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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by lingrem » Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:43 pm

He also did ban him.
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Krulle » Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:13 pm

I saw that, and I left that uncommented. That guy asked for it anyway...
Q, out of interest: did Thunt ban his IP also on the comic
A forum ban is one thing, but a ban from the comic is definitely something THunt can do whenever and to whomever he wants. Without consulting anyone.
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by TheSedated » Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:23 pm

As I don't have a better place to say this where it reaches Thunt (I totally dislike twitter... Dunno why, I just don't like it), I'm going to say it here.

Nice to hear from you. Although I haven't posted in the forums about your abscence, I was worried. Not only because my favorite comic author got lost, but also as a person. You said "friends" on Twitter, even if it doesn't fit the guys hanging around at your forums that much. But I also think, "fans" is not the correct term for many of your followers. We all appreciate what you do and I think I speak for many of us, we also like listening to what you say when you draw live. Or the things you post on twitter. It is quite a one-way communication, at least for most of us. I can't speak for all others, but Thunt, from what I know about you from live drawing and twitter, I'd also like you if we met somewhere in "the real world". You're that kind of person I'd like to have as a friend. Hmmm... okay, that kind of person doesn't fit too good. More like, you're unique. And that's one thing I really appreciate and it's the main criterium for me to consider someone as a friend. So... I hope everything gets better from now on and... if you ever consider making a trip to Worms (yeah, the city is really called "worms") in Germany, feel free to contact me. I've got a place to stay, I've got beer and I've got a lot of interesting, open-minded, weirdo friends you could talk to and have fun with. You've got a friend here, even if we don't know each other personally. Glad to have you back, dude.

Oh, I forgot, we've got wine! Lots of wine! Cheap, but incredibly good and tasty wine! You can't imagine how much wine we've got here... If I look out my window, I can see 30km all around, 30km of vinyards!

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by xoticus » Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:33 pm

Jeez +1 banhammer over here. Watch those dissenting opinions, folks.

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Liesmith » Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:45 pm

xoticus wrote:Jeez +1 banhammer over here. Watch those dissenting opinions, folks.
There have been tons of dissenting opinions posted (I should know, some of them were mine) without the banhammer being brandished. There's a mile between dissent and very blatant, insulting trolling. It's very easy to disagree with someone without being an asshole about it. You can use this post as a guideline, as I didn't insult you in any way to make my point.
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by SGTdude » Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:02 pm

LooksAtYouFunny wrote:Image

and welcome to the rumble Thunt :)

Ok....Have to comment.

1) The GIF above literally went something like this: "So uh....Bruce? Look uh...go in there and do your thing. You know....Karate the place ok? Just make it look great!" That is really how little direction they gave him before doing the scene, its documented somewhere. So that image clearly represents the impromptu owsumness of a master.

Which leads me to my next point....

I could say you were a bit harsh Tarol, but you really werent. You were comically nice about pointing out the rudeness. Much like a trenchcoat wearing traveller of time and space that I heard of once. It is impressive to see you bounce back like this after such a blow (and I very much understand how recovery is a long process).

Also, thanks for the Princess Bride GIF. It is THE most epic moment in the movie for me, although there are alot of ties for 2nd. Now we all want to see one thing in the next comic update immediately.

A black panel with white lettering: THunt is currently on a fan-mandated hiatus and will return to drawing on the Eventuallyth of May.
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by SGTdude » Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:07 pm

xoticus wrote:Jeez +1 banhammer over here. Watch those dissenting opinions, folks.
Ok...see? Now that is straight up bullcrap.

Let me paint you a picture. Dude comes into your house, literally shits all over the place, is about to rape your kids, and then you walk in and shoot him dead. Only to have the neighbors go "Well that was a little extreme."

THunt has a right to ban whoever he wants here cuz this is his house. You come and crap on his house, expect to get your shit handed to you. And THunt is very patient with criticism from outsiders. Much moreso than I would be.

