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Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:28 am
by Jacon
( Arcane check 15.)
Glandalr knows a little about the marks. Witches tend to place them upon servants or victims to grant them power over them. While far away from a witch the marks cause small amounts of pain and discomfort to the wearer. The curse can change day from day from itching, to stomach pains to other uncomfortable illnesses and effects. When closer a witch can use the mark to cause great pain and have her spells have greater effect on the wearer. Their are spells that can remove it but it's far beyond your power.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:28 pm
by Quarg
(I hate this when my post gets eaten)
Adrena nods to Cade, "Honestly said, and I can ask no more...thank you for your assistance"

Adrena states dryly to Shiro, "I have no problem with you getting a share of the Loot. But our trust in you, from your honorable actions towards the goblin, is still weak so you will stay with the main group."

Adrena notices as Torkyn reappears and hands back some of his weapons. "Torkyn, I must have a word with you after this meeting..." she states dryly.

She turns to the group and states, "I suggest that Cade take point, I will follow at a discrete distance behind. The rest of you will follow father behind. I will try to keep in visual contact with Cade, and will keep in visual contact with those in the main group. This should allow Cade the greatest flexibility in searching but avoid us being too separated to react to any of us being attacked. If we do become separated I will use a flare to indicate that we should assemble on some location to assist our fellows, or a ghost wail to inform you that you should all hide and flee as we are going to be overwhelmed. Please state your comments to this plan but be please be brief."

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 3:58 am
by SGTdude
"I would say let Shiro and myself come up last. This way you can be sure he doesn't have a chance to warn anyone and the chance of any noises from the donkey pulling the cart alerting someone will be low. Unless you want me to go up with you Adrena so that we can talk along the way?"

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:41 am
by Nerre
"You and him going last actually sounds like a good plan. Talking on a scouting mission does not. You can talk later I would suggest, once we are safe in said house."

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:46 am
by Jacon
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Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:16 pm
by Jacon
The group heads out with Cade in the lead, Adrena bringing in the middle and the rest backing the rear. They keep a fair distance from eachother to better allow Cade to sneak. Shiros directions lead you away from the road for a few hours. Finally you start to get close enough to keep quite in case your heard from anyone at the safe house.

In the front Cade sneaks up a hill until he reaches the top. From the cover of bushes and trees Cade can see a small shack in near ruin. Small parts of the roof have fallen in and the wood is rotting to near collapse. You can see silver smeared paint in the shape of a hammer on one part of the wall. The door seems to be the most sturdy part of the home and their are two windows. One to which has fallen in to complete rot leaving a hole into the shack. Several pikes with skulls decorate the outside of the home. The bones have been painted with red siguls that afar look familiar. You keen your eyes and you can just tell that these are the primitive written language of the orcs. Their meaning is clear, " My territory. Keep out."
Outside the shack is several dead woodchucks and rabbits hanging gutted from a tree. Bones lay scattered about in the front yard. Even from your distance you smell something awful from the shack. Like rotting meat and you are reminded of the distasteful nature of orcs to eat rotting meat.

Adrena can see Cade on the hill ahead. He seems to be in no danger so she crouches in the bushes and prepares to cast a spell if need be.

The rest of the group bringing up the rear stop for a moment while Shiro ties the donkey to a tree. " No need to bring the wagon and Rosy in further, might cause to much noise...Unless of course you people object to that." He explains.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:27 pm
by SGTdude
"I think we won't be going in further friend. Lets hang back here with Rosy until there is a sign of trouble, I think it would make the others feel better."

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:05 pm
by Quarg
Adrena waits for Cade's signal to move forward or for him to return to her position on the trail.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:38 am
by Nerre
Kaliss just waits and sees what happens. If Cade needs help he will run to help him, silently if possible in the terrain.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:33 am
by Theis2
(Was certain I had posted this, but apparently not).
Cade will pick up a nearby rock before he carefully sneaks closer to the hut, ignoring the smell and staying away from the openings as mush as possible.
He'll attempt to get right next or below one of the windows and possibly a corner of the building.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:43 am
by Jacon
Cade moves quietly up to the shack. He tries to ignore the grisly bones around him as he sneaks to the collapsed window. Once he gets there he can hear a ripping sound coming from inside. The house itself is full of small holes and he can peek without to much danger. A quick look reveals a small room. To one side is a table. Several metal helmets rest on it and two longswords with sheaths are next to them. Near that is a collection of cloth and torn clothes made into bedding. To the other corner is a small collection of strange items in a pile. He can see a scattering of gold coins.. Several necklaces with charms on it, a bell, a rusty lantern. Anything else is hidden in the pile of odd goods.
Finally in the other corner of the room a huge creature is crouched over a rotting pig. His grey skinned hands tearing through flesh and bone before casually eating it. His body is a mix of fat and strong muscle and he looks like he stands at 7 feet tall. A rusty greataxe lies on the ground next to him. His back is to you and the rest of the room at the moment as he eats

