Capture The Flag Signups and Rules: Sign-ups ALWAYS open!

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Capture The Flag Signups and Rules: Sign-ups ALWAYS open!

Post by SeeAMoose » Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:15 am

Sign-ups for this game are always open because there is always a next round.

All credit for the idea and rules for this game goes to NotImportant, who ran a wildly successful version of the game back during our time on keenspot. The sprites are my own design, but some of the poses and expressions are loosely based on ones used by Arles in Fugitives.
Rules: See post 2.
Sample Game: See post 3
Player list: See post 4.
NotImportant wrote:I saw the overcrowded Games forum and thought "Me too!". This is not a role playing game with adventures and heroics, though. I'm no good at making stuff up. (Ok, there is a bit of a storyline in it now. Dunno how it happened.) I have tried to make a game that will be entertaining to play in, but won't require reading this forum every day until forever. It is mainly strategy style gameplay. It will not require any roleplaying (but if you want to roleplay, it might be more fun to read). Storywise, it won't matter much.

Pretty much what he said. I had a lot of fun playing this back on Keenspot and even running a game over on LSN's forum. I think it's time for CTF to return to the forum once again.

In recent years, rumors have begun circulating about a clan of goblins that rose up against a superior force and overthrew them. They were known as the Clan of the Proudbanner. These whispers have given hope to civilized goblins throughout the lands who have lived too long under the oppressive rule of barbaric tribes, hobgoblins and even the detestable elves. As stories of their exploits spread other clans began to practice their training regimen in the hopes of one day following in their footsteps.

Which brings us to the Ragonastick Clan. For decades they lived peacefully deep in the Fellcreak Forest. Believing that forming a warcamp would only draw unwanted attention to their clan, the Ragonasticks instead focused on simple hunting and gathering and relied on stealth for their defense. All was well until the nomadic Thickhead Goblins of the West arrived.

The Thickheads decided that they wanted to settle in a bountiful area and enjoy the fruits of hard labor preferably someone else's. And so they began raiding human villages on the plain in an attempt to claim the land as their own. Many a village fell to this horde of goblins, until one day they bit off more than they could chew in attacking the Human/Gnome town of Oakenwall not far from the Fellcreak Forest. Word of their pillaging had spread and Oakenwall was well prepared for them. By the end of the battle, fully half of their horde lay dead and they were driven away towards the forest.

Licking their wounds from the battle, the Thickheads established a war camp in the fringes of the forest. They resolved to one day claim Oakenwall as their own and set about rebuilding their might. Not long after, a Thickhead patrol stumbled upon a Ragonastick party returning to the village after a successful hunt with several boars. The patrol slaughtered the Ragonastick's and it was not long before the Thickheads' leader, Chief Stabs-a-lot, realized that their conquest could come sooner if they didn't have to worry about gathering food themselves. Late one night, the vicious Thickheads stormed into the Ragonastick village. You stood no chance; the few warriors who tried to to stand up to them were slaughtered mercilessly along with your Chief, Teller and many of your strongest goblins. Chief Stabs-a-lot declared that from this point forward your clan would work for him. Every week you would be required to pay tribute to the Thickheads in the form of food in exchange for their "protection". You are forbidden from carrying any weapons or wearing armor with the exception of simple spears, and any goblin carrying a spear when not hunting will be punished severely.

Four long years have passed with your clan acting as slaves to the Thickheads. Discontent was already growing among the younger goblins who could barely remember a time of peace, and then rumors of the Proudbanners arrived and the young goblins realized their might be a way for them to train to one day overthrow their oppressors. So they began to plan in the hopes of one day winning their freedom and reclaiming their home.

Running a Game:
Anyone who wants can run a CTF game using the tools in this link.

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Admin Moose on the Loose
Admin Moose on the Loose
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by SeeAMoose » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:20 pm

Rules and how it will work

The game is Capture the Flag. The players are split in teams, working against each other to get the other team's flag. (Ok, everyone knows how that works.)