I get so sick of people all up on their high horse like they never do anything that is inappropriate. If you feel that way, please....just pack your shit and go because we dont want you around.

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Tofu » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:09 pm

Whoa. More funky gifs ... Awesome?!?

Hmm ... It takes time to recover, if one ever does, from the slings an arrows of outrageous fortune when mental health is struck by such an arrow. I respect the heck out I'd Tarol for getting this far, but I have this fear of him (and I) trying to run & falling again when all that should be done is resting - the flip side of that fear is that maybe the answer is being full of angry piss n vinager toget on with life.

In summary, I am not in a position to give advice, but I sure as heck want to. I want the best for my favourite one man webcomic bandwagon ...

Last edited by Tofu on Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Liesmith » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:19 pm

SGTdude wrote:
xoticus wrote:Jeez +1 banhammer over here. Watch those dissenting opinions, folks.
Ok...see? Now that is straight up bullcrap.

Let me paint you a picture. Dude comes into your house, literally shits all over the place, is about to rape your kids, and then you walk in and shoot him dead. Only to have the neighbors go "Well that was a little extreme."
That's more than a little hyperbolic for a metaphor about trolling. I'd say it's more like Thunt is running a free kitchen, and everyone is sitting at their tables talking about the delicious chili and chatting amongst themselves; Brass wanders in, complains (while eating the chili) that the chef is an asshole, and everyone who disagrees is a "bootlicker". Then the guy running the kitchen just grabs him by the collar and throws him out. What I'm saying is that I'm hungry and I could really go for some chili.
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by SeeAMoose » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:21 pm

SGTdude wrote:
xoticus wrote:Jeez +1 banhammer over here. Watch those dissenting opinions, folks.
Ok...see? Now that is straight up bullcrap.

Let me paint you a picture. Dude comes into your house, literally shits all over the place, is about to rape your kids, and then you walk in and shoot him dead. Only to have the neighbors go "Well that was a little extreme."

THunt has a right to ban whoever he wants here cuz this is his house. You come and crap on his house, expect to get your shit handed to you. And THunt is very patient with criticism from outsiders. Much moreso than I would be.

I get so sick of people all up on their high horse like they never do anything that is inappropriate. If you feel that way, please....just pack your shit and go because we dont want you around.

SGT, I get where you're coming from, but it's not your place to tell people to leave.
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by xoticus » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:34 pm

Sorry I made you so mad, guys. Just seems a little harsh to me, Thunts been gone for a while now and his first appearance back is a flashy display of banning a guy. Then everyone is all like wow that was awesome. The guy was a troll and I suppose he had it coming, so I will just shut my trap about it. I dont want sgt dude to mistake me for a home invader or anything.

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Dualhunter » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:52 pm

Thunt wrote:Brass... Can I call ya 'Brass'? Brass... I've just gone through and read all of the posts you've made in this forum. And Rass... Can I call ya 'Rass'? Rass... You've been doing nothing but pee all over these people. If you have a problem with me, then stop reading my comic. If you're obsessed with me (as you seem to be) email me about it. I won't read the email, but it'll probably help you through some issues you have.

What you call "boot-licking hero worship" is actually respect and friendship. These people you're pelting with your urine-soaked insults are the very reason my comic still exists. Ass... Can I call ya 'Ass'? Ass... these people are better than you. And I'm pretty sure that on some level, you know this. Here, let me show you, Ass.
Brassbaboon just like the idea that their favorite artist is some sort of tortured genius who suffers horribly for their pleasure.
I could psycho-analyze that for you, but I think it's pretty clear.
Didja see that, Ass? Didja notice it? Here, let me show you again.
Brassbaboon wrote:I could psycho-analyze that for you, but I think it's pretty clear.
There. Right there, Ass. Now why would you have mentioned to these people that you're capable of performing psycho-analysis? There was no relevant conversational bridge linking your statement to anything that was previously said. In fact, you could have easily left that line out completely and still made your point with just as much of your trademarked pee-pee flinging as you have with your other statements. So do you know why you mentioned psycho-analysis, Ass? Cause I do.


