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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 4:49 pm
by M0rtimer
The temple

Besides the bickering with the temple, there were other things to be done. Jeremy, after making sure that Isabella was recovering in the sick bay, went off to go help Koa with... Quite literally disarming Ruby. He tells Haley briefly he trusts her fully to go through the data they stole for anything interesting in the interim; though the girl has something else to check out, first.

Namely, the device she stole. Which, after careful investigation, and expert knowledge of the technological...

She has absolutely no clue about.

Clearly, there's more than just magic to this device, but even then she's confused. Logically, she can see no way how this glass orb could have been used to fire a weapon to take down the gods, besides of course that the glass somehow contained a "bullet" of some kind, and the mechanism served only to release it...

With which thought her mind turns back to the "green" thing Alex had picked up, as that would be the only thing that could relate. Alex, on Haley's behest, of course beginning to search for it but seeming to not find it where he had expected to put it...

Which is the point that Haley of course saw it, the utterly blind Alex having missed it escaping from his pack, as it was crawling toward the exit of the temple. And already starting to make motions that it was going to burrow away as at that exact moment, by sheer coincidence and luck, Alex grabbed the ??? cube.

His hands suddenly jerked in such a motion he almost struck Haley, though it was obvious it had not been his choice, but the cube's. The side with the slot glowed with a brilliant light, as it forced itself to face toward the escaping worm, before summoning forth a torrent of wind, pulling toward the cube. For one brief second, the worm-like thing continuing to struggle... Before unceremoniously flying through the air, straight into the slot. With a little satisfied hum did there by the box fall silent once again, leaving the duo confused as to what just happened... And perhaps Haley was slightly peeved she never got a chance to investigate it.

Meanwhile, down in the dungeon, Jeremy had been helping Koa... Disarm Ruby. Thinking disabling the armaments itself might take time, and seeing how the arm is a robotic whole... With some light effort, he simply detaches it for now. He briefly comments on how her "bone structure" is weird... And after getting weird stares in return, quickly states that it looks like what little is left of her arm is malformed. "J-Just saying, I don't think she had her arms removed to get these..."

Though with her suitably disarmed, and also looking after her health where he comments she took a whole lot more force than a human should be able to handle. In each case, stabilized, she should wake soon, Grimm joining in as well. He states he'll leave Koa or the others to deal with the brunt of this interview, he's just there in case she proves noncooperative... And potentially to play "bad cop".

And indeed, not much later, with a painful groan did the girl begin to stir. At first tired, hazy, eyes looking around in confusion, before they widened in shock realizing she was not somewhere she was supposed to be. It seemed like she tried to struggle backward... But with only partial capability in her legs, and no arms, she did not get far. There's a flash of fear, then frustration, then anger in her eyes, before she spoke through gritted teeth.

"Of course this is how a villain would handle their captive," she spoke, a low hiss almost, before almost barking.

"You'd be better off just killing me now, because I'm not telling you anything. Besides, you're fucked. There's a receiver in my suit- My friends are going to follow it, and then-"

"We found and removed it before you even came here," Grimm stated plainly, knowing Haley had done the job in question. And even if she hadn't, being a mile underground would finish that particular job.

"And we've no intention of killing you, although I briefly considered it... I suppose we're not the villains," Grimm spoke plainly, met with a cold, intense gaze from the girl. Before it seemed like a glint of perhaps misplaced recognition hit her eyes, and she let out a scoffing little laugh.

"Figures. Religious zealots. Of course you think you are the good guys here," she spoke, head listing toward the ground, before picking back up with a fire toward the group that held her cornered.

"But do tell me. Why are you the good guys?"

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 5:41 pm
by The Lost
"You made it very hard to bring the architect to you. How convenient. HOw are you going to go against the godslayers now? You failed against them in the first place. You are going to be uselfess against them, and the artifact will get stolen again.
We obviously know what we are doing, we got that for you and gave it to you, why don't you trust us?"

Code: Select all

I'm not sure how the patron thing works...    Also can you tell how this gun works? It seems magic based and I'm terrible at that.
Haley will then start to look at the data received to see if there is anything on the gun, or the cyborg girl they brought in.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 6:43 pm
by Dlover
"So, you don't have the option to set up an emergency contact to alert us to danger? As for obscurity... You'd already lost that long before we arrived. After all, we only found the place because the Godslayers had already found this temple and taken everything you were guarding."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 11:56 pm
by SuperVaderMan
"Yeah, sorry, I know it's kinda messed up to take your limbs off like that. We'll give 'em back once we make sure you can't just bust outta here with 'em, yeah?"

"...Smoothie?" Koa holds up the drink briefly to show Ruby, having chosen to make an Origin Fruit smoothie over the parfait, considering her current inability to hold dining implements. He takes a spoonful for himself, both to show it's not drugged or whatever and because it's really good, then sticks a bendy straw in it for her before setting it on the cell's table.

Then there's some judgement thrown the trainers' way about good guys and bad guys, which Koa assumes is understandable given her likely skewed perspective.

"I guess it does kinda look like that, huh? Like we're some kind-of... I dunno, hit squad hired by the god pokemon? Devout followers sent to smite their enemies, maybe? Well... no, not at all - I dunno if anything could be further from the truth."