Fair warning, the rules are a veritable wall of text, but I promise it's far simpler than it looks. If you jump down to post 3 you can get an idea for how it works. Most of the math stuff will be handled on the GM's end. Of course knowing the rules certainly makes it a lot easier for you to win.

Character types
There are three kinds of goblins, each with a corresponding feat; those with an affinity towards attacking, those with a more passive defensive stature and those who think things through before acting. Or in simpler terms:
Image- Attacker. Gets +5% when attempting to dodge. Can sprint on opponents' half. (In combat, attackers have +1 attack instead.)

Image- Defender. Gets +10% when Guarding or Tackling on own half. (In combat, defenders have +1 defense instead.)

Image- Strategist. Gets more avaliable skills. Has a special move: Cheer. Cheering gives +5% bonus to a teammate one square away. Should that player win a tussle, the strategist gains 1 exp.

Game procedure

Each player sends two moves by PM to the match referee for each turn. In some cases, a player might be allowed less or more than two moves, but that is explained below. All actions happen simultaneously, so there is no bonus for posting quickly. When there are conflicting moves, random die roll determines the order of turns or target of attacks unless the players specify.
A team captain is chosen by each team. This player can send in "spare turns" for their teammates. One per turn of these may replaced a missed turn by a teammate.

Game terms
- Tussle, pin, dodge
A tussle is a physical battle between two players of opposing teams. The players either aim to pin the opponent, or dodge them. The tussle is resolved by our old friend, the d20. Both players have an equal chance (10 to 10) of coming out the winner, but as many different bonuses are applied, the odds change. Bonuses are addative and can cancel each other out.
Red Team Attacker Sprints forward on blue team's half, but a Blue Team Defender moves in the way and Guards. Blue Defender tries to pin, while Red Attacker tries to Dodge. Defenders get a 10% bonus to Guard on their own half, but Attackers get a 5% bonus while dodging. However, being caught while sprinting incurs a 10% penalty. Blue's bonus is 10%, while Red's net penalty is 5%. All in all, this means Blue gets a 15% bonus, meaning they win on 13 numbers versus Red's 7.
In practise matches, the winner of a tussle wins 1 point for their team and 1 exp.
If the winner was dodging, the winner may take the rest of their moves that turn. The loser is distracted for this turn, but can move normally again next turn.
If the winner was trying to pin their turn ends, the loser is distracted at the start of next turn, and must use their first move to get up. If a player is pinned on the opponents' half, they must instead use the first move to warp back to a square of their choice in the back row of their own half. (It's magic. Don't ask.)

Multiple targets: If more than one opponent is avaliable when a tussle starts, the opponents that are doing agressive actions (Guarding, landing a tackle) are targetted before passive actions (running, sprinting, moving part of tackle, cheering or standing around). If several targets have the same priority (like two guarders in the same square) the initiator gets to choose (random if they don't choose).
Multiple attackers: If several players are attacking the same square, the order is decided by the attackers. In case they don't specify, they go in order of turn sent.