Adrena moves forward to the top of the hill to keep within seeing distance of Cade.

The rest of the group also moves forward to keep within seeing distance of Adrena.

A note on orcs.
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Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:39 pm
by Theis2
How big is the shack? And how far is there from the door to the corner of the shack?

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:29 pm
by SGTdude
"Shiro, I don't know how this is going to go down. But since you have your mace back, I am going to ask that you stop anyone trying to flee the cabin once we attack. I'm just hoping there is something I can pick up in there and use quickly if it comes to that."

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:16 pm
by Jacon
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" Done." Mutters Shiro hefting his mace.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:36 pm
by Quarg
Adrena tries to get Cade to notice her and either signal for her to advance or for him to fall back...

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:45 am
by Nerre
Kaliss sniffles, trying to properly pick up a scent he noticed. "I smell something rotten, be careful." he whispers and readies his weapon silently, by pulling it out between two fingers, so the metal won't scratch over the metal of the sheath.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:16 am
by Theis2
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Cade moves a bit closer towards the door, but readies himself to quickly move around the corner and climb inside the window. He signals to Adrena putting his fist in his palms and acts as if he was cracking his knuckles and neck but doesn't actually do it. Then shows 5 fingers.
He isn't sure how to signal it, but he starts his plan right after.

In orcish
"I hear and smell food. Let's put things behind house and grab weapon and go in and kill it now!"

Cade quickly moves around the corner, ready to jump inside through the window if the Orc comes running out.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:56 am
by Jacon
Cade throws some hand signals at Adrena before moving to the door. He can hear chewing noises as he gets closer to the door.
I hear and smell food. Let's put things behind house and grab weapon and go in and kill it now!" He grunts in orcish. Instantly their's a snorting sound from inside and the clink of metal. Cade moves as quietly as a mouse to the side window just in time to avoid the orc as he rushes out knocking the rotten door aside with his greataxe. He glares about and snorts.
" My food!!. Me kill you!" He growls hefting the blade and looking about. He eyes briefly pass over Adrenas hiding spot but he doesn't seem to notice you as he glares about.
Cade jumps inside the house through the window with ease.

Adrena sees the signal and the orc.

The group behind prepares for battle.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:07 pm
by Quarg
Adrena makes a silent note that she is going to beat the snot out of Cade after this is over...

She casts Ghost Sounds on the far side of the clearing around the building, away from the path and the door making it sound like two large creatures mumbling and moving through leaves....

If the Orc falls for it, Adrena will wave the others forward...

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:38 am
by Nerre
Kaliss waits. He does not like that he cannot see what is going on, so he keeps his eyes on Adrena. She looks a bit nervous now in his eye, but he cannot tell cause he has never met much elves before. Hopefully the halfling did not mess things up.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:31 am
by SGTdude
[No action taken. Go ahead with update]

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:52 am
by SGTdude
Can't udate for next 12 hrs

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:47 pm
by Theis2
Cade equips one of the necklaces with a charm in it and grabs the two longswords. He'll try to locate the orc by listening and looking through the holes in the building, to see if it goes behind it. Loading the crossbow too and signaling the others to come closer if the orc is headed around the building.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:05 am
by Nerre
OOC: loading a crossbow is a full turn action in D&D normally and noisy, as the tendon has to be pulled taunt. A light crossbow can be loaded as less than that, I think you can keep you move or minor action. Don't know how Jacon handels this. Maybe we can do two D&D turns at once to speed things up. :)

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:19 am
by SGTdude
Jacon plz control tokryn since we are just watching the rear anyways. I should be able to post in about 12hrs