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Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:11 am
by M0rtimer
Could Ulmwin shoot a fire bolt through Zokk's party or would that be liable to hit them?

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:37 am
by spiderwrangler
If they're between you and your target, they provide +2 AC cover.

If that plus two makes a difference between hit or not then you'd hit the dragonborn.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:28 pm
by Lurks_In_Shadows
I'll be out of pocket for this weekend. Son's white coat ceremony for med school is this weekend, so we're driving up to St. Louis to watch/participate.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:32 am
by spiderwrangler
Yay! Go Lurks Jr.!

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 10:47 am
by Lurks_In_Shadows
Sorry about the late update. RL is keeping me pretty occupied currently. When I've had the time, I didn't have the energy. I'll try to be a bit more consistent.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 6:24 am
by NotStickFigures
I will be scarce for at least a week, out of town family matters, so will someone please take care of Coljin, (and Jaq) and have him heal Zokk, (He gets a lot of plusses to healing and I don't have the books nearby to look it up).

Thanks all.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:43 am
by spiderwrangler
There was murmurs a while back about the forum possibly being scrapped, or if it were to go offline, to not take extraordinary measures to revive it...

It's also not been linked to the goblins comic for a while, so it's not likely to see an influx of new readers. From talking with some other folks, it seems Elli has no intention of posting a link to the forum in the future, apparently there was some stuff that went down and she finds it triggering.

In the event that this forum were to be swallowed by the abyss, I'd want to be able to keep in contact with you all and potentially transport the game to another platform (D&D Beyond is the most optimized for PbP, but I know it would make Lurk's time much more restrictive).

Anyway, my email is the same as my user name here, just at

I don't have reason to think that a forum change is imminent, just wanted to set up lines of communication in the event that it does.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:39 pm
by Lurks_In_Shadows
Hmmm... I've recently also heard something along those lines. That means we can expect this forum to probably dwindle out. With no link, we're like the Isle De Morta. A place that cannot be found except by those who already know how. Not strictly true, but close. And while nothing on the internet truly ever goes away, I have to wonder how long this site will be maintained in that circumstance?

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:48 pm
by spiderwrangler
Right. May be good to back to this game too. Think Rod did that with tests a while back.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:39 pm
by Rodgeir
The forum is already on its last legs and the lack of new players and games is just going to hasten the end.

@Spider, I sent you the backup of Sundered Way a while back, did you test it?

It worked for Tests but I haven't backed it up again in the last six months. That said not a great deal has happened in either game in the last six months so it should be a quick refresh.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:47 pm
by spiderwrangler
Yeah, I'd checked it at the time and think it all looked good.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 7:59 am
by spiderwrangler
Sorry for my slow pace, it's getting to the busy time of the semester for me. I'll be catching up on grading in the coming week, and will get a post in response to you whupping on this bug!

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 5:06 pm
by spiderwrangler
End of grading is in sight, I'll be out the other side soon here!

In the meantime, I've been considering a possible change of venue for the game... my understanding is that this forum is no longer 'officially' supported, so in the eventuality of it going down, I'm not sure if the effort will be made to revive it.

My preference would be to move the game to the DnD Beyond forums, I think I'd mentioned I'd been thinking about it before. As I recall, the main sticking point was Lurk's ability to access it. I'm assuming that's still the case, during your daytimes, and I know you've a family once you clock out for the day, but would posting in the evenings be feasible for you?

Would it be feasible for others?

Pros to DDB forums:
Integrated roller, no need to post back and forth from Coyote Code, etc.
Forum Code to link to items, spells, etc.
Built in character sheets, campaign page.
Large community of Play by Post if you wanted to join or run other games.
I'm already running a few games and playing in a few more over there, so fewer places for me to check...

Firewall issues
Less reason to come here and interact with Goblins folks (I basically only come here for the games)
A new site to get used to visiting.
Archived campaign harder to look things up in? (Though DDB actually has a search function that... functions) ... ay-by-post

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:03 am
by Rodgeir
I'm up for the move. DDB has its issues but overall it will offer several points of improvement.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:02 am
by Lurks_In_Shadows
Yeah, firewall is still an issue (they even blocked on my supervisor phone). So if/when we do the move, we'd be looking at me doing updates sometime after 8 PM CST, probably closer to 10:30 CST (wife likes to check the stocks and Skype with her sister in the evenings). Once she's done I can usually get a hold of the computer for a few minutes before she insists on shutting down. If I don't have a lot of lab letters to do that day, I might be able to do something before 7. But I wouldn't count on it.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:48 am
by spiderwrangler
Do you see that schedule as being sustainable? Or would it sink the game for you?
Phone access from home? Or is it phone based rather than network based?

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:15 am
by Lurks_In_Shadows
I don't think it'll bother me too much. Internet provider/network at home. And I could use my personal phone to access things earlier in the evening. I'm just not near as fast texting as I am typing. It won't be quite as free flowing as we've done in the past since I'm restricted to a certain time period, but if y'all can put up with it, I can.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:41 pm
by NotStickFigures
I am good with the switch.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:59 pm
by M0rtimer
Yeah I'm fine with switching over as well.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:05 pm
by spiderwrangler
Ah, just messaged you M0rt to make sure you've seen it.

Alright, I'll work on building out things in there. At the very least we can give it a go and return here/elsewhere if we find out it really doesn't work for us.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:01 am
by The Lost
I'm fine with it.

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:43 am
by spiderwrangler
Coljin's up in the new game thread on DDB, think I still need initiative from Ulmwin and Zokk, but I'll double check thread. ... ndered-way

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:07 pm
by M0rtimer
Posted initiative. I would say the dice roller is broken but I think this validates it works as expected :roll:

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:38 pm
by The Lost
....How am i going to implement zokk to dnd beyond? initiative : 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19

Re: The Sundered Way - OOC

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 5:21 am
by spiderwrangler
I've made a homebrew race over there for them. Join the campaign and i should be able to get you set.