You make two moves each turn, with some exceptions. The basic moves are as follows:
- Run.
Move one square on the field. Diagonal running is not allowed. If caught in a tussle, the runner will try to dodge. A running player does not engage in a tussle with a running opponent player.
- Sprint. (Full turn action)
Allows 3 squares of movement. Hovever, sprinting makes it harder to stay alert, so a sprinting player suffers a -10% penalty if they should end up in a tussle. Furthermore, the player takes a -5% penalty to tussles on the next turn due to fatigue, and cannot sprint again for the next 2 turns.
Players may only take the majority of a Sprint action on their own half (except for Attackers).
- Guard
Defend the square you are in. If an opponent enters your square this move, you engage them in a tussle, attempting to pin them. While Guarding, the player negates the opponent's Tackle bonus. However, standing around too long will make your legs stiff, so a player that takes multiple Guard actions in one square takes a cumulative -5% penalty for each Guard action after the first. This penalty is negated after the player moves to another square.
- Tackle
A tackle is one or two Run actions ending with an attempt to pin the opponent in the target square. The tackling player gets a +10% bonus per square moved in the resulting tussle. However, should there be no opponent at the end of the tackle, the player loses the rest of the turn, and suffers a -5% penalty on tussles next turn. Also, should the tackling player be engaged before they reach the target square, they suffer a -10% penalty in that tussle.
When tackling a player that is moving away from the target square on the same turn as the tackle lands, the tackle hits if the target moves towards the tackler. It misses if the target moves straight away from the tackler. If the target moves sideways, there is a 50% chance the tackle hits.
- Cheer
A strategist only move that gives a teammate within 1 square a +5% bonus. The recipient only receives the bonus so long as they remain within the Strategist's cheer range. (See Cheer Range feat below)
- Take the flag
If a player is in the same square as the opponents' flag, they may pick it up as one standard move. You may not pick up your own flag.
- Spacing out
If a player doesn't send a turn and has left no notice, they are spacing out. While spacing out, player recieves a 10% penalty to tussles.
Also, if you space out too much without having left a notice, you may be disallowed to join matches in the future.
Other things:
- Carrying the flag
While carrying the flag, the player cannot Guard or Tackle and does not gain bonuses from skills or feats that doesn't concern flag carrying. If the flag carrier loses a tussle and is pinned, the flag is dropped. If no teammates are left standing in the square, the flag returns to its starting position. (It's a magic flag.) The flag may be dropped as a free action.
If the flag is carried back to your own half, the team gets 5 points! All players in the team that participated in the attack run (determined by referee) gets 3 exp. Additionally, anyone earning xp for participating in a flag run must return to their own half before touching the flag or earning xp as part of a flag capture again.
The game cannot end while a member of the losing team has the flag.
- Teammates in same square
Apart from being a pain to draw for the referee, teammates in the same square all get a -5% penalty per extra player in the square due to limited mobility. This doesn't apply if the teammate is already pinned (or unconcious).
- Respawning
After being pinned on the opponent's half a player must respawn in their home/back row. They cannot respawn in a square with an opponent in it at the end of the previous turn.
- Scoring
Points are awarded for bringing the flag back to your own half of the pitch. Points are also awarded for other game actions, since these are practise games. The match ends when the preset match target is reached (this might vary as I experiment with the settings).
  • 5 points for bringing the opponent's flag to your half.
  • 1 point for winning a tussle against an opponent.
  • 1 point for advancing all the way to the opponent's flag square. You have to return to your own half before you can score another point like this.
- Experience
In practise matches, players get:
  • 1xp for winning a tussle
  • 1xp for sending an opponent back to their back row
  • 3xp for participating in a successful flag capture
  • 1xp for each row into the opponents side they advance. The maximum row reached is reset when/if the opponent flag is successfully captured.
  • 1xp for being on the winning team.
  • 1xp for cheering on a teammate as they win a tussle.
- "Camping"
Sometimes, it might be strategically important to keep a player out of the action by attacking them repeatedly. In order to prevent this from being a way to gain exp and points, there are two restrictions.
  1. After a player wins a tussle against an opponent, one of them has to leave that square before the winner can get exp or team points for winning a tussle against that same opponent again.
  2. Winning a tussle against someone "standing up" after being pinned does not yield exp or team points.

Skills and Experience

When you gain enough experience to gain a level, you can choose one level of a skill or feat. Skills are special moves you can do as an action or part of an action. Feats are permanent improvements to your character.
Some skills and feats have class level prerequisites. Also, new skills and feats might become available as the game progresses (or when I get a good idea).

