Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by YourNewOverlord » Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:25 am

Due to fear out of getting my mother called and gratitude to the heroism of Steelsmith, I shall have to rule in their favor. However, Dave's Discount Dungeon's do specifically SAY they are discount, so I shall be lenient. They must simply provide half of the funds for Dark Lord Bob to get a new dungeon for both him and Steelsmith to enjoy. That is all.

Court is adjourned.

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by friedkitty » Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:22 pm

So...the next case on the docket is....bailiff, where's that pink folder with the scratch n sniff stickers ...

Ah. There it is.

**rustles PAPERS**

They're important papers.


Mama Leona's Sweet Pickle Factory v John Smith Memorial Hospital

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by friedkitty » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:21 am

So...nobody here for that case. Hmm. I guess people are scared of hormonal women. Don't know why.

**rustle rustle**

I can find another one...

**rustle rustle**

How about....

The society for the prevention of obese wildlife vs the Sunny Hills retirement village.

I think they call it the Chunky Chipmunk case.

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by LAYF » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:30 am

Woa... sorry... absolutely missed it :S


Honored judge... Ginny Gargamel here, speaking for my friends and our home, the Sunny hills where all elderly people can live a good and healthy life in warm and nurturing environments!

The society is nothing bur young ungrateful punks who don't know what they are talking about! me and my friends have laid out peanut-butter jelly sandwiches for the animals of the sunny hills for years and years. and we have never seen a fat animal run scared away from us... not like the thin poor creatures in the wildlife reserves that those punks hold.. so scared of humans that you cant even get a good photo of your grandchildren holding a wild bunny.... such a shame I say!
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by Davecom3 » Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:24 pm

Hello, Judge, Slim Pickens from the Prevention of Obese Wildlife here, supporting our cause, naturally.

I think you need to understand that Mrs. Gargamel is an ol' bat that don't know nothin' about protectin' no ecosystem. She claims she never seen no fat animal run scared of us. Well, after she gets through with them, it ain't no wonder. The poor things can't even reach the ground, which leaves them to be easily eaten by preditors, especially during matin' season. You don' want none of them sexual preditors roamin' the streets, do ya, Your Honor? With all those fat eats just open for the pickin's? What do you get then? A massive attack of horny preditors, used to gettin' all they want. You don't want that on your conscience, Judge. And think what happens when those preditors fail to find any more of those fat animals to eat. Where do you think they'll turn next? They'll see us as their next buffet. Your Honor, surely you don't want our fair society teaming with preditors. You must do the sane thing and cut the problem off at the source. Charge these women with the crimes against nature they have committed, and get them off of the streets, and back where they belong.

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by Patdragon » Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:25 am

I concur with Slim Pickings. The S.P.O.W. have been looking into the decrease of several different populations, but i'll tell you of my own personal study of the Western Spotted Swan, Or nicked named the Scraggly Swan. This breed is known only in this area and in this month alone there have been 30% more deaths. Study has shown this 30% died after eating at the retirement park, they would waddle back to the river being to heavy to fly, jump straight into the river and not knowing they were now dead weight drown quickly and noisily. The cries of these swans whilst magical have caused much commotion causing other animals to flee.... however they are fleeing to the the retirement park and suffering the same or similar fate, leading onto Mr Pickings Snowball theory.

Here are my files on the subject and i'm doing a presentation next week of feathered buoyancy if anyone interested.
So thank you I'm DR O.W Ned Lake for S.P.O.W
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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by Davecom3 » Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:28 am

I am Ken Dodojo, in support of the Sunny Hills retirement village.

My grandmother, Ju(short for June), often contributes to keep the gyms in the area running, as do several of the other elderly there. Obviously, they care about the environment, leaving these animals several gyms to attend. We never see a single animal who is willing to pay the admission to these gyms, however. And do you know why, Your Honor? It's because these people from the Prevention of Obese Wildlife are blowing this all out of proportion. The animals are clearly happy with the weight they've gained from Sunny Hills, and we should not endevour to prevent these creatures to have the right to determine their own weight. I call for an end to this slander against the elderly, and proper restitution from all loss of business they lose because of this case.

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by Patdragon » Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:08 am

"Happy HA! I eat because i'm depressed and I'm depressed because I eat and here are people enabling me! I used to be able climb trees and scamper now look at me, LOOK AT ME!"


Chunky the Chipmunk then runs/wobbles out of court crying

Mr Lake uumm.... That was one of the complaintives and you can clearly see the she is highly distressed your honor and she supports the the Prevention of Obese Wildlife "
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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by friedkitty » Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:13 pm

Im afraid the Sunny hills retirement home will have to desist with the feeding of wildlife within their grounds on the basis of THAT IS THE FATTEST SQUIRREL I HAVE EVER SEEN!!

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by Patdragon » Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:10 pm

Guess that means my turn.....

Next case.....

The Duplicate Doughnut

Barry's Baked Goods vs Adam and Eve Cloning Facility
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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by Patdragon » Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:08 am

Hmm It seems this case is here twice. Is this a mistake or a secondary case. Nope two cases the file number is different.

The Duplicate Doughnut x2

Barry's Baked Goods vs Adam and Eve Cloning Facility
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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by friedkitty » Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:44 pm

Your honor, my name is Bob, and this is my, er... brother Robert, and my um ...cousin, uh yeah that's it, cousin Robbie. We represent the Adam and eve cloning facility. The crazy owner of the donut shop next door is trying to say we stole his bear claw recipe and "cloned " it to illegally sell copies to our staff. This is patently ridiculous. Everyone knows that cloning can only be done with living matter. Now if they were ACTUAL bear claws they might have a case, but as a donut cannot be cloned, we ask for an immediate dismissal of all charges.

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by Davecom3 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:49 pm

Your Honor, I, your court clerk, Steve, stand in defense of Barry's Baked Goods in this case. Unless Adam and Eve Cloning Facility cdan come up with proof of another charge in this case, we must assume it is possible to clone the inorganic, for it is obvious that they have cloned this case.

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Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Post by friedkitty » Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:46 am

This is Bob, ur ...I mean Rober....

**turns to two identical people next to him***

Which one am I?

Ahem. I am Robbie, speaking for the Cloning facility. It is obviously a ruse on their part that they sued us twice in an effort to flim flam their way into money. Our bear claws that we sell in our break room are not the same as the ones that they sell in their store. Sure they may look the same, and smell the same, I's a friggin bear claw! But cloning? Ridiculous.

**holds up bear claw for all to see.**

If you notice, our bear claws are made with raisins in them as well, ( takes a big bite of the bear claw)and I can tell you right now that there are no raisins in ...

**Bob whispers to Robbie**

Those aren't raisins?? Than what ...

What about a mouse in the kitchen??

**turning green**

Umm...I'd like to just say that our bear claws are not the same as theirs. End of discussion. May I be excused?

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