The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by willpell » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:12 pm

PseudoFenton wrote:I know, I know, forever asking questions. I have a feeling I know what my Goblin name would be...
It's probably taken....
You either die Chaotic, or you live long enough to see yourself become Lawful.
Glemp wrote:To some extent, you need to be arrogant - without it, you are vulnerable being made someone's tool...for Herbert's sake, have the stubbornness not to submit to what you see instantly, because you can only see some facts at a time.
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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by apotato » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:39 pm

PseudoFenton wrote:
innuendo wrote:Super Awesome Video!
Which leads me neatly on to asking when those other two characters are being set, they're already unlocked as it were, and people have voted - so when will we know who comes out victorious?
very likely pan and yala or ksellis will get locked in at 8K likes and voting will restart again. if it never hits 8K i assume we get pan and yala AND Ksellis as they're leading by a huge margin

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by PseudoFenton » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:21 am

Okay, some minor fixes to the wiki, some more questions and a suggestion.

First off, in the wiki action cards state "If an action card is associated with a specific character, it must be performed by that character." I assume this should read "on that character", otherwise its very easy to say "well minmax is teaching kin his proficiency action, look here is minmax, still alive, he is performing this action for kin, who is now attacking with her collar". It may be splitting hairs a little, but the details on the rules later say "on" so this does seem to be the intended function.

Next, "Oppose the Encounter - In clockwise order, starting with the player to the left of the active player, each other player may assign any number of his ready characters to oppose the encounter provide that that player does not already have a character who is participating in the encounter. " has a typo, it says "provide that that player" half way through, but should probably read "providing that player".

Later it reads "If the total character stat value of all remaining characters is equal to or greater than difficulty of the encounter", this should read "greater than the difficulty". Omitted 'the'.

Also, "If the active failed to overcome the current encounter," should read "If the active party failed". Omitted 'party'.

In Failure step it reads "Then remove the (a encounter card from the game.", this shouldn't have the '(a' in it.

As an overview, I'd make a section which clearly describes when and how a character can become exhausted - the rules are all over the place currently and you have to pick your way through them to find each one. Considering this is a very important part of the action economy of the game, this should be presented in a more concise way.
Equally, the end of turn step should be split up with a discard and draw step - it took me a while to discover if you could discard action cards that applied to a dead characters simply because there was no sub-heading to highlight when and how this occurs.

From what I've seen of treasure/equipment, there are activation abilities on some of them which state they exhaust. There are even enchantments for equipment which adds this functionality. However the rules don't cover any of this - all the 'readying' is specified to characters, although it is likely that this applies to equipment and similar too - it does need to be stated how this works. I mean, does an exhausted piece of equipment still grant its normal stat bonuses? I don't know, the rules don't say.

A follow on from the treasure issue - there seems to be a lot of text and some variability in some of the equipment, Kores armour gets better with more metal items, Oblivious get less powerful the smarter you are.

However all of these are meant to be stuck under the character card. This would not only lead to massive sidewards stacks (three level cards, 5 treasure and an enchantment, plus the character, is 10 cards easily all on top of each other - so 30 in row for all the characters), but will make it clunky and difficult to see the text on these cards.
This means constantly shuffling the cards around if you can't remember what they do, and it prevents other players looking at the exact text of those cards without asking you to show it to them (which may make it obvious you plan on stealing it/destroying it/whatever).

Also when you're trying to exhaust individual pieces of equipment, in a stack of a whole bunch of other cards... well it wont be easy. It also is easy to lose track of what items of equipment are enchanted with what cards if they're all in one pile.

So the suggestion I make is that each character is laid out vertically (one above the other on the table), the level and class cards are placed under the character to the left, as is currently done. However the equipment is placed to the right of each character holding it without being overlapped. This lets all players see every treasure card you have, an can lean over to read the text on them, it also lets you look at the pretty pictures on them and more easily exhaust and enchant them without messing about with everything.