Class levels
You have one class level when you start, and gain another every 10th level. Each class level corresponds to a feat or skill, listed here. (You need to have the lower tiers to pick the higher tier for each class, naturally.)
  • Attacker 1: +5% to dodge, may sprint on opponents half. In combat, this is substituted for +1 ATK.
  • Attacker 2 (Striker): +5% to dodge and tackle on the opponent's side. In combat, substituted for another +1 ATK.
  • Defender 1: +10% to tackle and guard on own half. In combat, this is substituted for +1 DEF.
  • Defender 2 (Protector): +5% in tussles against a flag carrier. In combat, substituted for another +1 DEF.
  • Strategist 1: Skill: Cheer. Adds a 5% bonus to a teammate in an adjacent square for their current action.
  • Strategist 2 (Tactician): Skill: Boost. Once per game. Boosts a teammate in cheer range to allow them to take an extra action that turn. In combat, the boost instead gives +1 HP to the target.

  • Improved dodging (5 levels). For each level, the player gains a 5% bonus when Dodging in a tussle.
  • Improved guarding (5 levels). For each level, the player gains a 5% bonus to tussles when Guarding.
  • Improved tackling (5 levels). For each level, the player's tackle bonus is increased by 5%.
  • Teamwork (3 levels). Each level reduces your penalty for being in the same square as a teammate by 5%.
  • Sprint awareness (3 levels). Each level reduces the penalty to tussles entered while sprinting by 5%. The third level allows your Nimble bonus to count while sprinting.
  • Banner bearer (ATT 1 or STG 1, 5 levels). Each level allows 5% of total bonus from other skills/feats while carrying the flag.
  • Banner guardian (DEF 1, 2 levels). Allows you to Guard (Lv1) and Tackle (Lv2) while carrying the flag.
  • Nimble (ATT 1, 3 levels). Use your speed to gain a +10% to dodge against stationary (guarding) opponents when you are moving. Bonus doesn't apply while sprinting.
  • Sprint endurance (ATT 1, 2 levels). First level removes the penalty on the turn after sprinting. Second level reduces the "cooldown" on Sprint to one turn.
  • Tackle stamina (DEF 1, 2 levels). First level removes the penalty on the round after missing a tackle. Second level removes the penalty for being caught in a tussle on the moving part of a tackle.
  • Cheer effectiveness (STG 1, 3 levels). Each level increases the bonus for Cheering by 5%.
  • Cheer range (STG 1, 3 levels). Increases the range of Cheering. Target has to be in the squares indicated by T, when the cheerer is at C:

    Code: Select all

            Level 0  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3
                                 T       TTT
               T       TTT      TTT     TTTTT
              TCT      TCT     TTCTT    TTCTT
               T       TTT      TTT     TTTTT
                                 T       TTT
  • Cheer stacking (STG 1, 3 levels). Each level allows 5% of the player's Cheering bonus to stack with other strategist's Cheering bonus on the target, if ALL strategists have it.
  • Lasting Cheer duration (STG 2, 2 levels). Each level adds one action's worth of duration to the Lasting Cheer skill.
  • Extra Boosts (STG 2, 4 levels). Each level allows another use of the Boost skill per game.
  • Improved Reflexes (ATT 2, 1 level). This feat allows the bonus from Nimble to count even if the player is standing still.
  • Read opponent (STG, 5 levels). This skill lets the user condition their move to the move of one opponent. Each level allows one use of the skill per match. When using it, the player must send one default move, followed by alternative moves conditioned on the actions of one opponent.
  • Dash (ATT 2, 5 levels). This skill lets the user sprint 4 squares instead of 3. Each level allows one use of the skill per match. When used, it adds one turn to sprint cooldown, 5% to the penalty if caught sprinting and 5% to the fatigue penalty on the following turn.
  • Debuff (ATT 1 + STG 1, 5 levels). Use Debuff on an opponent in cheer range to give them a penalty equal to your cheer power for the current action. (It's like a negative cheer.) Each level allows one use of the skill per match.
  • Sprint tackle (ATT 1 + DEF 1, 5 levels). This skill allows the user to tackle while sprinting. Each level allows one use of the skill per match. Note that both sprint penalties and tackle penalties apply.
  • Lasting Cheer (STG 2, 5 levels). Allows the user to perform a cheer at half efficiency that gives the target a bonus for two actions. Each level allows one use of the skill per match.
  • Bunker (DEF 1 + STG 1, 5 levels). Adds the user's Improved Guard bonus to all (guarding) teammates inside cheer range. Each level allows one use of the skill per match.
  • Last Stand (DEF 2, 5 levels). The user will Guard in the square with an extra +25% bonus, and keep guarding until pinned (or there are no opponents left standing in the square). The user is unable to act on the following turn. Each level allows one use of the skill per match. (In combat, user will only attack each enemy in the square once.)
notimportant wrote: Badges and Achievements
Doesn't have any effect on your character, but can be viewed in the player list. Badges are unique and can only be won by the first goblin that meets the requirement. Achievements are more of the accumulative kind, and are awarded to all that meets the requirements.
What requirements? Well, if I told you, there'd be no fun, would it?
Clan Proudbanner warriors are ranked after experience and accomplishments. Higher ranks may bring some benefits.
Level 1-4: Rookie.
Level 5-9 (or one successful mission): Trainee. May choose a shirt in any colour to wear.
Level 10-14 (or three successful missions): Initiate.
Level 15- (or six successful missions): ???


