Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by willpell » Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:45 am

Arch Lich Burns wrote:Ooooooh collector of stories is really good abd suits my character nicely. +5 on knowledge checks if monsters? Yes please. I will bardic knowledge all the things
I'm not sure that it applies to that; BK sort of substitutes for other Knowledge checks I think, and CoS might only apply to rolls you've actually invested skill points in (it is, after all, a SKILL trick, not a Bard trick).
Edit: amaura, are there any books with bard variants? Looking to replace countersone with something.
I'm not Amara, let alone Amaura, but I believe I can help....
Dictum Mortuum's Handbook for Bards wrote: Spellbreaker Song CM: You lose countersong, but this is already bad. This is no better, but spells with verbal components are much more common than the ones countersong protects you from. The sad thing is that you need concentration to maintain it and it only lasts 3 rounds.
Mimicking Song DS: Anything to replace countersong is going to be probably useful. This song grants an unnamed bonus to move silently checks of you and your allies that improves as you level, up to a maximum of +10 at 20th level. I can't figure out how singing provides you with a move silently bonus, but note that this is absolutely cool and useful if you want to play elan.
Half-Elf Bard RoD 1st level substitution: Lose worthless countersong to get the ability to use bardic music to produce a calm emotions effect. This has combat uses, as it cancels inspire courage and barbarian rage and suppresses morale bonuses. The DC is your diplomacy check, which is easily optimized to really high amounts.
Gnome Bard RoS 1st level substitution: Gnome cantrips is fair trade, you'd probably get those anyway. Counter fear is surprisingly good, as skill checks are easily optimized. If you are found fighting creatures that usually use fear effects, this is a good song. It replaces countersong, which is a bad idea anyway.
Theis2 wrote:I think I may have to pass on this as I can't seem to get enough time to even look at my character lately. Hope you have a great game though.
Sorry to hear it, as your character was kind of going to take point in the first part of the game. Oh well. Quarg, Jacon: if one of you guys wanted to get in, we have an opening. Otherwise, we'll have to go without a dragon-themed character, but at least 5 PCs makes for extremely easy experience-point math.
You either die Chaotic, or you live long enough to see yourself become Lawful.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Amara » Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:48 am

Lesse... off the top of my head... As for bard variants, you'll find those, and most of 3.5's variant classes, listed here.
3.5 didn't get big in to variant classes so much as Pathfinder did with their "archetypes". There are a few others lurking in random books here and there, but these are the three I see most commonly. (Divine Bard, Bardic Sage, and Savage Bard.) I think 4e started looking at expanding varied class stuff more, too, but outside of lore and racial books I admittedly haven't paid 4e as much mind as other editions.

If you're interested in prestige classes,Loremaster might be worth a gander as well. I'll confess I'm a bit biased, as it's one of my favorite prestige classes, though I've only run wizard and cleric Loremasters myself, but it does expand on bardic knowledge, while giving new tricks otherwise.

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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:01 pm

I was looking into loremaster unfortunally i have to find me a bunch of divination spells which i dont think bards get acess to many.

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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Quarg » Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:56 pm

Dragon themed?
If needed I might just take Thesis character and mod it a bit if it would work for the story...
But where would I find the character?
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Amara » Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:15 pm

Actually, bards get a bunch of divination spells! D&D Toolsis a fantastic resource for getting a big list of everything available, and simultaneously checking the source it's from.
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Though as a note er... 3.5 wasn't very good about double-checking spells. You'll often get the same spell listed multiple times with slightly different wording between books. ...sometimes the same spell will have a different spell level in different books, too. It's a bit of a mess. (Hence the duplicates on this list.) I guess it's a curse that comes with 3/.5 being quite possibly the edition with the most source material to work with.

There are a lot of nice bard prestige classes other than Loremaster, though, and Bard by itself is pretty great on its own.I'm biased, Bard is probably my favorite class. Actually, I have another book to toss you, if Song and Silence is allowed.