You wanted these people to know how smart you are, Ass. You wanted them to look up to you as someone with at least one impressive skill. And Ass... People who genuinely look down on others tend not to care whether or not they're aware of their psycho-analyzing skills or juggling skills, etc. You were flexing for us and you were doing it because you look up to us as a community. Unfortunately, you don't have the social skills to be... well... NOT an ass, Ass. Nor do you have the individual strength to just leave. This is made obvious by your defiant declarations to leave, followed by more posts.

You've spent almost your entire time in here, insulting the regulars in here. I respect these people, and I owe these people. And I'd be trashing that respect if I didn't stop you.
Brassbaboon wrote:I'll say "THunt's back" when I see the comic update.
No you won't, Ass.

So I feel like this a ridiculously stupid thing to don, it being my first post in these forums, but was that really necessary? I mean yeah, the guy was a troll and deserved to be banned but why did you do it so publicly? Was it because you wanted to make a big entrance after being gone for so long or something? Why not just send him a message saying he's banned? WHy the big show?

I mean, most of the regulars seem to be stoked that you did that, but frankly the whole thing seemed immature. I mean the "Can I call you...." lines seemed you were trying to impersonate some bad 80s movies. Followed up by you doing some kinda psycho-analysis on him about how he has no social skills or personal strength. I mean it looks like you were just making some extreme reaches about him as a person just off what you saw from him on an internet message board. And then insulting him on them. It seems very similarly to what he was doing to be honest.

Either way, glad your doing better (mental illness sucks more than I can describe) hope all is well. Please take as much time as you need to get better before you start the comic again.

Pce out yo

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by PaintsTurtles » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:53 pm

SeeAMoose wrote:SGT, I get where you're coming from, but it's not your place to tell people to leave.
Unrelated to your point here, SeeAMoose, but I love the info box you came up with. It comes across as much friendlier. :P

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by kida » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:16 pm

SGTdude wrote:
LooksAtYouFunny wrote:Image

and welcome to the rumble Thunt :)

Ok....Have to comment.

1) The GIF above literally went something like this: "So uh....Bruce? Look uh...go in there and do your thing. You know....Karate the place ok? Just make it look great!" That is really how little direction they gave him before doing the scene, its documented somewhere.
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by RocketScientist » Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:01 pm

PaintsTurtles wrote:
SeeAMoose wrote:SGT, I get where you're coming from, but it's not your place to tell people to leave.
Unrelated to your point here, SeeAMoose, but I love the info box you came up with. It comes across as much friendlier. :P
+1 on the info boxes. Thanks again, Moose (and thank you Paints, b/c I think it was your idea to have a less confrontational method of communication).
This one is good, too. 8)

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Guus » Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:11 pm

lingrem wrote: *coughs* Don't insult gremlins! (lingrem is gremlin rearranged. I am NOT comparable to a troll!!!!!) :lol:
I know, I read your nickname explanation :P
I guess we'll never know, but maybe the lil' guy would've turned out to be a lovely little gremlin that just got his meal on the wrong time :P

Directly to THunt: I have been rather outspoken about the happenings past six weeks, but I always assumed it was for a good reason, which turned out to be true from my point of view. However, the two posts you made directly at people on the forums did come across as a bit harsh to me. The one thing that drew me into this forum besides my worry about you was the level of respect portrayed by the regulars. I understand that you came back on less than ideal terms and I feel you have every right to make decisions on this forum. On the other hand, I liked the fact that even when people were being disrespectful it was countered by admittedly harsh criticism and the rule of respecting others still seemed to apply. The offensive folks usually went a lot farther in their language and personal attacks than the regular forumites, which was a great feat from the regulars as far as I was concerned. Your posts are justified on the basis of the fact that this is your forum, but I do feel they were disrespectful to the adressed people. They displayed offensive behaviour, but that does not warrant a disrespectful response. I believe you would've responded differently in a different situation, but you basically hold the ultimate power on this forum. A post that stated "you are acting like an ass to everyone including me, therefore I shall ban you" would've been sufficient and a lot less aggressive towards the rest. Blowing off steam is important, but once on the internet it stays there, and it honestly does not leave a good impression.
Based on the blogs and other stuff I read from you you seem like a decent and good human being, but those last posts were hurtful in such a way that even I felt bad, even though it didn't reflect on me at all.
Anyway, I hope you'll fully recover and I wish you the best. Recover and learn and you'll be an even better person because of it ;)