Actual battles in Capture The Flag are conducted with mainly the same mechanics as the practise games. Some things are slightly different.
- All combatants have hit points (HP), attack (ATT) and defense (DEF). Goblins start off with 5 HP, 1 ATT and 1 DEF (in accordance with Lonestarian Standard for Goblin Games). Since there are no "halves" of the field, Attacker and Defender feats are not used, and instead replaced by a +1 ATT (for Attackers) and a +1 DEF (for Defenders).
- Tackling is generally referred to as "Charging" in descriptory text, since is sounds silly to have armed warriors tackle one another instead of using their fancy weapons (if any).
- Conflicts in opposing moves that are usually resolved by court side advantage are instead decided by random chance. (Example: moving sideways away from a tackle.)
- When taking an action that would normally aim to "pin" (i.e. guarding or tackling), you instead conduct an attack against the target. You have to pass the roll (using the same bonus/penalty system as a tussle in a practise game) to land your attack. However, failure to pass the roll doesn't mean the opponent hits you. They have to roll a separate attack roll for that (if they also took a "pinning" action).
- When an attack lands, the attacker deals his ATT total as damage to the target's HP. However, the target gets to make a "defense roll" to reduce damage. The defense roll is a random number ranging from 0 to the target's DEF total. Should some damage be blocked by the DEF roll, the target's DEF is reduced by the amount of damage blocked for the remainder of the turn.
(Example of the defense roll: A creature with 4 DEF is attacked and hit by something with 2 ATT. The defense roll, random from 0 to 4, ends up a 3. This means the 2 damage is completely blocked, but the creature's DEF is effectively 2 for the rest of the turn. Should the creature be attacked again by something with ATT 3, it will get a defense roll from 0 to 2 to reduce the damage taken from that attack.)
- When a character's HP is reduced to 0, they become disabled, and cannot take actions. They can still be interacted with by other combatants, and should they be further damaged, the character dies and is removed from the game. (Players may start over with a new character, of course.)
- When a character takes damage, there is a chance they are stunned and lose the rest of their actions that turn. The chance is proportional to the damage taken relative the HP maximum. (Example: A goblin takes 2 damage, with HP max of 5. The stun chance is 2 in 5.) If a character takes damage from a charge (=tackle), they always get stunned.
- If a character takes damage but isn't stunned, they get to continue with their actions for that turn.
- A character can still take actions after making an attack (provided they weren't stunned), but only one attack action per turn is allowed. (i.e. you can move after attacking, but you can't tackle or guard.)