I'll be upping Cassien's CHA and DEX as a definite. I'm now debating between Mobile Spellcasting and Weapon Finesse. Whichever I don't get, I'll probably get the other feat once it's available.
Hm. Would you be willing to consider custom flaws? I'd like some sort of weakness, but the default flaws are simultaneously lackluster and potentially overbearing.

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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Quarg » Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:00 pm

Alright, understanding that I seldom did 3.5 and tended into testing out "new" game concepts back in the ancient days of high school and undergrad...

Edit: This has to be updated and will do so in the morning since most of my edit have vanished once today...

Last edited by Quarg on Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by willpell » Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:49 pm

Arch Lich Burns wrote:I was looking into loremaster unfortunally i have to find me a bunch of divination spells which i dont think bards get acess to many.
You could use the Bardic Sage variant in Unearthed Arcana, if your alignment is neutral rather than chaotic and you have adequate Intelligence. You even get a bonus to Bardic Knowledge, though you lose a couple rounds of lingering duration off your Inspires, so you have to spend more of your time each battle Performing.
Quarg wrote:Dragon themed?
If needed I might just take Thesis character and mod it a bit if it would work for the story...
But where would I find the character?
This might be considered slightly impolite, but it looks like you managed to come up with something, so no harm done.
Amara wrote:Actually, I have another book to toss you, if Song and Silence is allowed.
It's not specifically prohibited (very few books are), but it's not necessarily "in"'s a 3.0 book and much of the better (?) material was recycled in later supplements. I'd be inclined to distrust anything that they opted not to update to 3.5
I'll be upping Cassien's CHA and DEX as a definite. I'm now debating between Mobile Spellcasting and Weapon Finesse. Whichever I don't get, I'll probably get the other feat once it's available.
Take Weapon Finesse for now, and then tell me where I can look up Mobile Spellcasting, which you can take in three levels if I don't say otherwise.
Hm. Would you be willing to consider custom flaws? I'd like some sort of weakness, but the default flaws are simultaneously lackluster and potentially overbearing.
I use Flaws on my NPCs when they desperately need the help, since I often build them suboptimally, or with concepts that suggest a need for self-sabotage; I won't deny that I've occasionally used them to round out a character build, but I try very hard to ensure they never just plain make a character more powerful than is otherwise possible under the rules. As an obvious minmaxing tool, I'm strongly critical of their use by PCs. A custom-made one would be subject to particular scrutiny. You can check the list on realmshelp (find the Feats page, then filter it to Flaws), but several of these are explicitly not allowed, and just in general I tend to grow progressively grumpier the harder a player tries to justify having these things. Since you're a single-classed Human with a reasonably solid class, you won't find me as generous on the subject of Flaws as you would if you were, for example, still playing a Werebear Paladin.
You either die Chaotic, or you live long enough to see yourself become Lawful.
Glemp wrote:To some extent, you need to be arrogant - without it, you are vulnerable being made someone's tool...for Herbert's sake, have the stubbornness not to submit to what you see instantly, because you can only see some facts at a time.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Amara » Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:48 pm

Mobile spellcasting is from Complete Adventurer P.111.
It basically lets you make a double move during a spellcasting turn at the cost of a DC20+level of spell concentration check. If you fail the check, you still get the double move (move action + moving while casting,) but you lose the spell. Concentration checks are pretty brutal in 3.5, but it makes for good uses for simple things like needing to move quickly to get in to range to properly place obscuring mist or whatnot.

As for flaws, ehhh.. hm.
I was thinking of sort of something between two third party flaws from a book I have. They have ways of "buying them off" (which I'm not interested in. It involved taking specific feats and needing to obtain however many ranks in whatever, or spend toward points in specific abilities,) but the flaws are interesting, in and of themselves.
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More the penalties of Outlaw and sort of flavor of Exiled, I guess, since he ran off with his inheritance pretty quickly.
Actually, there is one like that.
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In the case of a criminal organization / mob type body being after him, at least. The idea being that Cassien's family was already starting to get in to a bit of trouble, but that he may or may not have been involved in their recent departure of this world (it hasn't been proven, and the city wouldn't have official charges against him,) but he'd have people after him. Perhaps both enemies of his family, and people that consider him a traitor to the family business or loose end.

