written in dwarven runes; Abilities: If a person touching the Tome makes an oath or agreement they are compelled to uphold their word. Also, and person touching the book is compelled to honestly answer any questions they are asked.ÔÇØ Codex of Magic, 3rd ed
ÔÇ£All practitioners of magic should know the W concept. Essentially this is that all magical spells orient along a fourth dimension. However the angle that the common dimensions of spells, effect, power, duration orients to this W dimension is unknown for any spell. This is what leads to the unexpected effects of trying to combine spells and sometimes magical items. There are many of the great mages of the world who have attempted to discover methods of measuring W, but have made no real progressÔÇØ -Practical Theories of Magic by The Mage Guild
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Creatures of legend and myth
As the title indicates, these are rare and mystical beings, some of them no one knows if they truly exists, use them with care.A
ÔÇ£The exact nature of the demons of the land is unknow. But it is clear that they are all the result of something else being twisted and changed into a mockery of all things in this world, it does seem to matter what was changed, stones and plants are among the most commonly changed objects and tends to be nothing more than raging beings of random bits and parts with no features that can be contributed to any animal or beast known.
When Animals change it is horrible, the accounts from two years ago about the watch dog that suddenly began to shed its fur and even some of its skin, are horrible indeed, more than twelve man was killed before it was taken down, and right from the start of the transformation and until five minutes after it was dead it was screaming like weird combination of a pigs wine and a crows caw. And when humans or worse, elves and dwarfs change, well... I cannot bring myself to say it.. I am sorry honored council, but, I simply do fear speaking such horrors, lest they may take meÔÇØ - Mondan scroll keeper, a Dwarf scholar send to explain the nature of demons to the City state Aelindors high council members.
Demons of the Silver Spikes (also see; Demons of the western waste)
ÔÇ£Never sleeping and always hungry for the blood of man, that is the fate that fell upon the mages of old when they tried to follow the elves and dwarfs through the mountains to the East, it is a curse that the elven lords weaved to keep us from ever crossing, as a punishment for destroying the world of oldÔÇØ - The legends told in bars and at markets, many versions is known, but all are versions of the demons found in the poem of the fall.
Demons of the West (Also see; Demons of the silver spikes)
ÔÇ£Well lad, no one knows what happened back then or more to say, how it happened, but history books tells us the that the elves and dwarfs was fleeing over and under the mountains, and when news got out as to why, they said that something was wrong, that somehow, the earth had started to change, go sour and death, along with the humans of the west they had tried to reverse the process but it only got worse, at first animals and plants just died, but then they began to change into beasts unknown before, and then humans began to change to, slower than the animals but changing, together the elves and dwarfs, along with the last humans still unchanged fought all they could, but soon elves and dwarfs began to change too, and that was when they decided to try and flee, only half the dwarfs and a third or less of the elves survived the long walk to our side of the mountains, none of the humans did.ÔÇØ - Arenhil the archer trying to convince his friends son not to go over the mountains.
Devils: (Also see; The prime plane)
Yes! That is it! That Is what I wish for, give it to me, I want it, Ill agree to anything for it Done Hehe, hahaha, the power, I Feel it, I feel the what? what's happening to me? what have you done to me?... ...Anything I wish! -Cultist and Devil making a deal.
Dragons (will also add some individual dragon types facts later)
ÔÇ£What ÔÇÿThatÔÇÖ is? She is Lisrell, my Finescale silver dragon! She is only a young adult but she will not grow to be any larger than she is in her 40 to 50 year long life. But what she lacks in size she makes up for in loyalty and the fact that a flying fire breathing rat catcher is more effective than a dumb cat! She is a smart one, smarter than any dog IÔÇÖve ever seen, but it did cost me more than a finger to tame her!ÔÇØ -Morkan of House Mo, Senchel of the Royal Mint of Togen, showing off his pet dragon and his four fingered hand!