Doing this also lets you stack up the XP tokens to the right of each character, allowing for stacks of XP tokens (needed for high levelled character like Kore) to be stacked neatly without going flying every time you equip an item, and without obscuring his stats. Also thunt said not to put the XP on the card because it spoils his art. You can then place the Quest tokens to the left of the characters, along with the draw pile and discard pile, as this side of the 'board' is unlikely to move at all.

To illustrate with text, [] means a stand alone card, () means its under the card next to it and | indicates a space:

[Quest Tokens] | (Level & Class Cards for Char 1) [Character 1] | [Char 1 XP Tokens] | [Equipped Treasure for Char 1] | (Enchantment card)[Enchanted & Equipped Treasure for Char 1]
---second row---
[Draw Pile] | (Level & Class Cards for Char 2) [Character 2] | [Char 2 XP Tokens] | [Equipped Treasure for Char 2]
---third row---
[Discard Pile] | (Level & Class Cards for Char 3) [Character 3] | [Char 3 XP Tokens] | [Equipped Treasure for Char 3]

Well I hope that's mostly clear - its probably what I would do regardless of the what the rules say at any rate.

So, I'll leave it at that for now - I'm sure ill be by later to ask more questions and highlight minor errors or oversights in the rules next time I get a chance to spend time on this. This may be a good thing, or a reoccurring waking nightmare for you, either way I'll be infamous! :D

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by innuendo » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:43 am

PseudoFenton wrote:When can we expect to see a demo of gameplay? Also, with 5 player mode, and three characters each, I assume this is now also viable because of the base 12 characters and the extras already added in from facebook likes (Biscuit being the first of three). Which leads me neatly on to asking when those other two characters are being set, they're already unlocked as it were, and people have voted - so when will we know who comes out victorious?
Demo of gameplay comes as soon as I get my demo copy. As for fifth player, it requires additional tokens and party action cards to be added to the game (see the next next stretch goal)...

And someone already answered your question about voting. We'll set one more after we reach 8k likes.
PseudoFenton wrote:...Fixes...


@Fixes: Thank you for catching those. I'll be honest that I didn't even attempt to proof them yet since I wanted to get them up and it's easy to edit. And since that night I got them online i haven't had time to pour back through them.

@Questions: Actually, treasure doesn't exhaust. Treasure with effects like that are activated by the character (just like action cards are used by characters). This means anytime a treasure says to exhaust it's referring to the character who is using it.

@Suggestions: I think the above answer helps solve most of the logistical issues you were trying to address. There is no doubt that the number of cards on the table can get up pretty high, but from the testing we've done it's not been an issue (and we've tested with some non gamers). There can be moments of card shuffling around, but it's usually pretty minor. Also, since each character drafts their own treasure, most players have a pretty good sense of what their cards do, without having to read them all each turn.

That said, usability and ease of play are absolutely things we watch for when testing, so once I get my POD copy (which, fingers crossed, ships today) I'll be sure to be mindful of it.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by AvalonXQ » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:08 pm

Here's my proposal (and likely houserule) for character balance in a draft.

We start with the characters face-up on the table and a pile of quest points.
Player 1 (chosen randomly) picks a character that she wants to play.
Player 2, the next around the table, either passes, or adds a quest point to that character and takes it from Player 1. If Player 2 passes, she is out of the running for that character.
Player 3 then passes, or adds a quest point to the character and takes it.
This continues around the table, with each player adding a quest point to take the character or passing on having that character. It can go around the table as many times as there are two or more players willing to bid on the character. Whenever everyone else has dropped out, the last player to take the character keeps it -- but the total quest points on the character are added to that player's pile at the start of the game.
Next, Player 2 picks a character that she wants to play, etc., until everyone has drafted three characters.
Each player begins the game with a number of quest points equal to the total on her character cards PLUS the total she got from bidding.

This method is self-balancing - because if it turns out that (for example) Minmax is horribly unbalancing at his current quest point totals, everyone will bid on Minmax. His quest point total will effectively increase as a premium for playing him. On the other hand, if you think you have an effective strategy for playing with an unpopular character, you're more likely to get him uncontested in the draft.