Basically my goal is a flaw that's interesting, related to the character/not purely physical in nature, and that gives you easy hooks to manipulate as you choose.Help my WoD is showing. As for anything in exchange, at most skill focus for move silently or something...I guess? Heck, I'd be happy at just getting a situational +1 to listen checks whenever it sounds like his past is catching up with him and he needs to make a run for it.

(I completely understand if you're not ok with this in the slightest, but I like the flavor and would like to keep the background detail either way. C: )

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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Synch » Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:56 pm

Sorry, I'm still trying to find time to sit down and make a new character. If you get to a point where you want to begin and I'm holding things up, just begin without me and I'll give it a miss and join a later game.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Quarg » Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:09 am

Alright....this has likely been answered before...but are we allowing multiclassing?
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by willpell » Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:42 am

Quarg wrote:Alright....this has likely been answered before...but are we allowing multiclassing?
I have never heard of anyone not allowing multiclassing at all. At worst, there's the rules for favored class in 3.5, which I agree are stupid but am still enforcing out of a sort of weary inertia; these can make certain multiclass combinations unsavory, but a human or half-elf character can always have any two classes in any proportion with no problem whatsoever, and a character of any race can combine any two classes as long as he keeps them at about the same level. (For instance, one of my NPCs is a dwarf who alternates levels of Druid, the most powerful of the base classes, and Dragon Shaman, one of the weakest. If he tried to increase his Druid level much higher than his Dragon Shaman level, he'd have a problem, but as long as they stay within 1 level of each other at all times, he's fine.) The only thing this rule really stops you from doing is cherry-picking the early-level benefits of a bunch of classes (eg starting first level as a Rogue so you have tons of skill points, going Fighter for two levels to get bonus feats, and then proceeding to be a Ranger for the rest of your career - even this is completely possible for humans, or for anyone whose favored class is Ranger).
Synch wrote:Sorry, I'm still trying to find time to sit down and make a new character. If you get to a point where you want to begin and I'm holding things up, just begin without me and I'll give it a miss and join a later game.
Or you could join the campaign a little ways in. Incidentally, does the idea of a spiritually-inclined character (not necessarily a cleric, but someone with some devotion to a deity or deities of any sort, including nature-gods or even gods of war and death) appeal to you at all? That's basically all we're missing at this point.
Amara wrote:
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In the case of a criminal organization / mob type body being after him, at least. The idea being that Cassien's family was already starting to get in to a bit of trouble, but that he may or may not have been involved in their recent departure of this world (it hasn't been proven, and the city wouldn't have official charges against him,) but he'd have people after him. Perhaps both enemies of his family, and people that consider him a traitor to the family business or loose end.
Okay, you can have this and Mobile Spellcasting.
You either die Chaotic, or you live long enough to see yourself become Lawful.
Glemp wrote:To some extent, you need to be arrogant - without it, you are vulnerable being made someone's tool...for Herbert's sake, have the stubbornness not to submit to what you see instantly, because you can only see some facts at a time.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:03 am

Do i need to change anything or am i good...since we're into all this problems with character information stuff....

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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by willpell » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:39 am

BadgeAddict wrote:Do i need to change anything or am i good...since we're into all this problems with character information stuff....
I guess I can start the exhaustive-review process (seen above for Amara) on you next....

Incidentally, you and SpiderWrangler and Theis all have the title "Game Master" under your avatars, while I do not (I'm "Chronically Blathering" instead). Any idea why?
You either die Chaotic, or you live long enough to see yourself become Lawful.
Glemp wrote:To some extent, you need to be arrogant - without it, you are vulnerable being made someone's tool...for Herbert's sake, have the stubbornness not to submit to what you see instantly, because you can only see some facts at a time.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:48 am

willpell wrote: Incidentally, you and SpiderWrangler and Theis all have the title "Game Master" under your avatars, while I do not (I'm "Chronically Blathering" instead). Any idea why?
you'll need to pm a mod (seesamoose did it for me), and they can add you to the gamesmaster group. It unlocks some forum features, such as the tab function, etc. In my game, I keep player inventories in tab formatted Google doc that I can just paste into posts.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by willpell » Mon Oct 13, 2014 1:04 pm