ÔÇ£The five known dragon types and their different sub kin are among the most strange beings known! First there is the fact that all of them are very rare so not much study has been made in the field. Then there is the fact that they live in flocks most like wolfs, are smarter than most dogs and pound for pound stronger than a any mammal we know. Their anatomy seems like a strange mix between mammal, lizard and bird somehow mixed with minerals. They have the scales of lizards made out of the elements of the earth, such as stone, copper or even silver and gold. their muscles and wings mostly resembles those of a horse and a bat. Then there is the claws, mouth and eyes, while the hind legs ends in claws most resembling those of big reptilians, the front claws is more that of a bird of prey, so too is it that their eyes has a vision as a hawk and at the end of their snouts their mouth has a upper lip like an eagle's upper beak. Last is the most strange feature of dragons, their ability to breath fire! Even though there are many organs in the dragon that radiates magical energy, there seem to be no magic involved in this process, the fire is produced in the form of burning gases or molten stone like materials in the stomach of the Dragons, and most can only muster one or two breaths of fire each day, and will need to eat before they can replenish their most dangerous weapon. If one cuts open a dragon that has not used its fire up yet, this substance can be taken into special containers, and if sealed correctly, it will keep burning for over a year!
The biggest dragons known as huge dragons can grows to near twice the weight of a big horse over their up to 200 year long life, reaching the size of a normal horse as young adults at the age of 35. at the same age they are ready to mate for the first time, over a period of two years a female will mate with up to five different males, never twice with the same over the same two years. one year after she will lay between two and twelve eggs, together with the strongest of the males she mated with she will over the next eighteen months keep them warm and safe. only about half of the eggs hatches, and out of them only one in six makes it to adulthood. when we take into account that the female dragon only lay eggs every thirty years it is not hard to see why these spices are the most rare.
On the other end of the scale is the so called minor dragons, most common of dragons they are still considered rare. they can reach the size of a medium-big city cat in just fourteen years, but does not grow to be bigger after that in their forty to fifty years of life. Behavioral they are as other dragons loyal flock animals, but more like wild cats than wolfs. after reaching full size the female will mate with only one male for the rest of her life, laying one to twelve eggs at once every tenth year, were of most tend to hatch but only two in nine makes it to adulthood.
Training a dragon is extremely dangerous and near impossible. First one must obtain an egg within a week before it hatches and then make sure to keep it warm as a newly baked bread all the time. should you manage to foster the hatchling into a youngling you must immediately set dominance, and keep testing this dominance all the way to full adulthood. While a dragon that believes you to be a member of its flock would never try to kill you on purpose, the battles for dominance they practice until they are adults and know their place in the pack often leads to great injury, and as we are more soft than the dragons, this injury is also more often than one would like fatal!ÔÇØ -The keeping and raising of dragons, by Morkan, Tutor of Alchemistry, Academy of Wilds (Currently Senior Senchal State Mint)
ÔÇ£A dragonÔÇÖs egg? Sure I can sell you a dragon's egg, I just have to get rid of all these spare unicorn horns, demon eyes and devil tails first! Now get out of here you crazed foolÔÇØ- Reaction of most exotich merchants when asked for a dragon egg.
ÔÇ£A Lich is kind of like a skeleton. They are called ÔÇÿundeadÔÇÖ, only skeletons are animated bones. A lich used to be a person, but they did something, I donÔÇÖt know but I have heard...things. I heard that in order to be a Lich they had to be a Wizard first, and then they somehow transformed to the form of a Lich. But it doesnÔÇÖt matter if they were the village idiot first. A Lich is powerful, so when you see one you do one thing: you run and pray. You got that kid? - Dorn ÔÇ£The BraveÔÇØ
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Healing flowers and floating stones
This is rare, mythical and legendary substances, things that may be true, but is really hard to come by! Use with caution! A
Forag stones
ÔÇ£always found in groups of four to seven laying within a small area around the coast to the north, these small round egg formed stones has a smooth gray surface and is no bigger than a fingernail. Their full origin is unknown and it is speculated if they really are rare or just not noticed when passed by. if placed on a wooden object for around seven months over the winter or longer during hot summers, they will slowly work their way into the surface of the wood, when fully inside so no part of the stone is visible, the wood will slowly gain a different shade in color growing from the entry point to the full surface in about another month. The color will not spread to any piece of wood that was not originally part of or has been split from the single piece, but can cover an object of any size as long as it is all formed in one piece. once a surface area has taken on the new shade, the wood under it will never catch fire, be halved in weight and not be target of root, decay or other naturally damaging illnesses known to strike wooden objects. if the wood is cut open, the stone will be found to have been fully absorbed, and all the wood will have the same shade and properties. A warning is to be heard! if the stone is added to wood while it is still a live tree, the tree will bend, twist and splinther as it grows, and any new leaves will carry small thorns sharp as shaving knivesÔÇØ -The coast, its beauties and wonders.