Weapons and equipment:
There are items that boost your stats and/or skills in combat. (Stands won't let you wear them in practise games.) A goblin can only wear or carry so much without getting encumbered, though. Being encumbered is the same as carrying a flag in a practise game; it impedes your movement and makes you unable to fight properly. The carrying capacity can be improved, generally through feats focused on carrying.
(I realize the limit may be somewhat arbitrary at times. I mean, in the first mission, goblins were encumbered by berries!)

Range weapons/combat:
The system for ranged attack (such as throwing or projectile weapons) is slightly different. First of all, attacks are aimed directly at a character, as opposed to melee attacks which are aimed at a square. Each range weapon has a "range", which is the maximum square distance the attack can be made at. (For throwing, the default is 2 squares.) An automatic penalty is added to the attack roll for the distance of the attack multiplied by 10% (for untrained attackers) or 5% (for trained attackers).
Also, the projectile has a chance/risk of hitting other targets in its path. The probability of this occuring is 5% (for small targets), 10% (for medium targets) or 20% (for large targets). Anything passing through or occupying a square that lies in a straight line between the attacker and the target is considered in the line of fire, as are things on the same line behind the target if it misses.

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Admin Moose on the Loose
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by SeeAMoose » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:21 pm

Stealing this from NotImportant, because it's too good... TOTALLY not because I'm lazy.
An decrepit old goblin steps forward. What? Not one of you are interested? I thought you were all full of piss and vinegar!"
One on the listeners breaks out of the torpor the long rules lecture had put them all into. "Sorry, Kicks... it was just... so many rules! We thought we were gonna fight."
"What?! Bah! You young whippersnappers have no patience. But I guess it was a bit lengthy... hmm..."
"Ok, gather round. I will give you an example of how the game is played." The old goblin draws full color pictures in the dirt on the ground using just his cane.

"This is a three-on-three ten point match. Blue team consist of Navy and Bluegreen, both Attackers, and Steel, Defender. In the red team, we have Blood, a Defender, Orange the Strategist and Pinky, Attacker.


First turn is pretty uneventful. Navy and BG both double-move forward, while Steel moves in and Guards by the flag. Orange also moves twice, as does Blood but into a more defensive position. Pinky is a bit reckless and decides to Sprint, moving three spaces.

First half of turn 2, and the action starts. BG decides to Tackle Pinky, since he has sprinted into enemy territory. This was a pretty obvious move, so red team was prepared. Pinky Guards, and Orange uses Cheer to assist him. This makes the resulting tussle an even battle, and Pinky comes out on top, winning one point for Red Team, and 1xp for himself. Orange also gets 1xp for cheering.
Meanwhile, Navy continues forward. Blood assumes he will continue on, and moves to intercept.
Steel defends the flag.

(NOTE: Orange would not be allowed to cheer for Pinky here as a Lv1 Strategist. But there is a feat avaliable later that increases the range of the Cheer skill.)

Second half of turn 2. BG is down after the tussle and can't act. Pinky can't move after winning the tussle, but Orange can move forward unchallenged. Steel stands his ground at the flag, ready to take on both of them!
At the other end, Navy gets one up on Blood as he has anticipated her defensive maneuver, and moves into the middle with the second move. Blood stands ground in vain.

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Admin Moose on the Loose
Admin Moose on the Loose
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by SeeAMoose » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:58 pm

To sign up, reply with a name, a character type, a gender and a colour, if choosing a female sprite you may also choose a hair color. While it would make it easier for me if you picked a standard color from the font color list, I'm not going to restrict you to those colors. Feel free to send me any hex color. For the time being, I'm going to ask you not to chose the same color as someone else, that may change once you all are a high enough level to choose shirt colors. Finally, really dark colors don't work well with these sprites, so I would prefer that you not pick really dark colors. This sprite is about as dark as you should go:

You won't be playing by just signing up, however. To play, you need to join in matches as they become avaliable. I'll try to have new matches up at regular intervals. Anyone who is interested in running a game should contact me.