Koa opens his mouth to continue, but reconsiders. He probably shouldn't reveal too much right away. After all, she's the one who should be spilling the beans.

So maybe Koa should start with questioning her motives?

"...But you gotta understand you guys look really bad from our side, too. Like, you guys give a worse first impression than us. We saw what happened with Regifae at the temple, the way you guys drove on up with whole squads of clones and overwhelmed it outta nowhere? And you were the one who caught it, yeah?"

"Well... we met up with it, briefly, before its song and dance you guys made it do at the stadium. You know about that, yeah? How you controlled it with some kind-of machine in the basement, so you could make it look like it attacked the Champion, so you could put on a show about how the god-pokemon are out to get us, or something?"

Koa held Regifae's core as he spoke, and he looked upon it with a somber gaze.

"...It was scared, you know. Scared... and powerless to stop what was coming, of what you guys were gonna force it to do. Sure, it broke free for a bit at the end there after the machine got broken, but it was already too late. And then you guys... Prometheus... killed it."


"They're all scared, you know. Well, at least the ones I've met - I'm sure some of 'em are angry, too. But they're all wondering. They're wondering when a squad of clones is gonna kick in their door and gun them down in their own homes, or worse."

"That's what you guys look like, from our side of things. The Godslayers. And I dunno about you, but that doesn't sound too heroic to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, yeah?"

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 4:26 pm
by M0rtimer
The Lost wrote: Thu Aug 05, 2021 5:41 pm "You made it very hard to bring the architect to you. How convenient. HOw are you going to go against the godslayers now? You failed against them in the first place. You are going to be uselfess against them, and the artifact will get stolen again.
We obviously know what we are doing, we got that for you and gave it to you, why don't you trust us?"

Code: Select all

I'm not sure how the patron thing works...    Also can you tell how this gun works? It seems magic based and I'm terrible at that.
"The Great Architect is the one who has placed our temple at it's current position. Entry for him should be no issue."

"Overhearing previous conversation, the enemy faction is under the impression our temple is currently buried. They will most likely be under the impression the Gods arranged this and brought the artifact somewhere else. The most likely option that guarantees our safety is that this fact proves true."

After continually being shot down by the temple, for being told information it already knows and has included in it's apparent calculations, Haley talks a bit more with the Spark, who seems almost... Hesitant, to respond.

Code: Select all

The issue lies largely in the fact that while I would glady make a "simple" patronage, the rules forbid me of doing so.

In effect, I am forced to demand something for everything I give.

Not just a cheaty way of give me a stick and I'll give you infinite power, there has to be SOME equivalence.

Being entirely honest, I may or may not already be pushing the limits of what I can with all of you guys...

The matter for patronage is usually a simple one. But I don't really do it anymore. I don't really want to anymore.

But the usual cost is one's soul.

With such an exchange I could offer a lot.

But we should go for something simpler. :)

I'll give you a quest, you do it, in return I can give you powers. :)

Dlover wrote: Thu Aug 05, 2021 6:43 pm "So, you don't have the option to set up an emergency contact to alert us to danger? As for obscurity... You'd already lost that long before we arrived. After all, we only found the place because the Godslayers had already found this temple and taken everything you were guarding."
"We do not hold the means to contact you remotely. Our influence extends only upon the temple and its immediate surroundings, with the book only allowing remote invocation. This security precaution has been included since our conception."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 7:51 pm
by The Lost
"....Um....I'm not sure if they would consider you underground. I mean think about how they stole the artifact in the first place. They are able to go into here before, they can do it again. If they think we gave it to the gods, wouldn't the gods want to put it back into it's proper place? They will come back here. Your reasoning is illogical and ill founded. Besides if you don't want them to come via book can't you just make it so that only us can use the spell? ...Actually do we even need the spell in the book to use a spell if we know it? I mean...there was a reason why we didn't do it in front of any godslayers..."

Code: Select all

I could do missions for you, just ....I don't want to cause any harm.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:07 pm
by M0rtimer
The temple

Haley began with the decoding of the data, first beginning to scour the local projects present in hopes of finding more about this gun. Interestingly, it seems like a lot of the projects being performed are actually... Medical ones. Cell and tissue regeneration, cancer removal, curing diseases... Seeming to lead back mostly to that artifact they stole and what they called the "Aspected energy extraction machine"... She discovers with that one that having tried to find out details likely wouldn't have worked anyway, the download not having had time to harvest blueprints or logs...

Oh and of course there are some projects into weapon application too, so far be it from being all roses and sunshine. But sadly "SoulKiller" itself is mentioned nowhere. Either having been too well protected to simply download, or not even present at that location.

Looking up personal records however, turns out to be more successful, as she does find the personal records on "Ruby". A lot of her earlier records seem to be classified, and the downloading only got bits and pieces... But enough to make a coherent story. It seemed that the records of her go back a whole thirteen years when she was only nine years old, although she was only actually "working" for the Godslayers in about the last four. It seemed that at the very start, she was somehow involved with some kind of medical project. An experimental treatment for something rather nasty, and it seemed like the results of it still haunt her to this day, as her medical file holds an absolute washing list of medicine she's supposed to take.