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Myths, stories, poems and tales of legends
The tales and legends of old are all here among old wife tales and sailor stories!A
Four, The
ÔÇ£In olden days men worshipped the Pantheon the Elves brought to us. These were the Four, powerful Gods of old. YouÔÇÖve heard of them. One needs only look at a calendar to see their names.ÔÇØ -Prince Neva to his nephew Karnhim.
ÔÇ£A temple of Gravidia? Look at my field, barley bowing its head to her. Listen to the sheep off in that pasture, singing her praises. Listen to the next rain as it reads her liturgy. All of Leamead is the temple of Gravidia, and every farmer her priest.ÔÇØ Leamead farmer to a scholar from Togen.
ÔÇ£The farmers of Leamead are a people of highly unified religious affiliation, in spite of a complete lack of temples, liturgy, and sacraments. An extensive search revealed not one shepherd or fieldworker in the Duchy who didnÔÇÖt believe in Gravidia, and very few among the non-agricultural residents would admit to having doubts she exists, but very little is said of her besides that she provides blessings, especially in the form of good crops, healthy livestock, and fertility. One thing that is sure is that sheÔÇÖs female, though it may be in the same sense that the people of the Leamead consider the Duchy itself female, as they all stop short of calling her a woman, or making any speculation as to her appearance.
The only requirements Gravidia appears to make of penitents are prayers asking for blessings and an annual feast after the harvest during which she is given thanks before the meal.ÔÇØ A Guide to the Duchies of Gilfal: Book 5 Leamead
ÔÇ£In Ostatia, every man must pay a tenth of his worth to the Temple of Gravidia. No mention of the other Gods is allowed. No temple to the other Gods is permitted. And how many Duchesses have been the High Priestess of Gravidia? Ten? Twelve? It is not a prerequisite to be Duchess to be the High Priestess, but it seems that being High Priestess is a prerequisite for being Duchess of Ostatia.ÔÇØ - Baron Kerl on OstatiaÔÇÖs religion.
ÔÇ£Old GodsÔÇØ (See also ÔÇ£The FourÔÇØ)
ÔÇ£My grandfather told me once of days long gone, before the fall, when magic was common in our land, dwarves and elves walked among us, and powerful deities allowed their servants to perform miraculous wonders. My grandfather said that these old gods were lovers of the elves and dwarves, and when those folk were gone, they gradually lost interest in the west. We are fortunate though. Some of their children deemed us worthy of their presence. They donÔÇÖt give their followers the power that the old gods did, but weÔÇÖd probably be hung as mages if they did.ÔÇØ
-Old man to his grandson
Poem of the fall (anyone whoÔÇÖd like to add a verse or more to the poem, please read its doc in the library and contact me -LAYF)
ÔÇ£This is one of our oldest and longest poems, with a full 48 verses it describes the legend of the fall of magic, said to have occurred some one thousand years ago!...ÔÇØ - The fat historian continued as he lectured the Baron of High Cliffs first son, Erilan the third. for the full detail on the poem, refer to the appropriate scrolls.
ÔÇ£Ribbit!ÔÇØ - said Rowen the old
Runde├ÃvalÔÇÖs seventy seven lances
ÔÇ£Many legends about elves can be heard around the combined nations, but no nation seems more glad to share these stories then the nation of Togen. And one story that its people especially enjoy is that of the seventy seven lances! Said to be the elite of the elite, this exclusive group of cavalry elves was said to ride in a diamond formation on the back of Crown Jyrds, and wielding silver clad lances as they clash with the enemy. always keeping their numbers to seventy seven, these warrior elves was experts with both the lance and the sword. but the most interesting story about them, in the eyes of modern man that is! they were rumored to be chosen by the nature god Runde├Ãval, and that he had given them a sacred knowledge, the knowledge of how to not only harvest and replant the mysterious plant Rengilis rose, but also how to apply its special gifts to other animals than the Jyrd! This idea is also why they carry the name Runde├ÃvalÔÇÖs seventy seven lances.ÔÇØ - From the first chapter in the book ÔÇ£A study of elven myths and legendsÔÇØ
Seven whiplashes from a recruit
ÔÇ£Did you ever heard about the Togen Captain who received eleven whiplashes from one of his own recruits? Of course not, that is because it never happened, sit down and I shall tell you the story! You see, once in Togen, some two hundred years ago I guess, A recruit in the royal guard named Hurwild had been dragged in front of the King, because his captain was furious with him, the captain said to the King:
ÔÇÿYour majesty, I ask permission to transfer recruit Hurwild to the border patrols!