(risking cheesiness)
Much love,
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by AntMac » Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:51 pm

Hi Thunt, glad to hear you are around and about. Summer is coming, and we all want you to spend some of it laying out in your back yard, listening to the flowers grow. Or something. Please let us know some way that we can contribute to making that possible.

And if you come to Auckland, New Zealand, I'mma gunna be mighty unhappy* if you don't give me a chance to take you out for a sail, or fishing or something. I bet sand to diamonds, that a lot of the other people here feel the same way, and you could go on a world tour. You ought to. I owe you, mate, you have made my life better, and not just with laughs, but by example and teachings. Plus, Finger Horrors to Fear, Ears to admire . . . I owe you.

* I mean, I will be all like "Sure, it's fine bro, I understand you're a busy guy and all . . ." then crying somewhere leaning on a bar :P

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by RocketScientist » Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:12 pm

Guus wrote:Your posts are justified on the basis of the fact that this is your forum, but I do feel they were disrespectful to the adressed people. They displayed offensive behaviour, but that does not warrant a disrespectful response.
In my personal not-moderator opinion, respect is a two way street. If you act like an ass, you can't expect respect in return. I wouldn't put up with that behavior for a second in my offline life, and I wouldn't be concerned about being polite to the guy on his way out the door.

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Liesmith » Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:42 pm

I've noticed that any of the very few times Thunt has banned someone, a few people always speak up saying that it was harsh. I disagree with them, but I think it's safe to assume that a few people (aside from the subject of the ban) will object to most bans for one reason or another. In some circumstances I can get where they're coming from, but having read Brass's posts, the guy essentially admitted that he was a troll by flouncing (always stick the flounce, bro) with a message saying that he'd keep watching us for the entertainment value.
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Lurch » Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:50 pm

Regarding Thunt's replies to particularly egregious examples of asshattery:

IMO, not overly harsh at all; in fact, I found them to be winningly snarky & demonstrative of an individual who has not let his recent misfortunes rob him of his wit or resolve. While responding & banning in so public a manner may seem needlessly theatrical to some, to me it's the response of someone who is not content to simply sit meekly by and let his friends & fans fight his battles for him when he possesses the means to defend himself, and wishes to demonstrate that fact. So more power to you, Thunt -- keep on keepin' on!

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by mustache_man » Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:03 pm

Liesmith wrote:I've noticed that any of the very few times Thunt has banned someone, a few people always speak up saying that it was harsh. I disagree with them, but I think it's safe to assume that a few people (aside from the subject of the ban) will object to most bans for one reason or another. In some circumstances I can get where they're coming from, but having read Brass's posts, the guy essentially admitted that he was a troll by flouncing (always stick the flounce, bro) with a message saying that he'd keep watching us for the entertainment value.
To be fair, Guus didn't say that the banning was harsh. Brassbaboon was trolling and I don't think anyone would bat an eye if he got banned by a mod before today. The issue was with the content of Thunt's post. Honestly, if it was anyone else it would warrant mod action, but it was Thunt, so people cheer him for it. Ultimately the forum is his home turf and he calls the shots, but there isn't much sense in dictating rules if you're going to break them yourself.
RocketScientist wrote:In my personal not-moderator opinion, respect is a two way street. If you act like an ass, you can't expect respect in return. I wouldn't put up with that behavior for a second in my offline life, and I wouldn't be concerned about being polite to the guy on his way out the door.
So it's ok to be an ass if someone else is an ass to me first?

