Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by twistedstraka » Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:56 am


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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by Feytala » Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:35 pm


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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:26 pm

*nods* I usually can't wait to find out what happens next. Luckily, I still got rimworld, to get me over the waiting periods. :D
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:32 am

Harvest time

.[tabs: Food and Water]
2274 clean units - 89 units + 20 units = 2205 clean units
82 irradiated units = 82 irradiated units

2251 clean units - 89 units = 2162 clean units
31 irradiated units = 31 irradiated units
2 Nuka Cola

[tabs: Armory]
Ranged Weapons:
  • 10mm Pistol [D] (x3)
  • .308 Hunting Rifle [D] (x3)
  • Pipe Pistol [C] (x1)
  • Sawed-off Shotgun [D] (x2)
  • Pistol [G]
  • Pipe Pistol [C]
  • Shotgun [C]
  • Rifle [E]
  • Pistol [D]
  • Shotgun [D]
  • Pistol [D]
  • SMG [C]

Melee Weapons:
  • Baseball Bat [D] (x3)
  • Rusty Knife [C]
  • Nasty Combat Knife [L]
  • Security Baton [C]
  • Shiny Fire Axe [G]

  • "Vault 50" vault suit (362)
  • Armored vault suit (x7)
  • Rad-suit (x7)
  • Battered leather armor (x1)
  • Worn Leather Boots (x4)
  • Light Leather Armor (x2)
  • Reinforced Leather Armor (x1)
  • Threadbare Suit
  • Worn Leathers x5
  • Faded Fatigues
  • Leather Harness x2
  • Flannel shirt and jeans (x2)

[tabs: Building Supplies]
Building Scrap:
111 units ÔÇô 23 units + 13 units + 31 units= 132 units

Building Materials:
0 units + 5 units + 14 units = 19 units

  • Stimpak x 5
  • Radaway x 4
  • Jet (x1)
  • Psycho (x1)

Crops: Each dweller assigned to tend crops can tend 10 units of crops (15 units if utilizing gardenign equipment). Each unit of crop may contain multiple plants, and together produce 1 unit of clean food during harvestable seasons.
  • 10 Mutfruit (will bear fruit Spring, Summer and Fall each year)

  • Bottlecaps (x23 )[/color]
  • Brahmin Cart: Usable for hauling, may be improved with further effort
  • A pale leather folder, the flap held shut with twine looped between two white buttons
    Gardening Equipment x 3

  • 0 BM
  • 92 BS
  • Fusion Core

[tabs: Research]
008/100 - Construction Methods
076 + 12 = 088/100 - Scrap Organization
064/200 - First Aid
026/150 - Distance Talkers
028/100 - Searching
144 + 41 = 185/250 - Power Generation


067 + 11 + 41 = 100/100 - Teamwork
200/200 - Removal of water from lower levels
100/100 - Upgrade Health Services to Lvl 2.
100/100 - Material Transportation

[tabs: Construction]
120 /200 - Towers (4x) - One at each corner of the wall
073/200 - Wall ÔÇô This is a initial wall around the center of what the Computer hopes will be a much larger compound. This wall will encircle about 4 acres of land within 4 walls. (The vault entrance takes up a good chunk of this area)
000/200 - Motorized Pump ÔÇô This device would allow the pump to be plugged into the main power network of the vault meaning that it would work at a better rate than when manned by dwellers.
Structures/Houses - There are currently 0 structures that could act as housing or for storage of materials. Currently, all building materials, scrap, etc are stored open to the air and elements.
035/100 - Level 4 Cleanup ÔÇô this floor had been partially flooded, and traces of the irradiated water and muck need to be removed before it is safe to inhabit once again.
023/150 - Firehouse Forward Base ÔÇô work has begun on converting the firehouse into an outpost

100/100 - Manual Pump ÔÇô With 2-4 dwellers assigned to this device, the water can be slowly removed from the lower levels.
100/100 - LookOuts ÔÇô One at the bridge as it leaves the island, the other near the vault, currently set into the wall which is incomplete. (Will act as one of the gates for the entrance once wall is complete
034/??? - Brahmin Cart ÔÇô able to be used to pull materials, and used to till fields with modification
027 + 127 = 100/100 - Health Services Upgrade (requires 1 Tech Material to complete) - will allow greater levels of healing while HS is active.