In each case, the log goes over genetic experiments, at first only to counteract the disease she suffered from, visits becoming less regular when it seemed the girl had actually become stable... And then experts began with giving her autonomy, more experiments with mechanical limbs, progressively more advanced. But it seemed the weaponization only truly began when she officially signed up into their organization. From then it was heavy training, improving upon those previous enhancements that they were military grade. Until finally, in the last year, well... The history log, filtering on the missions, said it all:

-4 days ago: Euler requested assistance on private mission - SUCCESS
-1 month ago: raid on fairy temple - SUCCESS
-3 months ago: raid on steel temple - SUCCESS
-4 months ago: raid on fighting temple - SUCCESS
-6 months ago: raid on grass temple - SUCCESS

Needless to say, all that experience seems to have her highly estimated in the organization, as she seems to have one of the highest clearances possible. The only higher ones Haley finds in the list are Euler and Pearl.

And while Haley went snooping around in said info, Koa began to talk to the girl in question. The girl in question who only gave a very confused look when of all things, the first thing Koa did was offer her a smoothie. One she pointedly seemed to ignore, even as he put it right next to her, and he began to explain their own side. At least, judging by how the girl averts her gaze for a couple of moments, she seems to realize that they have not always taken the most morally "good" options. But besides that she seems mostly unfazed by his comments, as he finishes up, turning the table back to her. Silence, for a moment... Before she began to speak.

"...So, is that why? You're the good guys, because we're the bad guys? Maybe that'd make sense."

"But there's an issue to your whole interpretation. One with which your point of view falls apart."

"The assumption that the gods are innocent. The good guys."

A brief pause, as it looked for a second that was all what she would say. Before, seemingly, the girl could not resist, continuing.

"Here's a story your masters have likely not told you," she started, either not having token notice of what Koa had said before, or simply not believing him.

"A long time ago, before the great war, these temples of theirs. They performed miracles. The hungry could eat, the sick could be healed. In very limited capacity, but by the gods will, all these things could happen. But then, the war broke out, and the gods ran away. Perhaps for that, we can not blame them. But for all the things that came after..."

"For how much they likely preached to you that the artifacts are vital, not to be abused, they certainly do not mind abusing them theirselves. Do you know why these islands are so untouched by the scars of war? It is because Trinity Isles did not exist when the war started. Regigigas. He took all the artifacts, and used them- Made these islands, moved the temples. And then retreated here to live with his friends and only the closest of followers. So much for not abusing it."

"And perhaps you still think it was with a good reason, to keep the artifacts away from those who would do wrong. But since then we've had nothing but decades of peace. A world that fought tooth and nail to recover itself from the brink of destruction. In all this time, they could have shown themselves at any point, helped, but instead kept themselves a forgotten memory, rather than grant their gifts that could save lives."

"And to end it all of, it's not like they aren't just acting on not saving lives, but they are killing, too. Those temples care not for what your purpose are, whether or not you are just a lost wanderer. You get too close, they kill, indiscriminately. Who knows how many have died because of it? I can tell you how many ships sunk because of Ironblight, if you want the starting numbers."

"At the end of it all, in my best interpretation I can only see them as willing to ignore these things or remain ignorant of them. And in my worst, they are bitter, vengeful even, about a world that no longer needs them."

"But in neither case, are they the good guys."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:29 pm
by SuperVaderMan
For his part, Koa respects Ruby's decision to not immediately partake of the smoothie. Though, he occasionally glances at it as it sits there, not being consumed while Ruby gives her spiel. Because, man, it's a good smoothie.

"Huh... y'know, I hadn't thought about it that way. It's like Regigigas laid out a bunch of minefields everywhere, with no signs or anything. That's... pretty bad, actually," Koa relents on that point easily, not at all willing to defend that sort-of behavior. "Though, to be fair, that sounds like the worst thing they could be accused of: dangerous negligence, yeah? And that's just the big Regi, as far as I know - the rest of 'em just wanna be left alone."

"Which... well, I don't agree with it, but I do get where they're coming from. 'Cause it's not just the Great War they were around for, but every war. It makes sense that they'd get tired of cleaning up after us, pick up their toys, and go home."

"Well, that, and the fact that one of 'em got caught by some kind-of super ball. You probably know which one, yeah? That was probably the tipping point, honestly, especially for Regi."

Koa opens his mouth to say more regarding his motivations and that of the god-pokemon, but catches himself. He's probably said enough already, and he should probably get this interview back on track.

"...But that's your whole problem with 'em, isn't it? That, for all their power, they choose not to help people? People like you, yeah?" Koa glances, pointedly, towards what remains of Ruby's arms, or what little of them that grew in the first place. "People that might not have made it without someone's help?"

"But Prometheus and his people helped you, didn't they? Helped you and Pam and probably some other folks. It... makes sense, considering where he came from, and the kind of person he used to be."

Koa purposely lets that last comment linger for a few moments, assuming Ruby wouldn't expect Koa to know that much about Prometheus. It's possible she doesn't know that much about him.

"That's... not something you kill people over, though, is it? 'Cause they don't wanna help people who need it? No, there's more to it than that, and you know what it is, don't you? That you're not just... the Atheists or whatever, but the Godslayers? What's the big plan, with that kinda name?"

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:43 pm
by The Lost
Haley looks at the temple once again after reading everything."They raided the STEEL temple. If I know anything about steel that would have been a damned fortress that would been near impossible to penetrate compared to this little hidey hole. Or are you just going to think your defenses are good enough even though they have not been in the past?"

