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Love books? Help Reading Rainbow!

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:05 am
by JumpsonStuff
Hi folks,

as a child of the 80s, one of my fondest memories was watching Reading Rainbow and learning "I can be anything". I grew up watching that lovely animated intro and singing along the catchy 'Butterfly in the sky' tune, then watching LeVar Burton (HEY! That's the guy on Star Trek) take me to fascinating places and tell me about fun books.

It's back, as a paid subscription app (They're not getting PBS funding, gotta make money somewhere to produce it) and it's raising money to get FREE subscriptions into our schools. Take a look, it's in a website --

Donate a dollar, five, or pitch in more for cool t-shirts or fun meet n greet LeVar Burton packages. Encourage kids to love reading as much as we do.

Love, Jumps