Player List

Mines Flags, Level 5 Strategist
Player: WearsHats - Color: #4040FF - Shirt Color: #21007F - Exp: 28/35
Games: 1/3 - Missions: 1/1. Hosted: 1 game.
Feats: Cheer effectiveness 2, Cheer Range 1 Improved Dodge 1.
Righteous Charger, Level 6 Attacker
Player: ChuckDaRighteous - Color: #800000 - Shirt Color: #A03000 - Exp: 39/45
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 1/1
Feats: Sprint Endurance 1, Improved Tackle 2. May choose 2 more.
Bravely Runs Away, Lv2 Attacker
Player: nolandking - Color: #FFFFFF - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 8/11
Games: 1/2 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: Can Pick 1
Dreamer, Lv5 Defender
Player: Krulle - Color: #FF70FF - Shirt Color: Too sexy. - Exp: 28/35
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 1/1
Feats: Tackle Stamina 2, Teamwork 1. Improved Tackle 1.
Has No Name, Level 6 Defender
Player: M0rtimer - Color: #BF0000 - Shirt Color: #000000 - Exp: 37/45
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 1/1 - Hosted: Practice Game #2
Feats: Improved Guarding 3, Banner Guardian 1, Improved Tackling 1
MVP Practice Game #1:
Pats Dragons, Level 5 Strategist
Player: Patdragon - Color: #FFFF00 - Shirt Color: #000000 - Exp: 30/35
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 1/1
Feats: Cheer Effectiveness 2, Cheer Range 1. May choose 1 more.
Hides Cloth, Lv3 Defender
Player: lokthar - Color: #008040 - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 17/18
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: Improved Guard 2
Yells At Others, Level 4 Strategist
Player: Theis2 - Color: #8000ff - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 18/26
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: Cheer Range 3.
Tumbles Down a Hill, Level 5 Attacker
Player: SeeAMoose - Color: #004080 - Shirt Color: #a20000 - Exp: 28/35
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 0/1 - Hosted: 1 Game, 1 Mission
Feats: Sprint Endurance 2, Nimble 1, Improved Dodge 1.
Boar Slayer, Lv 4 Attacker
Player: Arch Lich Burns - Color: #8080BF - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 20/26
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: Nimble, Banner Bearer 2
CarvesAPumpkin, Level 3 Defender
Player: Davis8488 - Color: #FF8000 - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 15/18
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: Improved Guarding, Tackle Stamina.
MVP Practice Game #2: Image
Nerre, Level 3 Strategist
Player: Nerre - Color: #40FF00 - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 16/18
Games: 2/3 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: Teamwork 1, Cheer Effectiveness 1
Bomb Diggety, Level 4 Attacker
Player: KnuckleKraken - Color: #FF0000 - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 19/26
Games: 1/3 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: Sprint Endurance 2, Nimble 1
Achievements: MVP Practice Game 2. (Needs MVP badge.)
Not a Zombie, Level 1 Defender
Player: PSychotic - Color: #99BF00 - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 0/5
Games: 0/2 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: N/A
Stands Firm, Level 2 Defender
Player: Bahamut - Color: #BF8000 - Shirt Color: #N/A - Exp: 8/11
Games: 1/3 - Missions: 0/1
Feats: May choose 1.

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by WearsHats » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:04 pm

Mines Flags returning to duty!

Class: Strategist

I'll pick out a starting feat later.
Mostly offline/inactive due to chronic health issues. PM me if you really need attention.