Haley goes down to Koa and goes to whisper to him about the other temples that were raided. She then looks at Ruby and listens to her rant. "...I met one which was a butt, but I don't want to kill the guy. There's no reason to kill anyone...." Haley goes to tinker with the mechanical limbs to disable the weaponry part of them, removing the weapons if possible. While tinkering she asks a quesition "...what do you think of something called the soulkiller would have done to my friend if we didn't have protection?" Once she is satisfied with the inable to use them as weapons she goes to Ruby and uses her knowledge of tech to connect them back. "...Sorry it took so long..."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 6:53 am
by Dlover
"We'll have to at least be provided with a last teleport out of here, after we've prepared. The trackers on us don't work while we're here, but if we leave the normal way they'll pick us up, and that will tell the people tracking us where we disappeared to. Rather than the teleportation being a risk, our not having it puts the temple at greater risk."

Joining the interrogation, Alex can only laugh at the claims that the godslayers aren't the bad guys. "What good have you people done for the world? Killing the gods doesn't help, it and it even has the potential to destabilise things even further. Are you claiming their artifacts or something, to harness their power? The only productions I've seen from you people are weapons, weapons, and more weapons. And trust me, we've managed to mess with quite a few of your devices. You managed to create teleportation, for goodness sake, and you used it to kill a god and to send weaponised robots after us. Even something like that, with so much potential, was nothing but a weapon in your hands."

Sighing, he shakes his head, "You chose violence and destruction to lash out against those gods for choosing to be bystanders. They're not as good as they could be, and some of them just suck, but that's no worse than humans, is it? You people, on the other hand... Care to enlighten me on any great deeds you've done that make you any better? I may hate your methods, but I'm no fanatic who can't be convinced. What benefit has your organisation brought about that couldn't have been achieved without killing?"

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:29 pm
by M0rtimer
The Lost wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:43 pm Haley looks at the temple once again after reading everything."They raided the STEEL temple. If I know anything about steel that would have been a damned fortress that would been near impossible to penetrate compared to this little hidey hole. Or are you just going to think your defenses are good enough even though they have not been in the past?"
"Indeed. Their physical defenses would be formidable. We thank you for this information. This further solidifies the action of opting to maximize all potential avenues of remaining hidden."
Dlover wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 6:53 am "We'll have to at least be provided with a last teleport out of here, after we've prepared. The trackers on us don't work while we're here, but if we leave the normal way they'll pick us up, and that will tell the people tracking us where we disappeared to. Rather than the teleportation being a risk, our not having it puts the temple at greater risk."
"This is an impossibility. The only teleport option we can offer is to return to the last destination you have cast your spell, while it remains in memory. A teleport destination can not be set without a predefined and permitted anchor point. Technically, with our attunement to the bug artifact, we do have permission to create a teleport to the Queen's Hive temple."

"...And that is not against your instructions?" Luna asks, somewhat incredulously.

"The safety of other temples is not a part of my received objectives."

Spark does confirm to Alex off to the side as well that he did promise he'd take care of that part, already making it seem like the group is slowly traveling back to the big city. Though out of reach of the temple, just in case that little bit of knowledge could work in their favor.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:49 pm
by The Lost
"They already KNOW your FECKING location! You are terrible at being hidden and are only inconviencing us for illogical reasonings! Your instructions are terrible and your reasoning is worse."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:09 pm
by M0rtimer
The temple

Koa gave his answer to the girl's response, while occasionally ogling the smoothie, the girl ogling it in return. It was just because it was a good smoothie, of course, but for now Ruby was likely internally debating if her not eating that smoothie was somehow disturbing Koa's ulterior plan.

Still, it was a long talk, which she spent mostly listening, only speaking up at select points. Such as after Koa tries to defend the gods, stating that they were there for every war, likely having gotten tired of "cleaning up after us," to which she responds quite plainly:

"So you admit that they've given up on us."

She also seems to give the briefest hint of confusion as Koa mentions one of the God pokemon being caught, but quickly tries to hide it again; trying to remain as neutral as possible. Her response only being her widening eyes when Koa seems to make an accurate guess. Part of her motivations laid in that the Gods do not help, while the Godslayers did. After a moment of silence, before Koa can continue, she responds.

"...Yes. That is what happened."

"I was already given up for dead, just awaiting its sweet embrace. When Prometheus came. And after close investigation, he offered to me something. He said he could not promise he could cure me, for he was loath to tie himself down to more promises he cannot keep. And that while he could make no promises of being able to save me, he could promise to try, if that is what I desired. And I did. The next day was when I met Euler, that eccentric fool, he seemed more excited about it than anything, but he was there by my side every day to help me through it all."

"And while it left me not quite fully human anymore, it did work. And then they helped me even beyond that..."

"And they never asked a damn thing. This was just... Something he did. Prometheus tried to visit every month or so, often curing many patients which the other doctors couldn't. He's always been... Special, I guess. Not really..."

"...But it was obvious to me both of them were doing something big. Prometheus was managing to visit less and less frequently to the place. So I started questioning, pleading, brushed off time after time and told to not worry about them. But because of them, I wasn't weak anymore- I had to pay them back..."

"So. Yeah."