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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by innuendo » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:34 pm

That's like the mean family christmas gift game version of the rules. I kinda like it.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by AvalonXQ » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:10 am

I'm a little worried about how the assistance and challenge rules interact.

All of the penalties of a challenge apply to the player owning the losing character, correct?
And the active player can unilaterally choose any assisting character to oppose a challenge, correct?
If so, it seems a little problematic that the active player can just throw an ally character at any challenge and make some other player deal with the effects of losing - either losing a character, gear, or cards.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by innuendo » Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:36 am

AvalonXQ wrote:I'm a little worried about how the assistance and challenge rules interact.

All of the penalties of a challenge apply to the player owning the losing character, correct?
And the active player can unilaterally choose any assisting character to oppose a challenge, correct?
If so, it seems a little problematic that the active player can just throw an ally character at any challenge and make some other player deal with the effects of losing - either losing a character, gear, or cards.
Yep, that's the risk of joining to help someone.

There are a ton of conflicting facts to balance when choosing to ally. Allow me to name just a few.

It's not always good to ally if someone could be challenging. There is a clear and present risk.
If you ally you can't use that character to ally for anyone else.
If you ally with a player you can't also challenge them.
If you ally you get XP and possibly get to clear quest tokens.

On the active player's side, there are lots of reasons you wouldn't just send someone else to respond to a challenge. If you send a character who is going to lose, you have a high chance of failing the encounter. This is HUGE risk to take for the active player. Typically you want to send who ever you think can beat the challenge. And it's in everyone's best interest on the allied side to win the challenge since it makes the encounter easier to clear.

It also allows players to have leverage to stop people helping. For example, if I have a really combative character I could threaten "If you ally with Fred i'm coming for you." Well now all of the sudden Fred might find himself without friends trying to pick an encounter. This sort of leverage is important to making the politics in the game dynamic and complex. If you could simply pull support at anytime, why wouldn't everyone ally?

You're correct to identify the power of being the active player. But it's precisely that risk that makes choosing to ally interesting and complex.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by Plays_Games » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:40 am

Will there be a TableTop show with mister Wheaton and Thunt? It would serve me greatly to get a general feel for the game, and spreading the news about this possible awesome game is an even bigger plus.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by pthomas625 » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:07 am

Hey oh! Deciding on how far up the Kickstarter ladder I'm going to climb... What's the playmat made out of? Are we talking a fold-out cardboard mat? Laminated roll-up poster? A super-awesome-neoprene/polyester roll-up playmat?

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by innuendo » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:51 pm

Plays_Games wrote:Will there be a TableTop show with mister Wheaton and Thunt? It would serve me greatly to get a general feel for the game, and spreading the news about this possible awesome game is an even bigger plus.
I'm no where near the celebrity to set that up. But if all of you goblinites asked him nicely..........
pthomas625 wrote:Hey oh! Deciding on how far up the Kickstarter ladder I'm going to climb... What's the playmat made out of? Are we talking a fold-out cardboard mat? Laminated roll-up poster? A super-awesome-neoprene/polyester roll-up playmat?
Why that would be the super-awesome-neoprene model sir :)
Last edited by innuendo on Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by willpell » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:32 pm

@ Innuendo: I assume your first quote should have been Plays_Games's question about Wheaton, rather than the thing you quoted twice?
You either die Chaotic, or you live long enough to see yourself become Lawful.
Glemp wrote:To some extent, you need to be arrogant - without it, you are vulnerable being made someone's tool...for Herbert's sake, have the stubbornness not to submit to what you see instantly, because you can only see some facts at a time.
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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by innuendo » Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:30 am

mmhmm, thank you.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by brnforce » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:41 am

I'm a tabletop newb and don't know what deck dividers are. What are we looking at for when it reaches $150k?

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by PseudoFenton » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:16 pm

brnforce wrote:I'm a tabletop newb and don't know what deck dividers are. What are we looking at for when it reaches $150k?
Probably something like this:

So yeah, I'm kind of underwhelmed by both of the next stretch goals. As the next tier up is just adding in a Gaming Tablecloth for me - at a min pledge that is significantly higher than I can afford as its another 60% on top of what I've already pledged... well I can't really see me coughing up any more for the project.

