Nikohl Does Drawing Too

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Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by nikohl » Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:35 am


So, I'm taking a leaf from LAYF's book. I need more drawing practice, need excuses to draw, and need to draw things I haven't considered drawing myself.

I will draw you a thing, if you tell me what the thing is. Go!

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by LAYF » Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:39 am

oh... I'd love a drawing of Merix.
former Drow turned into a spititual tree standing in the middle of a temple.. you decide detail level. neon green hair, blind.... yea... not much to go one...but... Id love to see what you can do :D
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by LooksAndSmiles » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:00 pm

Meeps is a small, furry thing, vaguely resembling a rabbit (long ears), but it's a humanoid. He likes to daydream (of adventures and dragons), so you might catch him snoring on something comfortable (or uncomfortable), or absentmindedly doing something with a big smile on his face. He also has a dragon plushie (with buttons for the eyes), which he never lets go, it's always held by one of it's paws, tail, or wings. He likes the color blue and may or may not paint things with that color on surfaces he deems too boring.

Good luck ;)
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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by RedwoodElf » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:18 pm

How about a full scene instead of just a character sketch for this one - I'm sure artists like to practice drawing scenes as well as just characters by themselves.

Jason Carter is a character from a High-tech world, transported into a dungeons and dragons setting by a malfunction in his spaceship's FTL drive. His ship was deliberately designed to look like a 1950s movie version of a flying saucer so that if it was ever sighted, it would be written off as "just another UFO sighting" - His arrival on the planet occurs between two armies (one of Orcs and one of humans) that are about to have a battle. Both sides don't know what that big silvery thing is that just floated down out of the sky, and both are afraid to attack, lest it be some messenger from a god or something. They both send emissaries down to check it out carrying white flags.

What I'd like to see is your interpretation of the moment when the stair ramp of the spaceship drops down and Jason walks out, wearing his black spacesuit (it resembles black biker leathers, but without separate jacket and pants, and with attached gloves, and his helmet is patterned off of a motorcycle helmet, with an opaque-looking black visor. He has no visible weapons.) - whatever angle you use, try to get the reactions of the human and orc emissaries to his appearance. I'd think surprise and a bit of fear.

The landing site should include a stone circle with rune-carved Menhirs (He picked that spot because it looked like a good landing spot to contact the locals) His ship is about 50 feet in diameter, and 20 feet tall at the center and shiny silver (of course.)
There are worlds out there where the sky is burning...where the seas sleep and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger. Somewhere there's injustice. Somewhere else, the tea is getting Cold. C'mon Ace, we've got work to do! - The Doctor (Sylvester McCoy, last line in the old series)
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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by nikohl » Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:12 pm

Alright, LAYF, here you go 8)

Full disclosure: the starry/cloudy sky background is a default background available for use in my drawing program, I did not make that. I just thought he looked a bit silly with a plain background, so I added that in.

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I hope you like him.

L&S: Next up! Going for a bath now, might not start any more drawing tonight but that's next on my list.

RedwoodElf: o_O ... okay, definitely not tonight though, haha. I'll make a start asap.

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by LAYF » Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:02 pm

Hehe! I really love that pose "I might be a tree, but I'm still hawt! look at my big muscles and firm firm booty" and then that smile just add the +10 to that :P

I love it... I was imagining him more elegant and thin bonsai tree like, but.. I love it none the less :D
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by nikohl » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:20 am

Okay, L&S, here's Meeps for you!

You all may have noticed I am not great at backgrounds yet. But I learnt something new while drawing Meeps, and that's how to use the magic select-y thing in my drawing program. I am completely new to digital drawing, so things that are probably pretty obvious to other people are completely surprising to me. That magic wand selector thingy was bloody useful. Hopefully, I'll learn new and useful things every time >:]

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by LooksAndSmiles » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:43 am

Meeps approves. He also wishes you good luck in future drawing sessions! thinks Looks is bowing and may o' may not stink. Dwaw dwagons, moa' dwagons! ╦ø:3
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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by SamWiser » Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:57 pm

Maybe you could draw an idea Dlover had. A bikesicle. A bicycle with sickles for wheels.
Thanks to Arch Lich Burns for the avatar, and Mnementh for the mustache.