In this between time, Haley had gotten around to downside, and started looking at those arms that Ruby used. It was rather advanced, maybe a bit too advanced. Luckily, while understanding may be a bit much, making it so they are harmless at least is something she can do. Still not that easy a task, as just the physical strength of those arms alone would be enough to break down a wall, but one she manages to fix by removing some more components. And as she goes in to re-establish the arms, she decides to ask the girl if she knows anything about the "Soulkiller" weapon that got used. The response catching everyone perhaps, a bit off guard.

"She used it on you?! That fucking bitch! I fucking knew she was going to get out of line somed-"

"...Nevermind. I don't, sorry. And thank you, I guess." she noted, weakly lifting her arms. It seemed as if she was about to complain about the arms feeling heavy, or at times stuttering... But it was still far better than nothing at all.

With that, Koa finished up his current speech, asking them just why they called themselves the Godslayers. And right before she got to respond, Alex got his say in too. Pointing out that for all the great things their organization is supposed to, he's only seen them churn out weapons. At the end of it all, the girl scoffing lightly.

"And what would you expect to see when the few times you have seen us was with us expecting a fight? Should we take everything we can carry like it's the school's science project just so you can see it exists? Of course you would only see the weapons! Or use things made for other greater purposes if it's possible! We've... Well, the scientists mostly, have done many great things! Like... Things I won't say, because you'd try and use it to track us down," she stopped her sentence halfway, pausing for a moment as if considering she was already saying too much. Then after a little bit of thinking to make sure she wasn't saying anything compromising, continued.

"But you've seen they saved me. Saved others. But to answer both your questions. Most of our research has turned to the fields of both magic and technology. Mixing it. Making the impossible possible through magic, and using technology to make it accessible for all... But the issue lies in the power. All means of generating these kinds of energies are either ineffective, unreliable, dangerous or cruel. Which is why we need the artifacts. They could be the perfect source. If even after finding them, fighting for them, they weren't still useless in their current state. The Gods' final trick and protection, to transform their diverse artifacts into these puzzle boxes, sealing away their wellspring... And only the Gods' themselves hold the power to unlock them once again."

"So be it. If all our attempts to do this peacefully fall on deaf ears."

"We'll just take it by force."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:16 pm
by Dlover
"I find it hard to believe that they would help people who can't be helped just out of the goodness of their hearts. That's not something humans are capable of. Those who have the kindness to act can't gain the power to do so, because those who have the power to act refuse to let anyone do so. Best case, they're helping people because it gives them a better reputation. More likely, the many people they get nothing back from are an acceptable cost for gaining die-hard loyals like yourself."

"Also, only some of the gods have given up on us. There are some that haven't, but they can't exactly just say 'hey I'm a god look at what I can do.' People like you wouldn't leave them be, after all. From one of our encounters with them, that's been the case since long ago. Of course they find it hard to trust humans. Especially with the artifacts, considering the last time one was utilised, Colress turned it into a weapon of mass destruction... And whether you personally want to use them for good or not, a source of immense energy will be used for evil sooner or later. The 'soulbreaker' proves that on a small scale."

Okay, actually, there is one that openly helps people, but it's a different sort of god."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:05 pm
by The Lost
"...I recall Grimm saying using the artifacts would make tears in our world, summoning ...what was it...missingno I think, to our world....also called the overseer, but I prefer the Naked One because I like to annoy it. The last one that came across due to the artifacts was the overseer, and they are wanting to corrupt the world. Who knows what more dangers would be brought if more artifacts are used? "

"I am not sure if the godslayers know what they are playing with, or know and are willingly doing it regardless of consequences. Either way they put our world in danger with what they are trying to do with the artifacts. It seems like they were trying to use fairy to try to heal, but....they may also have an underlying reason as well. Fairy is less akin to healing and more akin to offense. It also seems to be not the only source they use. The soulkiller....or the robot that held it had something inside of it, something that looked like a flatworm? Though it seems primarily offensive??"

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:14 am
by SuperVaderMan
Koa shrugs and takes the smoothie for himself, then, taking a big sip. If Ruby wants one, she can have one later.

"So you admit that they've given up on us."

"Yeah, basically. Again, I don't agree with it, and we're trying to change their minds. Especially considering there's some real heavy stuff going on behind the scenes, bigger than you guys, even."

Koa listens patiently in return, nodding along as he gets the gist of what the Godslayers are doing. Or at least what Ruby thinks the Godslayers are doing.

"So you're mad 'cause the god-pokemon are keeping these boxes locked away, boxes with all the power in the world. And since they can only be opened by the god-pokemon, that's why you're hunting them down. Is that about right?"

"...Have you stopped to consider why they locked the boxes away? 'Cause, I mean, I'd kinda like to know, too." Koa looks up at Grimm. "You probably know, yeah? Something about world-ending consequences? I know the world's already coming apart at the seams 'cause of that Red Chain business, but I guess messing with the boxes would... I dunno, make it come apart faster? Something like that?"

Then the others start asking their own questions. And boy oh boy, do they ever.

First, Alex starts going off about how humans are incapable of kindness, or something?

"...What?" Koa balks, stunned with sheer incredulity. "That's just... wrong. Like, so wrong. It wasn't that long ago that I helped out this old couple being harassed by some biker gang, and I wasn't expecting to get anything out of that. And that's basically what we're doing with the god-pokemon, yeah, just helping out some... I guess really strong old folks that're being harassed?"