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by SeeAMoose » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:46 pm

There you go Wears! Actually, you don't get a feat until Level 2. Think of your class as your first level feat.
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:53 pm

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by Nolandking » Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:50 am

I'll Join but I wish i knew the name of my goblin that I used during the last time this game happen :(

oh well

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by SeeAMoose » Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:26 am

Nope that should be fine. Not Important's list of players is still up on the keenspot page I linked up at the start of the thread if you decide you want to change your nick.
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by Krulle » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:01 pm

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by SeeAMoose » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:29 pm

Krulle, I love the idea... but there is no way in hell I can make a character with that many colors. I would have to manually recolor every sprite pixel by pixel, I might be able to do up to 2 colors, but I'd really appreciate it if you just picked one color.
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by M0rtimer » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:41 pm

Oh my... This game, back again? Darn... I skipped the last time it was rebooted since I was too busy with other stuff, and I am still for a part but... Ah, hell.

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by M0rtimer » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:51 pm

Oh... It's likely not going to be anywhere in the near future, but in the far away future I might be able to take the role of host for the occasional game... I should be getting back in the whole image editing a bit more anyways. :roll:

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by SeeAMoose » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:58 pm

Awesome! I'm hoping to create some kind of incentive for players to GM, like xp for running a game. I'm also trying to handle making the updates a little bit differently. I've been making pre-colored sprites for every player so that I can just copy them over when I make the updates. Hopefully that will make it easier to do the updates and make running a game more accessible to new GM's
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by Krulle » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:28 pm

Krulle wrote:Dreamer, a Defender
SeeAMoose wrote:Krulle, I love the idea... but there is no way in hell I can make a character with that many colors. I would have to manually recolor every sprite pixel by pixel, I might be able to do up to 2 colors, but I'd really appreciate it if you just picked one color.
Okay, no problem. I was just trying, ....

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by SeeAMoose » Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:00 pm

Perfect, thanks! If you'd really like I can send you the sprite files and you can try to make them multicolored yourself, I just don't have the time to do it myself. Hell, if anyone wants to try to customize their sprites a little I'll be happy to send them the file. Bear in mind that the torso gets covered up when you hit Level 5.

Also, if we can find one more person soon I'll post the game over the weekend.
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules

Post by Krulle » Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:03 pm

YW. I might grab the tiles sometime when the game is on and might play around with them, but first I need to find time. And tähat might take days, weeks, ....
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules: Need 1 more Player!

Post by Patdragon » Sat Mar 14, 2015 3:08 am

Ok. I'll attempt this and be the sixth player, though still a little confused on rules and will reread soon when i have extra time.

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules: Need 1 more Player!

Post by SeeAMoose » Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:44 am

Awesome, welcome to the game Pat! Your teammates should be able to help you navigate the rules, and if you ever have any questions feel free to ask.

I just posted the game, so let's get started!
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules: Need 1 more Player!

Post by Dusk9 » Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:04 am

Heh, awesome to see this back in action. Brings back some fond memories - this was the game that got me to actually sign-up to the forum the first time around, after six months of lurking! Jeez, hard to believe it was almost four years ago! :shock:

I don't have time to really get involved right now, but maybe in a couple of weeks once the Easter holidays start. And even if I'm not playing, I'll definitely be spectating. Have fun guys! :D

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules: Game 1 Started

Post by Lokthar » Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:30 pm

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules: Game 1 Started

Post by SeeAMoose » Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:44 pm

Welcome back Lokthar, it'll be good to have you back in the game. Now we just need one more for 4v4 or 3 for 5v5.
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules: Game 1 Started

Post by Davis8488 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:14 pm

If your still taking a player, I would be happy to add CarvesaPumpkin to your lot.
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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules: Game 1 Started

Post by M0rtimer » Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:18 pm

CTF is always open! You'll need to wait for the ongoing game to finish of course. :)

Also, Moose - Depending on whether or not you can/want to, I could potentially take over hosting for the next game. Honestly, just consider that an open offer - I can't guarantee if I will always be able to keep up to it in the future, but at the current time it would not be much of an issue. :)

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Re: Capture the Flag Signups and Rules: Game 1 Started

Post by Theis2 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:03 am

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