I'm glad its funded and I'll look forward to owning it and playing it, but it's not really surprising there has been a huge slow down in pledging. There's very little to encourage current backers to pledge more, and there's still quite a high boundary for the uninitiated to learn exactly what the game is about and how it plays - which is keeping new blood from backing. Add to that a high ramp up in pledge costs, and a lack of interesting stretch goals and you've got a perfect recipe for interest and pledges to slow to a trickle.

It's fantastic that we're funded though, 300% funded even! However it really feels like the bang has been lost from that high point when the kickstarter started.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by LAYF » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:31 pm

Hmm.. yea... I'ts like it need some more commercial... some new commercial.... A "action" video on you tube...

Hmm.. how about making a cool video, showing off actual gameplay action parts (combat and such), post it on face book and give a small reward to anyone who likes and re posts it...
The reward dont have to be big...

Some ideas:
Signed game box by Thunt and the Lead designers.
A special "Youtuber/FB" card (don-t know how much trubble creating one extra card is)

or something like it... but not sure if that posible with the remaining time.... :S
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by PseudoFenton » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:59 pm

LooksAtYouFunny wrote:Some ideas:
Signed game box by Thunt and the Lead designers.
A special "Youtuber/FB" card (don-t know how much trubble creating one extra card is)
Yeah, a game-play video would help a lot.

I'd also happily pay for signed merchandise, boxes and/or posters (although I can't pay $1111 for the posters). Although signed items do take time from the person signing them, and for an artist it does tax them excessively as it can't be done as easily between drawing as it tends to hurt the hand after a while.

Even stretch goals which add things like new characters, new adventure settings, even kickstarter exclusive versions (so it'd only need a limited run to produce). I know facebook can and has added these things, but stretch goals can too.

So far a lot of the stuff that's getting added to the box just seems a little... well stingy. Two copies of each of the 6 class cards seems mechanically problematic (what if all four players want to have a rogue, due to the continual theft occurring, I'm pretty sure 2 rogue cards aint going to cut it), plus it just seems a little lame.
Why couldn't this stretch goal have had something entertaining like class swapped versions of some of characters as the art on these cards? That would've made them so much more interesting! Or what about Kickstarter only 'Epic' class levels which each add a cool ability and stat bonuses, so act like half way between a level up and a class up card, but there's only one of each class. Now the limited supply makes sense, and it seems cool - and you need to back the kickstarter to get it! What if the all class cards can flip over to become Epic versions if 'gained' twice?

Also, with things like the Shield of Wonder expansion add in 100+ cards, why is there no other kickstarter promo items like this? Stuff that adds huge chunks of 'must have' content? Why isn't there a bunch of forth-wall breaking party action cards and loot, like Dungeon Master Guides and Knowledge Checks which just expand the basic game, but only for kickstarter backers? Or a bonus 'race' expansion which just adds in a small handful of stat-swapping (ie Ogre: +2 combat/-2 charm) cards that can be dealt out at the start of the game to put on top of each character - you wont need many (12 would do) and it wont break the game hugely or require massive rebalancing as characters already have differing stats... but its interesting and fun, much more so than supporting a fifth (probably non-existent) player.

But, that's just my opinion, really. There needs to be more 'fun' incentives, and more rules and gameplay shown to prove to people that the game can be fun to play. The suggestions I made may not work in execution, but they're throw away ideas of what might be more fun and exclusive therefore a better incentive for people to back the kickstarter and push up the funding further. I can't see anyone getting overly excited about card spacers... unless they're signed, but they're not, so they're just dull.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by brnforce » Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:01 pm

Wow. Didn't mean to bring about such dissension. I think the card dividers will be functionally very useful, I just didn't know what they were. I also think that the addition of a 5th character is a huge bonus to the game. Anyways, thanks for the info.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by PseudoFenton » Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:28 am

brnforce wrote:Wow. Didn't mean to bring about such dissension.
It wasn't you, just an ongoing grumble that you let be voiced. I still love the idea of playing the game, it just seems like the kickstarter has nothing else to offer - even though there was lots of talk about including the community and having lots of ideas for extra content.