Koa takes another few sips as Alex goes on to say that there are still some god-pokemon that help people out, they're just not so open about it anymore. That's more or less correct.

But then Haley starts rambling about Missingno. and the end of the world, which... it kinda sounds like Ruby doesn't have any context for?

"Well, I guess that's a good thing to ask about, isn't it? What the Godslayers know about the Overseer and the other Missingno.? 'Cause I know for sure that Pam, er, Pandora knows about it, so that means Prometheus knows about it, too. So I can only assume he has some kind-of plan in place for dealing with it, yeah? But my question is, did Prometheus fill you and the other Godslayers in on the plan?"

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:58 pm
by Dlover
"That's just... wrong. Like, so wrong."

"Not really. Helping people who have direct problems like being harassed is one thing. But having enough power to help people who have incurable diseases is another level entirely. They're incurable because finding a cure would be costly enough that only the very powerful could afford it, and those who have that much power have it because they were focused wholly on gaining power. There are, of course, researchers who want to do good, but they don't have the resources."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:46 pm
by M0rtimer
The temple

Attempts to continue convincing Ruby, or perhaps just get information out of her, continue. Though in doing so breach... A whole lot of different topics.

Starting with Alexi disbelieving that such a thing would ever be done out of the goodness of someone's heart. If anything, he suggests, it's just to get a few die-hard zealots. Those words alone seemed to only piss off Ruby, even Koa adding in that just isn't right. But by the end of it, it is Grimm who speaks up once again.

"If I may perhaps offer another potential alternative. It could simply be that Ruby here is patient zero, in a sense."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" the red-haired girl asked, anger still evident at the mere suggestion that her being saved was for ulterior reasons.

"I base this on the presumption that the monstrous strength you displayed in battle, is linked to the very same treatment you underwent. You could have been the first for them to perform the experiment on. Before they knew whether or not it would work, or be safe. Not that it is necessarily a bad thing. After all, it sounds like failure in your case... Would likely not have made a difference."

"But it does show one way that they clearly profited as well."

The girl's eyes move downcast for a moment, before turning back, fire barely dimmed. "Even if that were true, it changes nothing. Prometheus is a good man."

Next Alex moves on to how only "some" of the gods had given up on them, and reasons as to why. Koa basically admits it might be true, but also states there's many things making it difficult. To that, the girl's response seems more plain.

"Perhaps I would have understood if they did not at first, to not be overburdened by all the needy to not be able to help. But there were decades of self-sufficience, of no hostilities, in which we heard nothing of them. Why was showing themselves in the past fine, and not now? Even then, I wouldn't have cared... If their inaction did not stop the possibilities of men."

That statement was enough for Koa to lead into asking if that was the only reason they were hunting them down, which, after some hesitation, she seemed to give a faint nod to... Before the question went as to the WHY these artifacts were "locked" in the first place. Here Alex helpfully points out that the last time someone got their hands on one of the artifacts and, somehow, unlocked it, it was by Colress who used it as a superweapon. Haley adding on facts as well as she remembered them, stating that their overuse brought forth tears in reality, it being how the Grand Overseer arrived in the first place... And pointing out that the Godslayers either did not realize the power they messed with, or do it regardless of the consequences. When Koa defers to Grimm on the subject, he respectfully raises a hand toward the girl.

"I defer to the girl's explanation on the matter. While some of the details may not be accurate, it is certainly close enough. Each time the artifacts get used in a manner like this, a little bit of their charge is drained. They are vast reservoirs indeed, but finite in the end. And as they are the physical representation of the very power of our world itself, to abuse them is foolish."

"We know that," Ruby interrupted Grimm before he could continue enjoying the sound of his own voice with further elaboration. "But there is a difference between what you consider heavy use and what we wish to do. Is that not how it used to be back in the day? A constant trickle, the tiniest bit of power granted to give the world what was needed."

"Not that you're wrong. In the end, they do not trust humanity to be responsible with such a thing. They only trust themselves. So they would rather lock it up forever, than to pass on the torch. Even if all of recorded times that the artifacts were abused was them, with the one notable exclusion," the girl started, Grimm not quite willing to drop that particular subject yet as he continued.

"The gods 'abused' the artifacts to seal away MissingNo that have grown out of control. Creatures born from the desires and actions of men. It is the only way to deal with such an instance and a mere act of desperation. Except for what Regigigas did with these islands, I shall admit."

"Even then, our intent is not to abuse! We just want that same slow drain, a reliable source of power. And from there could we shoot ahead human advancement with a thousand years... Longer than we'd ever even need to start worrying about running out. That'd be like saying we can't use solar energy because one day the sun will explode as well!"

Koa takes a deep sip of the smoothie as this whole debate is going on. Ruby is almost starting to seem sorry for not taking it. But he's also the only one to realize that Ruby may potentially not have context for what the whole MissingNo thing, and the Grand Overseer IS in the first place. Pandora and Prometheus knew, of course, but did she? To the question however, did her lips briefly part... And then face her head toward the floor again.

"And why should I tell you? I've no issue trying to explain why our cause is just, but I see there is no breaking a zealot's will. But if you want actual information, you will get nothing out of me."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:20 pm
by The Lost
“...Can they even be used in such a way that is a trickle? And not be abused in the future? Solar power is different, a passive way of getting energy while artifacts it seems to take a lot of effort, and I am not sure how thatpower can be regulated...”