[tabs: Characters]
Quarg - Alexis "Kis" Carson (Female, 23 years old)
(S: 5, P: 4, E: 5, C: 5, I: 7, A: 6, L: 4)
  • Crumpled Fedora
  • Battered Sword (x1)
  • Faded Letter
  • Rifle (x1)
  • Leather Duster (x1)

Burns ÔÇô Charton Rowe (Male, 34 years old)
(S: 4, P: 4, E: 4, C: 4, I: 5, A: 3, L: 7)
Gathers ÔÇô Jamie Knight (Female, 36 years old)
(S: 4, P: 6, E: 5, C: 5, I: 6, A: 5, L: 6)
PatDragon ÔÇô Molly Harris (Female, 39 years old)
(S: 4, P: 5, E: 6, C: 6, I: 7, A: 4, L: 6)
Runsaround ÔÇô Isaac Hamilton (Male, 40 years old)
(S: 2, P: 5, E: 6, C: 2, I: 5, A: 5, L: 4)
NotStickFigures ÔÇô Cecil Hunter (Male, 35 years old)
(S: 3, P: 5, E: 3, C: 7, I: 5, A: 3, L: 5)[/tabs]


As summer came to an end, the Computer chose to divide up the dwellers into fewer tasks rather than spread out as much as it had in the past years. In doing so, the Computer deduced that more would get done if more dwellers were thrown at each individual problem.

On the labor front, the computer assigned 5 dwellers to recycle scrap, 10 dwellers to scavenge for more materials, 5 dwellers assigned to guard duty and 19 dwellers to upgrade Health Services. One of the awakened by the name of Molly Harris takes charge in completing the upgrade as well as keeping a watchful eye on the two raiders. Another awakened, by the name of Jamie Knight, along with the help of 4 dwellers works with the plants to harvest any available crops.

On the research front, the computer assigned a total of 13 dwellers to the library, 3 of them were assigned to research scrap organization, 6 of the dwellers were assigned to teamwork, led by Cecil and finally 4 dwellers were assigned to research power options, led by Charton.

Two other awakened, Kis and Isaac, still lie within their comatose state, though with HS being shut down for the season, they are moved to their quarters to remain under the watchful eye of some of the older children.

The 5 dwellers assigned to Scrap reclamation settled down into a few chairs that had been brought up from storage and began to pick through the scrap, sorting and identifying them into usable materials. Although the work was tedious, the group performed well under the conditions and were able to produce 11 BM out of 23 BS. Care was taken after the lessons that were learned from their last injury during reclamation and this cautious approach made it so that none of them were injured. Sadly 6 of the building materials were damaged instead and turned back into 13 Scrap.

The 10 dwellers assigned to scavenging for more materials decided to try out the cart that was partially finished. Initially the brahmin steer was unimpressed with their attempts at yoking him onto a cart but that attitude quickly changed, and he thrashed about. In the end the dwellers were successful, there were a few minor injuries reported during the process (crushed toe, fractured shin, broken finger, etc). There were several larger items on the island that had been ignored up until this point due to not having a method to bring them back, but now with the brahmin cart ready to be used, the scavengers headed to these locations first. The cart, though it was strong and able to carry large loads, was also very slow and while the group could normally make many stops a day, they were limited to only 1-2 stops per day. On the plus side, the Cart enabled larger items to be collected, things such as dishwashers, fridges and stoves that had partially survived the devastation of the war. Over the course of the season, they were able to haul back more than they would have without the aid of the cart and brahmin, gathering 31 BS and 14 BM.

The 5 dwellers who were placed on guard duty did such an amazing job this season that not one dweller was hurt by any outside influences other than their own incompetence. They did so well in fact that they were able to capture a mother and litter of a creature new to the dwellers. Some of the recent additions to the community identified her as a 'squealer' sow, the name immediately making sense in light of how they captured them. Capture is perhaps too nice of a way to put it as in actuality they ran into a man and woman they thought to be slavers. The couple were cursing and pulling on a rope, and the guards heard a what sounded like a scream of distress. After shooting down the two human 'slavers', they discovered they were attempting to lead the sow by a rope attached to a ring in her nose. The sow and her litter have rather low slung bodies with study legs and a stout neck. Their noses are rather flat on the end, with large nostrils, and the female has a pair of tusks arching up from both her upper and lower jaw, the upper set spitting into a series of tines. From the bodies of the 'slavers' they collected: flannel shirt and jeans (x2), crude pistol, 23 bottlecaps.