Most of this message is specific to BadgeAddict, but I've highlighted a few sections which I think everyone should read, one of which I'm asking for input on. That one is in red and the others, which are just kind of FYI, are in magenta.
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You either die Chaotic, or you live long enough to see yourself become Lawful.
Glemp wrote:To some extent, you need to be arrogant - without it, you are vulnerable being made someone's tool...for Herbert's sake, have the stubbornness not to submit to what you see instantly, because you can only see some facts at a time.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Oct 13, 2014 1:18 pm

Okay, thank you for that.

1. I would very much like to spend less money on my portable hole if you will allow it.
2. I will just not wear armor at all since I can summon Inertial Armor which lasts for 1 hour/lvl.
3. What if the psicrystal was protruding from his forehead instead of actually in his forehead. half in head/half out of head. Otherwise, perhaps it has somehow melted to his chestbone, yet shows through to the surface. (I like the idea of it being a part of him, kinda)
4. I suppose I could change out catfall for something else, though honestly...lvl 1 spells all suck in my mind. That being said, I tried to go with a random mish-mash of items, to show more that he had found them then that he actually bought them.
5. I will adjust my health and wisdom, though i may need some help if there are any major things wrong as I am in no way an expert when it comes to adding all that up.

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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by willpell » Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:10 pm

A question for the whole group, requiring only a very short answer (yes or no, or at most three degrees of maybe/maybe-not/no-opinion). In building your character, did you feel starved for skill points? Regardless of what class you had, did you feel like the skill multiple for it was sufficient to let you represent your concept, or were you constantly having to neglect things you felt were important because you just couldn't afford it all?
BadgeAddict wrote:1. I would very much like to spend less money on my portable hole if you will allow it.
I'm inclined toward allowing it, I'm just not sure what price would be fair. I don't want to make them an ordinary thing that practically every adventurers has, which they would be if they were cheaper than an Amulet of Constitution +2. I'm leaning toward either 5K, 10K, or 15K as a cost, but have yet to decide among these.
2. I will just not wear armor at all since I can summon Inertial Armor which lasts for 1 hour/lvl.
Okay that works.
3. What if the psicrystal was protruding from his forehead instead of actually in his forehead. half in head/half out of head. Otherwise, perhaps it has somehow melted to his chestbone, yet shows through to the surface. (I like the idea of it being a part of him, kinda)
Forehead will do. You can be a unicorn!
4. I suppose I could change out catfall for something else

Let's have you stick with it for now, on the assumption that falling down holes was something you worried about while growing up among the tunnel-dwelling Zh'klet. I think Psions have the ability to change out known powers at some point in their career path, the way sorcerers can change known spells, though I might be hallucinating that. At some point I'll let you get an extra power in place of Catfall, maybe using an item as an excuse.
though honestly...lvl 1 spells all suck in my mind.
Well your mind is wrong. Even among actual spells, Magic Missile is generally considered one of the best in the game, and the text constantly references it; several others are also staples. But we're not talking spells at all, we're talking powers; most of those have augmentation options, which means that they're really never obsoleted, getting better and better at high levels (Mind Thrust being an obvious example).
That being said, I tried to go with a random mish-mash of items, to show more that he had found them then that he actually bought them.
Ah, that's actually quite sensible with your backstory. (Apart from his definition of "found", of course.) I
5. I will adjust my health and wisdom, though i may need some help if there are any major things wrong as I am in no way an expert when it comes to adding all that up.
I'm pretty good at it (less through talent than through obsessive-compulsion), so if you're willing to accept my version I can give you fairly definitive answers.
You either die Chaotic, or you live long enough to see yourself become Lawful.
Glemp wrote:To some extent, you need to be arrogant - without it, you are vulnerable being made someone's tool...for Herbert's sake, have the stubbornness not to submit to what you see instantly, because you can only see some facts at a time.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Synch » Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:43 pm

