Okay, here's what I've got on you so far. I'm not up to scrutinizing the powers you've selected at this time, so we'll have to come back to that, but this covers most other things.
* Please show me how many ranks you invested in each of your skills, rather than just the final total. It matters for a number of reasons and I want to make sure it all came out right. Keep in mind that your Headband of Intellect does not give you more skill points; use your original 18 Intelligence for that (so 6 skill points per level of psion).
I've discovered a source that lists a device which is almost the same as a Portable Hole, only much more powerful for most applications (in ways that would actually make it less effective for your dastardly purposes, so I'm not suggesting you switch to it, just using it as a basis for comparison), which is not normally available for sale, but
whose effective value in treasure hoards is listed as only 3600 GP. Part of this is probably because it has an alignment restriction on its use, but it also suggests that perhaps the 20,000 GP price value on the standard Hole is artificially inflated. I'm guessing that Zaks didn't walk into a store and plunk down 2K platinum pieces and ask to purchase an extradimensional storage device; he probably found his trap somehow while adventuring after gaining his psionic powers, and since then the treasure-finding he's done has been negatively impacted by the fact that he was at (if not far ahead of) his Wealth By Level. But at the same time, the whole point of the pit-trap gag is for him to collect loot, so it seems like he ought to have at least a comparable amount of money to other adventurers, despite having sunk so much of its value into this thing. Therefore,
I'm thinking that I should give you back some of that gold (either to spend on other items you can start with, or just as capital during the game - in the latter case, whether you carry it with you in gem form or have it all stashed somewhere is your choice),
probably an amount somewhere between 3.6K and 20.0K. I'm open to suggestions.
* The previous point may make this one partially moot, but in case that never goes anywhere, this must be addressed. Your Armor Class calculations list a suit of +1 Mithral Chain Mail (it has to be +1 to result in a total of +6 to AC). First off,
nobody should ever wear Chain Mail, because a Breast Plate offers the same protection with lower armor check penalty and costs only 150 gold more. Second, a +1 Mithral Breast Plate costs north of 5000 gold, and isn't listed among your purchases so far (this is where the point above comes in handy; you could put some of whatever surplus we agree upon toward the cost of this armor if you still want it). Thirdly, and most importantly,
you are not proficient in armor. While you could easily spend a feat on Armor Proficiency, doing so would require you to give up one of your six Psionic Feats (
I am definitely not allowing a character such as yours to take a Flaw, as I did for Amara's; you're a Tier 2 class with a fairly efficient build, potent items which you're getting a discount on, and fairly typical "murderhobo" adventurer habits, all of which means you don't need any more help than you're getting in order to be functional). If you opt not to do this, but do wear the armor, you will take its Armor Check Penalty (-2 for the Chain Mail, -1 if you take my advice and do a Breast Plate instead) on all of your Strength- and Dexterity-based rolls,
including attack rolls. While that's a bearable disadvantage for mystical classes (your Mind Spike for instance never requires a hit roll), it does mean you'll have issues with mobility on rough terrain, and will limit your ability to use powers that have to roll to hit, such as Rays. Accepting this tradeoff is perfectly legitimate, but I need to know explictly whether it's what you intend to do.
* Why exactly do you have both a Ring of Feather Falling and the Catfall power? You
only weigh 35 pounds in the first place; I really ought to houserule lower falling damage for Small size characters.
* Since the psicrystal is a separate creature from you that can in theory be attacked and destroyed, it can't just appear to be a bulge in your forehead, even though I kind of like the idea from a narrative point of view. (
At one point when I was first allowing psionics into my game, I ruled that psicrystals should be replaced by these little "imaginary friend" things which could look like anything the owner wanted to and were made out of energy, but the rules defeated me there too.) So while it can spend all of its time sitting on your forehead rather than moving around, it can't be hidden from view any more easily than, say, a cat (since they're likewise Tiny - curiously, they don't vary in size based on the creature that creates them).
If there's a Dragon article or something which modifies psicrystal rules to make something like this possible, by all means show it to me; until then I have to work with the RAW just so I don't get stymied about too many situations.
* There are several places where the numbers on your sheet don't appear to add up as they should...generally fairly minor things, but they bug me and I'd like to try and straighten them out. The one that's in your favor is your hit points, which should be 45 rather than 35; also, your HD line should read "9d4+9" (it's for easy reference to things like Sleep spells which count the target's number of Hit Dice, rather than their size). On the downside, I show your Will save at only +6, and there are a number of issues with your to-hit rolls and armor class which will need to be straightened out once we decide whether you're wearing that suit of armor that you aren't proficient with.
* You have "Hair: Red"? None of the other reptiles will let you join in their reptile games with a disfigurement like that....