Recruit Hurwild is guilty of the following dishonorable behavior,
At six in the morning recruit Hurwild was found gambling at his post with a stranger to the guard.
Later that same morning a maid reported that recruit Hurwild had tried to look up her skirt, while still on duty.
Hurwild was found sitting up against the wall to the royal chambers at noon, while on guard.
And last recruit Hurwild forgot to clean his boots when he entered the mess hall this afternoon.
I ask that he is either transferred to another unit or punished publicly you majestyÔÇÖ
At that the king looked first at his captain, then at Hurwild and then spoke:
ÔÇÿSeven whiplashesÔǪ Are to be given to the good Captain, on the bare back and not publiclyÔÇÖ
ÔÇÿyour majesty... To me? but I do not understand?ÔÇÖ the Captain responded.
ÔÇÿSeven. you see one time you forgot to call the man recruit, normally that would not be a problem of course, but you also forgot another thing, six times at that. The man you wish punished is of OrwildÔÇÖs blood, his full name is Hurwild Fellmir Remg├â•rd, and you are to refer to, and address him as ÔÇ£Most Noble RecruitÔÇØ until such times as he is no longer a recruit or no longer wears the Great Seal
Most Noble recruit Remg├â•rd, do you find seven whiplashes suitable?ÔÇÖ the king asked Hurwild.
ÔÇÿIÔÇÖll be honest your majestyÔÇÖ Hurwild responded ÔÇÿIÔÇÖve never liked the whip so much, so how about I give the good Captain a fist to the stomach and then he can buy six flagons of Ale we can share and forget this whole thing?ÔÇÖ
And that is why no one have ever heard of a recruit giving seven whiplashes to a captain!ÔÇØ -Drunk sergeant of Elbur at an inn.
ÔÇ£In the heart of Winter is the month Valarial named for the elven death goddess. Trust me, if you spend her month in Gilfal under a yard of snow and youÔÇÖll understand why so many people were praying to Valarial.ÔÇØ -Togen Jester
ÔÇ£Valarial is not a goddess, she is a Nadir, servant of the Gods. She is the soul reaper for the gods. It is they who decide that your time has come. She is the one who comes and takes your soul for them. Those humans who worship her are as foolish as those who ask the dog rather than the master for favor.ÔÇØ - Elven Priest
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Words, slang and phrases.
All places has them, so why not this?A
A mans worth (See Gold coin)
Baiting the Shepherd
ÔÇ£It some quarters of Refort, one can find Punch and Judy with a Duke of Leamead character who is always riding a sheep around and usually referring to him as his wife. The character is usually the target of horrific behavior of both Punch and Judy.ÔÇØ
Bethany Blade
Quite simply shes a girl who uses the fact men want to erstab her...to murder them. If you want to kill someone whos got an eye for the ladies, or a lady whos hiding where only women go, well a Bethany is the way to go. Some are a little crazy, they wait til the bloke is almost done and then stab them straight in the heart. - the Journal of Abner Ischar
Blanket Bunny
ÔÇ£Boy sheÔÇÖs a blanket bunny. The Boss tells her whoÔÇÖs bed sheÔÇÖs going to warm and she does. So if you want her, well you better get on his good side.ÔÇØ -Gang member
ÔÇ£HeÔÇÖs just another blanket bunny. If you have enough cash heÔÇÖll hop into your bed.ÔÇØ - Woman in the red light district
Copper crown
ÔÇ£A common coin among the peasants, a copper crown is worth a small meal and a night stay at most inns, or a dark rye bread. There goes six copper heads on a copper crown, whereas a silver head will be four copper crowns, a silver crown be worth twenty and a regent will bring you two hundred and forty copper crowns.ÔÇØ -Goods and commodities.