willpell wrote:
Synch wrote:Sorry, I'm still trying to find time to sit down and make a new character. If you get to a point where you want to begin and I'm holding things up, just begin without me and I'll give it a miss and join a later game.
Or you could join the campaign a little ways in. Incidentally, does the idea of a spiritually-inclined character (not necessarily a cleric, but someone with some devotion to a deity or deities of any sort, including nature-gods or even gods of war and death) appeal to you at all? That's basically all we're missing at this point.
Yup thats sort of what I had in mind, I have the character and background nutted out, its just a case of making all the stats and details.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:59 pm

willpell wrote:A question for the whole group,... did you feel like the skill multiple for it was sufficient to let you represent your concept, or were you constantly having to neglect things you felt were important because you just couldn't afford it all?
As a ranger, I had decent skill points/level, so am certainly not starved in any true sense, and could have more if I had a + INT modifier, however I did have to choose to be really good at Spot/Listen rather than really good at Hide/Move Silently, or being mediocre at both. Had I had more skill points to play with, they likely would have gone into making Kast decent at sneaking about and staying unseen.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Quarg » Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:41 pm

First, I perfectly happy with the skill points I had though I may not have been as judicious with them as I should have...

Second, Here is my second attempt at a character with all the points now adding up hopefully....
However, I did pull two flaws from which work with her background/character
Code of Arms (It didn't make sense to have a female with a code of chivilary, but not to attack the unarmed sounds good to me...)
Impious (She's a Dragon Magic Adept...she looks on all you religious types as morons)

Also, I edited a flaw Phantom Sparks initially from misunderstanding Murky-Eyed, but then found Phantom Sparks and just renamed it with the appropriate feature for the character. Essentially I assumed that Eileen has glowing red eyes which makes hiding, disguising, or going unnoticed quite difficult for her (-4 on all of those types of activities and magic)

Edited per instructions 10/14/2014
Name : Elieen Ap Fyretorr
Race : Human
Class : Dragonfire Adept 8
Duskblade Level 1 (Aka Spellblade)
ECL : 9
Align : Lawful Neutral
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Last edited by Quarg on Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:09 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Amara » Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:21 pm

Wanting to post the update so I have something more recent to keep track of. Just about have this done, but I'm exhausted and need to sleep properly. For standard inventory I'll just make a google doc I can link to for sake of making things less painful to track on a forum. Still iffy on magic items. Most of the things I want are more situational usefulness than pure stat, which means I may have lots of income for things like tokens and dust of tracelessness after. Looking to get an enchantment for my armor, and still debating on weapons + their respective enchantments. I'll figure that out when I wake up.
Name : Cassien Pelgraves
Race : Human
Class :Beguiler 9
ECL : 9
Align : True Neutral (Leans more toward CG than LE)
Affiliation: None
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Dwarven, Halfling, Orc
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Last edited by Amara on Sun Oct 19, 2014 4:58 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Synch » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:08 pm

Ok this is what I've got so far. Can someone please check that this looks accurate. I need some help coming up with decent magical gear that fit my background.
Name : Dalsein Stormcrow
Race : Wood Elf
Class : Barbarian
ECL : 9
Align : Chaotic Neutral
Affiliation: None
Deity : The Seasoned One
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:14 pm

Are you planning on dual wielding the club and hammer? If only planning on wielding one at a time, I'd suggest taking one in a different damage type (slashing, etc.).
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by Synch » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:20 pm

spiderwrangler wrote:Are you planning on dual wielding the club and hammer? If only planning on wielding one at a time, I'd suggest taking one in a different damage type (slashing, etc.).
Nope, was having one offensive 2H weapon, and then 1H + shield for defensive situations. You make a good point, although I don't see how my character would come up with a blade. I suppose he could have looted it from a fallen opponent. I need to finish my backstory and then it may make more sense, but basically my character is some wild barbarian forest guardian.
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Re: Recruitment Thread for Pell's D&D 3.5 Game

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:26 pm

Ah, yeah, didn't think about it being a 2H. That's a legit reason. Was just suggesting in the event that we end up tangling with something that bludgeoning damage doesn't work well on. Reason I've got Kast with a back up other thank the kukris.
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