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Liesmith » Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:47 pm

mustache_man wrote:
Liesmith wrote:I've noticed that any of the very few times Thunt has banned someone, a few people always speak up saying that it was harsh. I disagree with them, but I think it's safe to assume that a few people (aside from the subject of the ban) will object to most bans for one reason or another. In some circumstances I can get where they're coming from, but having read Brass's posts, the guy essentially admitted that he was a troll by flouncing (always stick the flounce, bro) with a message saying that he'd keep watching us for the entertainment value.
To be fair, Guus didn't say that the banning was harsh. Brassbaboon was trolling and I don't think anyone would bat an eye if he got banned by a mod before today. The issue was with the content of Thunt's post. Honestly, if it was anyone else it would warrant mod action, but it was Thunt, so people cheer him for it. Ultimately the forum is his home turf and he calls the shots, but there isn't much sense in dictating rules if you're going to break them yourself.
RocketScientist wrote:In my personal not-moderator opinion, respect is a two way street. If you act like an ass, you can't expect respect in return. I wouldn't put up with that behavior for a second in my offline life, and I wouldn't be concerned about being polite to the guy on his way out the door.
So it's ok to be an ass if someone else is an ass to me first?
In my non-mod opinion...yes, it's ok to insult someone who insults you first, as long as you don't up the ante. And I don't see what about Thunt's post was so harsh. Someone directly insulted him, and he provided a sarcastic and not-particularly-insulting reply before banning the guy. He wasn't as insulting as Brass was, and Brass wasn't banned by any of the mods prior to Thunt doing so himself, so I don't see how you can claim that Thunt is breaking his own rules; Brass was the most insulting person out of all those involved in the exchange.
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by mustache_man » Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:19 am

Liesmith wrote: In my non-mod opinion...yes, it's ok to insult someone who insults you first, as long as you don't up the ante. And I don't see what about Thunt's post was so harsh. Someone directly insulted him, and he provided a sarcastic and not-particularly-insulting reply before banning the guy. He wasn't as insulting as Brass was, and Brass wasn't banned by any of the mods prior to Thunt doing so himself, so I don't see how you can claim that Thunt is breaking his own rules; Brass was the most insulting person out of all those involved in the exchange.
Rule 1 of the forum is basically be respectful, not be respectful to anyone that is respectful to you in the first place. I won't dispute that Brass was insulting, he was. If you believe Thunt wasn't insulting or disrespectful, I won't argue with you. But I hardly believe that letting people respond in kind is the way to create a respectful environment. Incidentally, that's exactly what a troll wants.

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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Liesmith » Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:36 am

mustache_man wrote:
Liesmith wrote: In my non-mod opinion...yes, it's ok to insult someone who insults you first, as long as you don't up the ante. And I don't see what about Thunt's post was so harsh. Someone directly insulted him, and he provided a sarcastic and not-particularly-insulting reply before banning the guy. He wasn't as insulting as Brass was, and Brass wasn't banned by any of the mods prior to Thunt doing so himself, so I don't see how you can claim that Thunt is breaking his own rules; Brass was the most insulting person out of all those involved in the exchange.
Rule 1 of the forum is basically be respectful, not be respectful to anyone that is respectful to you in the first place. I won't dispute that Brass was insulting, he was. If you believe Thunt wasn't insulting or disrespectful, I won't argue with you. But I hardly believe that letting people respond in kind is the way to create a respectful environment. Incidentally, that's exactly what a troll wants.
My opinion is that it's ok to insult someone who has insulted you; not that it's the wisest course of action.
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Twitter tweets (now: THunt's back to the forum.)

Post by Synch » Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:10 am

AntMac wrote:And if you come to Auckland, New Zealand
Wow, thats like 4 or 5 of us in the same city on the other side of the world, maybe even the most populous city on this forum! We should all have a beer one day!
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