“Why do you think we are zealots? I just...don’t want anyone to die. That includes the gods.”

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:40 pm
by Dlover
"Ah, yes, the 'possibilities of man,' which depend entirely upon greater beings holding out hand. That's hardly the potential of humanity, it's using the power of others. By the way, I do have to ask, what's the plan after the gods are all dead? You want to use the cores as a power source, and to do that you have to unlock the boxes. But the boxes can only be opened by gods, and they refuse to do that, so you're killing them. Doesn't that... Just seal them permanently? You're killing off the only ones that can open them, so when you're done there'll just be no way to open them at all. It seems pretty counter intuitive. Or are you just going to find some other way to force them open? In which case, what's the point of killing the gods? Just violence for violence's sake, because they didn't help you? I just really can't work out why you guys chose violence as your path, other than to prove that humanity can't be trusted with power."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:04 pm
by SuperVaderMan
"Guys, we're not here to argue about who's right," Koa steps in, trying to de-escalate things before it turns into a shouting match. "We're just here for some information, and the only way that's gonna happen is if she thinks it's a good idea to share, yeah?"

"So. Why should you tell us anything, that's the question? Well... how about 'cause we have a mutual enemy - the big bad guy standing at the end of the world? The Grand Overseer? I know you guys think you're hot stuff, taking on the god-pokemon, but next to that thing? The Godslayers are nothing but road bumps, and Prometheus knows that."

"Now do you know about it, or not? 'Cause if you don't... then I can show you. I've seen it."

At that, Koa releases Kinhe, who instinctively hides behind Koa, away from the scary dragon lady.

"She's kind-of like a psychic pokemon, sort-of. I can show you exactly what happened, when the Overseer grabbed me. And I can show you what it's gonna do to our world, if we don't stop it - what it's gonna do to you and me and everyone else."

"Which, by the way," Koa offers an aside to Grimm, "you know how the Godslayers are gathering up all those cubes? And you know how the cubes are the only thing we know of that can hurt the Missingno.? I don't think that's a coincidence, yeah?"

Koa takes one of Kinhe's tentacles in his hand, taking a deep breath as the toxin-slicked tentacle bridges his mind with hers. Koa will then turn to Ruby, offering one of his pokemon's tentacles for her to take, if she'll accept.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:41 pm
by SuperVaderMan
Once she takes it (and after some discomfort as the alien toxin enters her system), a desperate plight will manifest in her mind: the tearing of space as the Overseer's prismatic fist smashes through the dimensional barrier, narrowly missing Pandora after Koa warns her of it; the endless tide of alien creatures spilling out of the rift; the capture of the crystalline jellyfish connecting Ruby and Koa, resulting in the reality-tearing hand snatching Koa and dragging him into another dimension.

And then there's the Grand Overseer. An experience Koa would never forget.

A towering monstrosity, nigh-incomprehensible as its prismatic form constantly absorbed and refracted the red light of the world it had reshaped to its liking. And that rending, reality-defying presence. Merely being near the entity threatened to tear Koa's normally sturdy body to pieces. It's voice thundered directly in Koa's brain as it demanded to know what gave him the right to stand in defiance of the 'salvation' the Overseer sought to bring to his world, to every world. The world was fraying at the edges already, due to the Red Chain incident, as well as the misuse of the cubes, so why shouldn't they allow the Overseer to fix it?

And the Overseer made it abundantly clear how he feels about the inhabitants of the planet - insects to be preserved until they can be reshaped into the Overseer's own 'children'. That was Koa's only saving grace in that encounter. Not even the high-yield explosive Koa desperately detonated point-blank on the creature's arm was enough to loosen its grip, or even phase it. Koa hadn't made a daring escape, he was released out of pity, seen as a willfully ignorant creature that refused to believe in the salvation the Overseer offered.

Thinking of, Koa brings up another series of memories of just what that salvation looked like, this time from Kinhe. Her dying, ocean-covered planet was slowly consumed by the Overseer's influence. And while the planet was saved from whatever was threatening it, its inhabitants either all perished or were transformed into creatures just like Kinhe, all connected through an alien hivemind, with the Overseer at the top, of course.

"...And that's what's gonna happen to us if we don't stop it," Koa speaks into the silence, a few moments later. "Well, maybe not us, maybe not a hundred years down the line, but it's gonna happen eventually. The thing is, Prometheus will still be around, and maybe Pam, too, considering her... condition. So they've gotta have a plan to deal with it."

"...Feel like sharing yet?"

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:03 pm
by The Lost
Haley is glad not having to deal with the posion and not wanting to touch the creature. Once Koa explains what he is doing in showing the overseer stuff she waits for him to finish before bringing her photos. "...I have pictures of areas it.... 'salvaged'" Haley whips out her camera to show Ruby what it did to other planets. "It seems like cores are one of the few things that hurt it." This time Haley shows a picture of it smashing through the pc, getting zapped by the depleated bug core.