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by Aegis J Hyena » Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:07 pm

Maybe I should poke Nikohl for a 9-character random medieval adventuring party...

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by nikohl » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:47 am

Alright, this isn't any of the requests (sorry - I have no idea how to draw a bike-sickle, and I re-read the wall of specifics re: aliens and orcs and just nope'd away from it - might come back to that later)

I just wanted to mess around with the "oil paints!" setting and see what happened. I'm starting to like drawing this way! It's a lot less fussy than pen and paper, and changing stuff is easier. I'm a bit annoyed that one of her eyes is kind of wonky now that I look at it on a screen, and I got fed up of the hair so I haven't really highlighted it as well as I should... but for a first attempt I'm pretty pleased.

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Please feel free to give me criticism btw - I am very new to digital drawing and I won't get better if I don't realise I'm doing stuff wrong.

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by RedwoodElf » Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:01 am

nikohl wrote:Alright, this isn't any of the requests (sorry - I have no idea how to draw a bike-sickle, and I re-read the wall of specifics re: aliens and orcs and just nope'd away from it - might come back to that later)
Aliens? Where? (looks around) Guess I forgot to mention, Jason Carter is a human from an alternate universe with technology a few decades ahead of our Earth, not an alien.
There are worlds out there where the sky is burning...where the seas sleep and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger. Somewhere there's injustice. Somewhere else, the tea is getting Cold. C'mon Ace, we've got work to do! - The Doctor (Sylvester McCoy, last line in the old series)
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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by RedwoodElf » Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:48 pm

Well if you don't like humans (not aliens) with spaceships encountering orcs, Here's a character sketch:

Female Kitsune wearing a Kimono and weilding a rapier that glows with rainbow light. She's a variant of Rogue based on the old "Spellthief" class, and uses some custom researched Chaos spells

(Spoilered since it's just background info)
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Last edited by RedwoodElf on Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There are worlds out there where the sky is burning...where the seas sleep and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger. Somewhere there's injustice. Somewhere else, the tea is getting Cold. C'mon Ace, we've got work to do! - The Doctor (Sylvester McCoy, last line in the old series)
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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by nikohl » Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:12 pm

Yeaaaah...we're straying away from "practice doodles" and into "commission work" territory when your suggestion is in the form of a 1500 word essay/list combo :s

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by RedwoodElf » Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:28 pm

nikohl wrote:Yeaaaah...we're straying away from "practice doodles" and into "commission work" territory when your suggestion is in the form of a 1500 word essay/list combo :s
Only the first paragraph is the suggestion. I thought other readers might be interested in what makes the sword glow.

"Kitsune Rogue in a Kimono (Technically it should be a Furisode, since she's not married) with a rainbow-glowy sword" isn't all that big a description.
There are worlds out there where the sky is burning...where the seas sleep and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger. Somewhere there's injustice. Somewhere else, the tea is getting Cold. C'mon Ace, we've got work to do! - The Doctor (Sylvester McCoy, last line in the old series)
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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by nikohl » Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:27 pm

I didn't read it because the wall of text was pretty daunting! I will add it to my list. I'm not very well at the minute but anticipate that not being the case beyond next week.

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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by nikohl » Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:35 pm

Kitsune. No sword, too tired.
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Re: Nikohl Does Drawing Too

Post by LooksAndSmiles » Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:59 pm

Just a small idea to practice drawing similar-yet-different things:

The picture is divided in two halves, and has the title: "Imprisoned". On the left, the subtitle says "Past", and on the right, it says "Present".
On the "past" side, you get a jail with stone walls, a wooden bench, and a prisoner sitting on it staring out the window, with a big chain coming from a collar around his neck. On the "present" side you get a room with brick walls, a comfortable chair, and a normal looking guy sitting on it, staring at the computer. Instead of a collar he is wearing one of those big headphones, and instead of chains, the headset's wires are there which connect to the pc. The main thing is that the main orientations (especially the two humans) should look more-less the same, along with vague outlines of the surrounding items.
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