The awakened known as Jamie led a small group of 4 dwellers in tending to the garden project. Though the vault dwellers had never tried planting anything in this harsh new world, the Goodmans were there to guide them through the process of weeding around the plants as well as how much water to use and how to nurture the growth of the plants. Whether by luck, skill or a little of both, the group was able to keep every single plant alive throughout the season as well as being able to harvest both the Tato's and Melons. The team of dwellers gave their sweat and tears to the earth and their effort was rewarded at the end of the season by large ripe melons and odd shaped red balls that tasted bland but were at least different than the canned foods they had been surviving on. Much attention was given to the MutFruit plants as well. These young bushes were pruned carefully so that the best branches would survive to grow and eventually hold the succulent fruit that the Goodmans described. By the end of the season, 10 units of tatos and 10 units of melons were collected. It was such a haul of food on a short season, that both of the Goodmans were well pleased by the food output. They were convinced that should any of the wastelanders who needed a place to live were to ever find their way here, the vault would grow to twice its size and more, and with enough seed and enough land, and people to work it, they could well provide. As the dwellers supplement their fall diet with fresh produce, they take care to save what viable seeds they are able, ending up with 14 units of tato seed, and 13 units of melon seed.

Probably one of the most important tasks of the year, the upgrading of Health Services, was worked on by 19 dwellers plus one of the awakened, Molly Harris. It was an interesting sight at first, seeing so many dwellers crammed into the somewhat small space that was health services and initially the large number of dwellers hurt more than it helped. Molly quickly stepped into the chaos and begin to direct dwellers, giving them tasks within their task to upgrade HS and things eventually fell into place. It still took them the entire season to install all of the components which had been gathered and placed in boxes, awaiting their eventual and final resting places. The only accident of the season was when one of the dwellers become a bit too intimate with one of the robotic arms which ended in a razor sharp scalpel. The cut wasn't overly deep, but it was long as the dwellers reaction was to scream and pull after the initial prick. The dweller was bandaged up, but still suffered 5 damage. The rest of the season went smoothly and when all was said and done at the very end of the season the Computer switched power over from the library to Health Services and the dwellers who had worked on the project watched in silence as the machines whirred to life.

All of the pregnant dwellers were assigned to the research labs so that they only thing that could possibly be over stimulated was their minds and the straining of their eyes, as the Computer and the awakened cared deeply for the generations of the future and wanted these mothers to have their best chances at life.

Charton, with his great ideas about generating power claimed one of the library terminals and along with 4 dwellers continued his research into additional power sources. Already he had learned about all of these "natural" energy sources that could be harnessed, but still he wanted more. This time he happened upon a book about something called Hoover Dam and how, back in the day, it had provided power for nearly 8 billion people annually. The sheer thought of so much power sent him reeling, but as he continued to look into this, he realized that an intense amount of water was needed as well as mountains, both of which, other than the radioactive lake the vault was buried under, were nowhere to be found. Still, he refused to give up on his dream of finding an alternative power source. During his research, he was helping another member of his team take a book from the top of one of the many shelves in the library, when the whole shelf fell forward at him. His immediate response saved not only his own life, but the life of 2 dwellers who were with him, when he grabbed them and leaped for safely, barely avoiding the falling shelf. The two dwellers, both pregnant females, thanked him profusely, promising to name their children after him.

Cecil, intent on finally finishing the research of Teamwork, claimed another of the Library computers as his own and along with 6 dwellers they worked together to find the answer that would solve this question at last. Hundreds of hours were spent pouring over books in an effort to try to grasp this concept that was so close yet so distant. It was the falling bookshelf that had nearly smashed Charton and the two women that had finally made everything click into place. Cecil was practically foaming at the mouth as climbed onto one of the library tables yelling at the top of his lungs "Eureka!", his cries awarded him a loud "Shhh" from the other dwellers who were studying so intently. Climbing down from his table Cecil explained that the "Milk of Human Kindness" was already inside of all of us. This comment caused many awkward side-eyed looked at the pregnant females, but Cecil garnered their attention again quickly. "Our desire to help one another, it's inside of all of us, we just have to be willing to reach down deep inside and latch onto it. We must be willing to help our fellow man and woman when they are in need, this is what teamwork is." The dwellers eyes bulged as their minds struggled to make sense of this information, but the smiles on their faces showed that they understood. (Teamwork/Sharing struggles = When a task is completed in full and there is an amount of work done over and above the threshold, some of this will be tacked onto a similar project. This also helps when material runs out and that effort would otherwise be wasted. Project types: Labor, Research, etc)

Finally, 3 additional dwellers that were assigned to the library worked on scrap organization, two of whom were pregnant and took the necessary breaks, especially after the close call with the bookshelf to make sure they were in good health, resulting in somewhat less research progress occurring.