When looking over the stats, we raised 33% of the current total in 10% of the total elapsed time, we then went on to raise 66% of the current total in the following 15% of elapsed time... the final third has taken the remaining 75% of the time to raise... we're massively slowing down.
The number of backers has followed an almost identical trend too. So as the first 33% was the fully funded, and the second 33% was the first stretch goal... it's not hard to see why the interest and new backers has really dropped off.
The next two stretch goals amount to 200% of the funding total, and add nothing new or unique to the content of the game, it just seems like there's nothing else to wait for now.

Not forgetting, we're now a week in, a quarter of the way through the kickstarter, and we've still not seen the game played. The only video of the cards and the game at all is clearly of amateur production (no offence Thunt) and the rules wiki hasn't been updated since it went up 5 days ago. It's not really a shining beacon of encouragement or overly inviting to new players who don't already have an invested interest in the web-comic.

I'm not quite sure why this is putting so many bee's in my bonnet, the campaign is already successful after all. I guess I'd have just rather it be more successful. As Thunt keeps saying, its not really his comic, it's our comic - and although I'm fully aware it isn't anything to do with me really, I feel like we should all be making the best thing possible for this game, as it is the legacy of the comic. So seeing it stall so quickly after the starting block makes me sad.

*shrug* sorry if it seems like petty discord though.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by Krulle » Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:36 am

Well, the kickstarter is to get the project development funded.
It's not weird that there are no daily updates, some developments take time.
And 5 days since last update? 2 of them were weekend.
While we live in an near-instantaneous communication era, physical things still need their time.

And the development seems to go on.
It has been funded.
Some additional developments which require efforts have been funded too.
That's good.

But it is questionable whether some of these stretch goals really require that amount of backing to develop and finance....
The dice (60k) needs a massive amount for the mold. Plastic may be chaep as material, but the injection molds are freaking expensive, and my link just shows basic dice moulds for low quality dice. Double the price at least. And that still dows not include the plastic material for the dice itself, nor the machinery, not production costs of the dice...
class cards (90k) need some development and rebalancing, thus much testplaying.
Same for 5th character (120k), as it needs to remain good playable with 4 players.
But the deck dividers? Does something as that really needs 30k extra development costs and production payments?

Same for the backings: Some steps seem out of proportions when you compare the kickstarter bonus attached to the pledge.
But, the pledge is just to finance the development of the game, and the production down payment for the first set to be sent to shops.
That you actually get one copy of the game (pledge >=37 USD) is a big thank you, and allows for much easier calculation of first production volume. But is NOT an online shop. Is a crowd-funding site.

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But the rewards are just that, a THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING our project.

Pledge reward idea: Push in a reward with 2 core games, one to keep, one to give away, and thus increase the player base even more.
Stretch goal idea: develop a set of rules allowing to combine two games for a large session with 6-10 players.
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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by WearsHats » Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:09 am

I have to agree.

I'm happy the project is looking successful. I'm excited for the game. But this has felt like a less than polished Kickstarter experience. Which is understandable. It's Evertide's third Kickstarter, and their second successful one.

Being triple funded is impressive. Nearing $100k is impressive.

But I'm excited for the game because Thunt has been excited about the game. I've listened to him talk about it in several broadcasts. The way it works and the things you can do and so on. I don't know what I'd think if I was coming to this whole thing fresh. If all I had to go on was stumbling onto the project page and giving it a few minutes of my attention and a brief chance to win me over.

And stretch goals - Most projects I've seen have stretch goals starting at 125% funded, sometimes even 110%. Incrementally add little things and give bonus extras to the backers (particularly lower tier ones, to draw in more casual backers who might consider chipping in $5 or $10 if they feel like they're getting some nice goodies for it... and then might up their pledges as they get more involved). So far, every stretch goal has been another full 100%, and while they come with expansions to the game to make it bigger and better, lower tier backers still aren't getting very much in the way of rewards. Granted, that's not the idea here. The idea is to fund publishing the game. But to do that you need to draw in backers. For that, even if they technically/ideally shouldn't be, rewards are more than just rewards.