Copper head
ÔÇ£Smallest coin in worth to be frequently used, a copper head is worth the same as an apple and may get you a room in the cheapest of inns if you are miserable enough that the innkeeper takes pity on you. youÔÇÖll need six copper heads to make a crown, twenty four to get a silver head, hundred and twenty for a silver crown and one thousand four hundred and forty to make a regentÔÇØ -Goods and commodities.
Cursed Dulbards (See entry under Items of note, legends and magic of same name)
Dulbards (See cursed Dulbards under Items of note, legends and magies)
Gold coin
ÔÇ£Also known as a Regent coin, A mans worth or the name of any local head of state, the Gold coin is a coin made to a specific weight agreed upon in all known regions. A soldiers pay is one gold coin per year for each year in service up till a local max usually set around ten to fourteen gold coins a year. There goes twelve silver crowns on one gold coinÔÇØ -Goods and commodities.
ÔÇ£IÔÇÖll tell you a story, Michael. During the silver war I outlawed all currency from Refort, and made a show of throwing the coins into the Remeer. I threatened to coat the RemeerÔÇÖs bed with their currency if Adilon didnÔÇÖt stop trying to retake the Remeerland. He didnÔÇÖt fold, but the worthlessness of the coins in Leamead did more damage to Refort than a hundred swordmen, without the bloodshed. Remember when you are duke, if people want our currency we can create value with a stamp, and if they donÔÇÖt our mint is worthless.ÔÇØ -Duke Rothfuss III to his son
Illegal mage
ÔÇ£It has long been a sad truth that the peasants crave power that is not only not theirs, but that such simple minds has no chance to even begin to comprehend, among these some unlucky few manages to get hold of real magic, be it by stealing it as the witches does, or by making deals with demons and devils, as has been known to be the method of some of the darkest cults. either way, the practice is far too dangerous not only to the public, but also the the mage himself. and as such, it has been decided that any illegal mage is to be killed on the spot and arrested, where after they must be publicly hanged for three days, then their body must be burned, no more than one such body per fire, then all the ashes must be collected and put into a vase filled with lead and thrown in a body of running water. only in that way can we be sure that the taint does not rise againÔÇØ - Royal declaration by King Alund the second of Barkenver, signed with his royal seal in the spring, year four-hundred-twenty-and-five
ÔÇ£Well those boys from Leamead spend so much time alone with sheep they get sick ideas. Those poor innocent lambs get ravished by those Lambists.ÔÇØ -A Refort guard in his cups
ÔÇ£A word referring to anyone with a natural ability to bend magic energies to their will, be it those rightfully having this power such as the nobility and the elite forces of the nobles and royals or those who has by illegal means gained possession of this power, such as witches and devil worshippers, for the former refer to Royal mage, for the later look up Illegal mageÔÇØ - A scribes guide to proper wording
Mans worth (See gold coin)
Marked, (The)
ÔÇ£Let every Mage who serves, everyone whoÔÇÖs blood is tainted by elven blood carry a upon them the Mark, a symbol that they may bring Death. It shall be a Circle of Red with a Green Skull within. And let every mage who carries that Mark, have their description on the back or in a letter so that no person may use anotherÔÇÖs Mark.ÔÇØ - 2nd Treaty of Frost Lake
ÔÇ£Most ÔÇÿmarkedÔÇÖ do not have tattoos or some magical mark that old wives tales hold. Most wear either just a necklace or a wrist band of stained iron. Togen uses a ring of red glass and a skull of blackstone for nobles and both royal families use gold rings with redstone and blackstone inlay. Remember, in most situations you have nothing to fear from the Marked, but still be on your best behavior. The fact that they are still breathing means that they have powerful allies.ÔÇØ -TraderÔÇÖs Guide
Regent coin (see gold coin)
Rock Beater
ÔÇ£Yeah, the granite quarry boys donÔÇÖt like it when you call ÔÇÿem rock beaters, but if their granddadsÔÇÖd had somethinÔÇÖ ÔÇÿtween their ears the phrase wouldnÔÇÖt be synonymous with idiocy.ÔÇØ -Mason to his apprentice.