Having remained silent for more than a year, the cult breathed new life. A new dweller, the first male, was inducted into its ranks. Upon hearing about the "Milk of Human Kindness" that lay within all of them, the mutterings of there being more to life that what was currently being experienced started to be heard.

The three pregnant dwellers have gotten quite large, and should be going into labor during the winter.
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Mutters to Themself
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by The_Colonel » Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:04 am

Immediate thoughts: This being the winter we'd do well to stay inside for the duration. This would be an obvious time to pump out #5 deck and clean up and scavenge #4 (I think there were some seeds stored on #4 as we lost a pack of them during the initial exploration) ... it might also be worth getting some guards down there just in case the people from the #4 cleanup team weren't just imagining being watched... no idea how anything could have got into the vault and survived underwater but you never know...
However, I'm also conscious that we need to fix the initial breach (which, IIRC, was in water purification on #3) before we get too excited about pumping out. Perhaps we should research that first? Logically we'd need to know what breached to let the water in and we'd probably need some kind of diving suit as well.
We also need to put our remaining casualties into healthcare.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by NotStickFigures » Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:27 pm

I remember nothing about this breach. Can someone tell me which update this was on?

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:31 pm

spiderwrangler wrote:Spring has sprung...

The 6 dwellers who descended into the bowels of the vault found themselves working in a gloomy darkness, lit only by the flickering red light of a few emergency bulbs that had somehow escaped the damaging effects of the torrential water that had rushed from the breach on the 3rd level, filling the 5th level and a little of the 4th level. Protectively dressed in their lovely yellow jumpsuits that were sure to keep any remaining radiation at bay and armed with squeegees and mops, the 6 dwellers diligently cleaned the 4th level.
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:45 pm

As the writer, allow me to explain a bit further what happened.

The vault, was built below this lake that you find yourselves in and then rocks and dirt were packed around it to provide some padding before it was called "complete". The explosion that welcomed you into this world, caused a breach in the outer hull of the vault on the 3rd level and the waters of the lake began to gush into the breach.

Luckily, the Computer began to seal doors as soon as this happened and in doing so it saved the vault from complete drowning. However, by the time the blast doors were fully closed, 5th floor was completely flooded, the 4th floor was partially flooded and part of the 3rd floor was made inaccessible. You don't know the extent of the damage, nor do you know if the breach has resealed somewhat by the rocks/dirt after a few years. (I wouldn't count on it though).

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by GathersIngredients » Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:03 am

We probably need someone to dive into the lake and take a look at the breach from outside...

ex raiders: 7 (they didn't cause any trouble, right?)

pregnant dwellers: 4

Jamie again does everything she can to help the pregnant dwellers (like the previous winter), and learn as much as she can. If she still got time (e.g. because it's 3 instead of 8 people this time and/or because health services are up and working now), she'll try to research about first aid in the meantime.
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by Feytala » Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:37 am

Did we already get the merits of teamwork this season (as we had for example more success in uograding HS than needed) or will that be from now on ? :)

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by twistedstraka » Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:25 am

M.1. Assign 2 - 4 dwellers to the manual pump in order to remove water from the lower levels
M.2. Assign sick, damaged, or irradiated dwellers to recuperation in Health Services
M.3. Assign a group of dwellers to guard duty

Voting Options: (NCPs have 1 vote for this Section (CPs have 0), A New system needs at least 2 more votes than the currently powered system in order to be powered)
Power a different System for Spring(currently Health Services)
1. Do not change

Voting Options for 2 trial members (ex-raiders):

(Both CP and NCP have 1 vote in this section.)
7.Let them join the Vault as full members of the community

Voting Options for 3 Pregnant Dwellers: (Both CP and NCP have 1 vote in this section.)