I'm also used to seeing half a dozen or so stretch goals mapped out at once. Personally, I don't care much about custom dice. Or whether the dice have negative signs on them. But character class cards add something to the gameplay. I like that.

When we've asked here, Innuendo has explained that there were reasons behind all this. That $30k was what they needed for the bare bones but that they had lofty ambitions for all sorts of ways to make the game bigger and better. So you start out with a low bar (or as low as you can get it, anyway) and then build and expand. Which makes sense. But I wish that had been explained up front, to all the backers (and potential backers), with the vision mapped out. (And, if they want to involve the community, maybe even have us vote for which expansions to prioritize. That would be unusual. I haven't seen a Kickstarter do that. But it seems like it might fit this one.)

I'm not saying this stuff to complain. I put my money in. I'm hoping to run a contest or two here on the boards to encourage more backers to join. I'll even put up money (sent via PayPal or something) as prizes which people can use to back it, too.

What I've seen of the game looks great. Hearing (on the podcasts and here on the boards and so on) what the developers have put into it - love of the comic and love of the game - is really encouraging. But the front end of the Kickstarter has not been what I expected.

As for funding slowing down, it's as Krulle said - the ones who were really excited and interested jumped in as soon as they could. Thunt and Evertide spent months whipping up support. That's why it got funded so quickly. It's not surprising that things have slowed down since. In fact, from what I've seen and what I've heard from others with more experience, that's fairly common in Kickstarter projects. Things are always busiest at the very beginning and the very end, and you can expect a slow-down in the middle.
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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by Krulle » Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:56 am

Now I have a question:
as former plastics engineer, this once became an issue for quality control:
Most moulds do NOT deliver true random dice, due to the slight inequality in weight on the surface and internal (unequal crystallisation during holding pressure during the injection moulding process, this changes with EVERY batch, sometimes during a batch!). Granted, the difference is normally not much, yet can have a small influence...

So, will the custom dice have been tested for randomness?
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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by innuendo » Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:44 am

Lot's of discussion, not a lot of question. Which is good. We read all of this stuff and as i've said a couple of places we discuss pretty much every piece of feedback we get daily. That doesn't mean we announce stuff daily, but we are in constant communication about how to improve, so all the discussion does help.
Krulle wrote:So, will the custom dice have been tested for randomness?
We haven't 100% settled on a manufacturer for the dice yet, but most likely they'll specialize in games components and should ensure a high quality die. That said, the dice for this game aren't rolled, they are just fancy counters.


In other news, if you guys didn't see on facebook, i'll quote here:
Our Facebook Page wrote:AMA Alert!

Co-designerof #GoblinsGame, Brad Phillips will be hosting a live two hour Hangout on Wednesday, June 12th, at 19:00, EST to answer your questions about gameplay with the help of our recently delivered visual aides.

If you a question you want answered, post a comment in this thread and we'll make sure to address it on Wednesday.

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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by WearsHats » Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:07 am

Thank you. I am aware that you guys are taking feedback into account. And that's one thing I really appreciate about how you've been going about all this.

I'm also aware that I know little to nothing about your end of things. I'm not a game designer. I've never run a Kickstarter. All I can do is report my side of things and hope that it helps you (even if you don't agree with me).

But hey, you get people to give you $95k dollars, you're doing something right... ;)
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Re: The Official Goblins: Alternate Realities Q&A Thread

Post by LAYF » Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:21 am

Well.. i have one question that boders me... the current game box says "A web comic by Tarol Hunt"
Should thant not be "By Tarol Stephens"?

I know, most people know him as THunt... and thats okay, if you use THunt.. but IF you use a name, dont you think it should be his real name? just... well... seems wrong to me... either THunt ot Tarol Stephens.... IMHO.

Best regards -LAYF-
-Best regards LAYF

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