State Mage
ÔÇ£In Togen all Mages of all birth shall be registered as a State Mage and assigned duties as prescribed by the Monarch at their pleasure. They shall serve the needs of the Great Chamber. If any House is found to be a Mage, they shall be a State Mage and shall be appointed to be a Grand Quester for the State to find those who would break the magic laws of Togen.ÔÇØ-Togen Law of Mages proscribed 579
Scrolls of law of the sessional test
Not written yet, but basically it states that if you do not have royal blood (that goes for nobles too) you must submit to a test each season performed by the order of the test, if found guilty you will be executed. and that all nations and duchies must uphold this law to avoid open war and demons (remember, people believe that wrong magic makes demons/is gained by devils)
As an add to the law made later, the regents/rulers of a nation or duchy can appoint people as "important" so that they may have magic, but it must be with a function of high importance (such as royal guards or the like)
I think a mages guild, while not against the law, would provoke the other nations. Also, if one has been tested to be a illegal mage, there is no way around the law, so people would have to join (get appointed) before tested.
Seek, A/The
ÔÇ£ÔÇÿYou realize that the only reason IÔÇÖm telling you about The Seek is because you are in oneÔÇÖ. I looked around and saw naught but a meager tavern where people ate, drank, and revelled. But this ÔÇÿMagic EddieÔÇÖ continued. ÔÇÿAnd if anyone in here did not trust you, you would not make it out alive.ÔÇÖ I suddenly regarded the seemingly innocuous with much greater concern. In their eyes, behind each laugh and smile I could now see a mischievous and deadly sparkle. ÔÇÿSimply put: The Seek is where you go when you want to find something. It can be a person, a thing, or even just information. No matter what it is, if the town is big enough you can be sure that someone in a Seek knows something.ÔÇÖ A young lady brought a small pouch to the table and set it in front of my guest. ÔÇÿWell Abner, my order is ready it seems. Good luck with yours.ÔÇÖ I considered whether my quest was worth it after all, or if I should just consider myself lucky to get out alive.ÔÇØ - the Journal of Abner Ischar
Silver Crown
ÔÇ£A big silver coin worth five silver heads, twenty copper crowns or one hundred and twenty copper heads. for one Silver crown you can buy five good white breeds or pay a soldier salary for a month. there goes twelve silver crowns on one standard Gold coin.ÔÇØ -Goods and commodities.
Silver Head
ÔÇ£A small silver coin worth four copper crows or twenty for copper heads. for one silver head a man can buy a decent metal tool, a good white breed or four dark ray breeds. There goes five silver head to each silver crown or sixty to a regents headÔÇØ -Goods and commodities.
Sheeps, the
ÔÇ£Leamead has two kinds of sheep. The first is the standard, four legged kind that wears wool. The second kind is the shaggy, hair covered kind that walks around on two legs and wears wool. We call the first sheep, the second we call ÔÇÿThe SheepsÔÇÖ cause they both follow shepherds around without thought. Though the sheep donÔÇÖt smell as bad.ÔÇØ -Refort Guardsman
ÔÇ£Wear the BlackÔÇØ
ÔÇ£I fail to see the dishonor of wearing the black. Dukes fight eachother for land and coin, why should the common man do any differently? Mercenaries fill an important role in Gilfal, risking our lives on the battlefield for peanuts.ÔÇØ -ÔÇÖBuckÔÇÖ Simmons, Guild Master of the Refort Black Ax Mercenaries
Its fairly standard in Gilfal that anyone wearing black sash over their armor is a mercenary. That woman in the odd armor following the Dukes son is a merc, but Ive never heard of a mercenary company in Gilfal that let women join Them sheep lovers are a puzzle. -Sgt One Eyed Pete of Refort
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- Synch
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Re: A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welc
Bad spelling mistake on the first line of 'The Mountains That Divide us', you might want to change that :O
But there's so much effort gone into this, you guys have done an amazing job!
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But there's so much effort gone into this, you guys have done an amazing job!
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Re: A full world settings, comments and ideas more than welc
hehe... thanks... fun that none of us had seen that... that was a scary imageSynch wrote:Bad spelling mistake on the first line of 'The Mountains That Divide us', you might want to change that :O
But there's so much effort gone into this, you guys have done an amazing job!
(Please feel free to delete this post once sorted.)

any who. thanks... and also thanks for the rest of the reply...
-Best regards LAYF