2. Assign them to less strenuous jobs

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:24 am

Feytala wrote:Did we already get the merits of teamwork this season (as we had for example more success in uograding HS than needed) or will that be from now on ? :)
The merits of the teamwork research will be in effect from this vote onward....unless something horrible happens. >:D

Mutters to Themself
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by The_Colonel » Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:07 am

My Votes:
Work Orders:
M1: Pump out #5
L2: Move on with clean-up of #4
M3: Mount guards - with a particular interest in getting some close range weapons inside the vault in case something is lurking in that water.
Power allocation:
1: Let's test our new toys out on the various wounded and irradiated persons!
Recruitment Policy:
7: They've been okay for the last three months and it's not like we're overrun with able bodied people... (what is our headcount and age profile these days?)
2 : Light duties, especially this far in.

Mutters to Themself
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by The_Colonel » Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:11 am

Also, will practice as well as research improve our community's skills?

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:32 am

The_Colonel wrote:Also, will practice as well as research improve our community's skills?
So far you have discovered 2 methods of improving community skills.
1. You brought in 2 slaves who understood farming methods
2. You researched Teamwork.

There may or may not be other methods in which to "improve community skills" but you have not discovered them yet.

Essentially...we the GM's on the most part, unless it serves our need, will not just give you something, instead relying on you the players to suggest or attempt something.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by NotStickFigures » Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:06 am

Ex-raiders - Let them join as full members of the community.
Pregnant - Less Strenuous Duties.

Cecil is torn as to what his next actions should be. The only thing he knows for certain is he is not going out into the cold. On one hand he wants to find out what is down on level four and get the clean up done so that it can be used by the rest of the community. But...he feels the latest research he has done went very well and he is feeling that book knowledge is very powerful, too.

The thirst for knowledge wins out this battle and he chooses to keep working in the library for a few more months, but his research may (hopefully) overlap with his thoughts on level 4 exploration.
He will begin researching and looking for books that have to do with the vault itself. He thinks there must be some sort of books, or maps, or history, or user manuals that have to do with this or other vaults somewhere in the treasury of books that they have.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:13 am

I feel the need to mention that Teamwork research works for the dwellers...it does not however allow PC's to do more than 1 action per season.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:41 am

Charlton hits the books again and Hopefully finishes up power research so he can work on something else next season.

Pregnant dwellers: 2

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by spiderwrangler » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:28 am

(what is our headcount and age profile these days?)

You have 62 adults averaging 38.4 years old.

Additionally you have 27 children under the age of 18.

Next update that may change as I'll be making rolls for new births as well as seeing if anyone dies of old age. Spring is the season of reproduction though, so I'll again have the vault population histogram available during the next update.

Speaking of which, I'll be out of town from the 21-27th, so we won't close voting on this season until I get back, as I likely won't have time to roll numbers while gone.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by Patdragon » Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:50 pm

Just to be a little different :
Ex-slaves: 6 (because they were ok but our new farmers were held in the process longer and i don't want to show favoritism)
I suggest the the newbies are assigned to the pumping as it's hard work and as the pump is outside they have to work or freeze and it will see if they want to risk running into the frozen wastes.
Preggers: 2 (as Jamie will be assisting them for common sense)

Molly- Wants to work on a developing a distance talker this month, as i think in the future it will be useful not just for guards but for when we find things or start traveling further (depending on range). I think there might be a way to use the pip boy in this as if they're similar to the game the can receive signals, just not send them. This might also lead to finding and setting up the antenna.

side note - I think the people have been working hard over the last few (3-4?) years and think maybe to celebrate the bar/lounge should be opened say on our 5th spring year to decrease stress, improve baby making and improve moral. We've not had much moral boosters but I think a one off in the near future would be useful, plus it tests out a system that is not research or health.
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Wasting time Klik
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by Wasting time Klik » Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:38 am

Supervoter Option

Tasks: R3-R4-R5-R6

Power : 1

Ex Radier : 6

Pregnant: 4

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by Feytala » Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:42 am

L2 (We should make the level avaiable we have, before we go on deeper.)
S3 (As I said, we need stuff to trade, when I think about how much we ordered...)
R2 (Considering how much stuff we loose building things and how much time we need...)
R6 (We get hurt half the time and find only a few thing the other time.)

Power :
4 (Research)

Raiders :

6 (I don't trust them yet.)

Pregnant Dwellers :

2 (Less strenous Jobs)

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by Feytala » Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:54 am

A question : What are the children actually doing all the time, as school has been offline since the game started ? Can't we really have at least the older ones help with easy jobs ?

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:06 am

They aren't available until 18. They are helping with daily tasks that help keep the vault running, caring for younger kids, helping with food prep, etc.
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

Post by Feytala » Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:15 am

Damn. China made good economic experiences with that...

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