"....If there is a god like thing that need to be taken down it's that thing. I'm hoping more in pacifying it and capturing it to prevent it from destroying other planets but....people may use it for thier own wants...."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:01 pm
by M0rtimer
The temple

At first, conversation seems to continue... More contrary rather than constructive. Haley questioning if using it as a "trickle" is even possible, Ruby responding by asking her if that was not exactly what the gods did before locking them away. Her comment on the other hand she just doesn't want anyone to die is... Ruby herself falls silent, as it was hard to tell if she was thinking, or had merely already concluded she held no proper answer to such a statement. Alex however is far more confrontational. And to his inquiries she simply scoffs.

"Typical of you to think that's what it's all for. Rest assured we've got our plans," she states, giving no more. It seemed after all she had said before, Ruby was slowly beginning to close up herself. Perhaps she held some idle hope she could convince the group, but given how that clearly wasn't happening, figured every word she said could potentially be used against her. Though in this case, it's Grimm to speak up. Telepathically, judging by how Ruby herself gives no reaction.

"I presume they have some means to harvest the god's essences, or something along those lines. I couldn't quite tell if they could use that to unlock the artifacts, given how it is mostly unprecedented... But I'd bet they are willing to try."

Koa finally breaks up the conversation somewhat, affirming that they need to convince Ruby it's actually in their interest to have her agree. Well... Briefly, Grimm looks like he's going to suggest something else, but shuts up from a glare from Luna who had gathered by this point as well. As Koa begins to explain they do have one common enemy. The Grand Overseer.

There seems to be the slightest hint of recognition in that name, though her lips remain shut, even as Koa asks if it is a known name. At least for now, but Koa is not done explaining. Offering her a way to see exactly what it is, through the use of Kinhe. The girl seeming hesitant, but also... Intrigued.

"...Okay. But you try and peek in my memories or anything, and not only am I pulling my hand away, but I'm also kicking all of your asses-" she spoke, more of an idle threat than anything to be taken serious, given her current state.

But the linking soon happened. Even if in the initial rush it looked like she was going to try and punch someone for what felt like a dirty trick, until the images started coming through.

And she saw everything. The encounter with the Grand Overseer, and its terrifying, overwhelming force. How it considered all creatures of the world as mere insects. And what would one day come to pass, if its influence were to pass through completely.

As the images end, and the girl turns pale, Haley helps out a bit more, displaying pictures, somehow gathered, of the many worlds. Some strangely pretty, admittedly... But most all but deserted of life. Like little marbles for it to collect and gather dust. By this point she's mostly just silently nodding in seeming agreement when Haley states that if there is one "god" to be defeated, it's that... Thing. Koa asking one more time, if perhaps now she wants to share.

"...I have heard of the Grand Overseer before. In passing. I've heard Pandora has issues with it. Goser sometimes talked about it, but to be frank I tuned out most his conversations once he started getting technical."

"But until just now, I did not actually know what it was. What it was going to do."

"There... There isn't any plan."

"...That I know of. But maybe you're right. That must be part of the reason we're gathering the artifacts, right? We're going to take it down! Prometheus will," she started, but did not get to finish her sentence as someone interrupted her. A female voice, one barely recognized by some there.

And the voice of someone who should certainly not be there.

"No. You were not wrong. There is no plan."

Turning back down the hallway, the party would find themselves surprised by a sudden visitor. A purple robe, tired expression, long dark hair, and a slightly sickly hue despite those still intense eyes. Carrying with her, of all things, a rather simple cardboard box, cradled in front of her.


In the moment of stunned silence, and at least a couple people getting ready for a fight just in case, does the girl continue, if from a safe distance.

"...You seem to be acting under a slight misconception. You are not wrong that the Grand Overseer is a MissingNo. The boxes can be used to hurt it. But at the same time..."

"The MissingNo are born, to force an ending for a world that has none. In this, they usually embody simple concepts. And when one finally achieves their goal, they consume the world in its enterity. But, being of the same make of its creator, the Great Mind, in essence they simply return to it. To restart the cycle with a different world."

"...But the MissingNo are not bound by law to follow the same principles the Great Mind does. Their concept can be one that goes against the very rules it set. And when that happens. It does not return to the fold as all its brothers and sisters."

"It becomes a Great Mind of its own."

"That is what the Grand Overseer is. The will of an entire world, made manifest. To be eternal. And that teaching it has kept, whilst it spread as a virus, corrupting other worlds into its fold."

"There is nothing in this world powerful enough to stop it."

With such a revelation, it was no surprise that an eerie silence fell. A bit of hopelessness even, perhaps. Enough so that for just a moment longer people could keep back the question as to how the hell she even showed up like this out of nowhere, or perhaps rather how she knew to find them, given her teleporting abilities. But before that particular, necessary question could be posed, did Ruby speak up again. Her question causing Pandora to softly tilt her head to the side.

"But, wait- What about Goser, then?"

"What about him?" came to the soft, slightly confused response, before the cyborg girl elaborated.

"You don't know? He didn't tell you? Back at that whole base, when I had to help him- We tried to go collect where he knew the bug artifact should be, but we found the place all smashed up. But then he saw this... He called it a link cable? Looked just like a computer to me, and I kind of didn't understand what he was trying to say, but I do recall one thing clearly. He said to me, this,"

"And with the help of this device, I will find a way to bring down the Grand Overseer!"

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:17 pm
by The Lost
"Hold up. First off, who are you? How did you get down here? And what is that box for? What's inside of it? Why are you here? How can we trust you?

Oh yey........pandora. Greaaat...