Boards and Comic FAQ

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by WearsHats » Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:20 pm

Right. Also, before you decide to destroy the counter you have to realize that it's the counter which affects whether or not you lose all memories and XP when the maze resets. And you have to be willing to take the risk that destroying it won't have any adverse effects (for example, that you would just be lost, wiped out of existence, when the maze resets).

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by axe11154 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:28 am

wait wait wait..... if they keep the exp from the last reset shouldn't are friends be higher then the simply level 4 or 3?
And yet again wouldn't that mean are MFK would know the maze a little bit better and not be so guessy about it?

Sorry I have so many questions just.... sorta confused
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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by RocketScientist » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:44 am

Our FMK party doesn't keep the XP. Only PsiMax keeps the XP. It's because he destroyed his counter and he remembers all the resets since he did that.

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by SccrD25 » Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:37 am

Look at it this way. Xp is experience. If you don't recall an experience you don't get the experience. You level because of the experiences in your life, but if you never experience the experiences you don't get the XP.

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Trojan » Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:37 am

I suspect that if other variants have destroyed their counter in the past (deliberately or accidentally) then they would have won the maze in short order and left, even if they had milked the MoM for xp, after a while the CR of encounters would be so low for them that it became a waste of time to do so and they'd then have left.

Psimax has deliberately not been leaving the MoM despite likely topping out on xp so that he can learn enough about it to unmake it and all within it, I suspect that if any other group had destroyed their counter in his 800-odd iterations then Psimax would have got rid of them if they looked like interfering in his plans.

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by stevedj » Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:49 pm

Ok, so suppose a group destroyed their counter. After a few more iterations, they succeed and get out.

The next group in to... sorta... take their place... anyway - do they get a working counter? Or find the broken one from the previous group?

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by WearsHats » Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:23 am

Reminding myself to add an item about Psimax tonight, since we've gotten the same questions about him in about four different threads.
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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Liesmith » Thu May 16, 2013 12:49 am

I think that it's reasonable to assume that other characters may have destroyed their counter out of frustration in the past, but they would probably use their advantage to just win the Maze and escape, rather than stick around indefinitely and deal with the pain of dying over and over, and remembering each horrible experience.
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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by masterzzan » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:00 am

stevedj wrote:Ok, so suppose a group destroyed their counter. After a few more iterations, they succeed and get out.

The next group in to... sorta... take their place... anyway - do they get a working counter? Or find the broken one from the previous group?
ok lets look at is this way.

after every time that some1 wins the maze (or every1 tpk) the maze resets. blood stains gone,broken walls fixed. traps reset and repoisoned.only thing that changes is the counter.think of it as a save file. it keeps all the memories of the team up to the moment they got into the maze. every time they die\loose. they are reborn in the start area, and the memeory that was saved is "loaded" into their minds. overiding what is allready there(which is that memory+ the knowledge of the run they had in the maze up to and including deaths). they "forget" the resnt events and start over.
destroying that "save" file(counter) will resort in nothing new to override the old memories= they remmeber everything. even their own deaths.
now it seems that when a new team come in. it is more likely that the counter doesn't merly resets. it get the same "rebuild" the maze goes. even better, a new ROOM is made fresh with a new counter set to 1. it would be logical to expect that the counter is made and not cleared of info. since ,well, nothing is EVER really earsed when you type delete ;) . so getting a new unite is better. else you might have stuff lingering from other teams.

only problem with this is. that all this mean is that there is 1 more thing that doesn't reset with the maze. since each time that a team die they are remade.and psimax team are not difrent. they had expirienced death over 800 times. that mean that the data of their BUILD is in somewhere else. if not then the destroction of their counter would not only leave their memories entact but also their oozing bodies oozed.the fact they are reborn to die again and again. mean that the "build" info of each group is somewhere else. and while i do belive that minmax's 38 ways of killing a guy with only his thumb might get psimax killed this time.the kin's group better find out where his build is kept and rewrite him as a 2 year old dim wittted todler or he'll come back with a vengence next run...

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by WhispersToSquirrels » Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:30 pm

stevedj wrote:Ok, so suppose a group destroyed their counter. After a few more iterations, they succeed and get out.

The next group in to... sorta... take their place... anyway - do they get a working counter? Or find the broken one from the previous group?
I suspect they get a working counter. I base that on the fact that PsiMax's counter seems to be smoking when we first see it. That would imply that he had just destroyed it, which would imply that he had to destroy it on every iteration.
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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by stevedj » Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:15 am

WhispersToSquirrels wrote:
stevedj wrote:Ok, so suppose a group destroyed their counter. After a few more iterations, they succeed and get out.

The next group in to... sorta... take their place... anyway - do they get a working counter? Or find the broken one from the previous group?
I suspect they get a working counter. I base that on the fact that PsiMax's counter seems to be smoking when we first see it. That would imply that he had just destroyed it, which would imply that he had to destroy it on every iteration.
Hmmm, that does seem to be the going theory -- but I might counter with this argument: It would seem that PsiMax's first order of business on the reset would be to take care of his MM and Kin (not the counter). Else, if he is spending time (rounds) on the counter, his party members might either get a shot at him, or run out the door and escape. Besides, he doesn't have to hit the counter first -- just so long as he would before leaving the room...

Thus, I'd think his first actions would be against his other party members. And since we see the counter already smashed while he is still dealing with Kin, I might therefore suggest that he in fact didn't just destroy it that round. Perhaps the reset is so complete, that it resets the "smoke" from the destruction of whenever he did do it?

...yea, I guess that is a stretch... I kinda agree with your approach (smashed every time), but wanted to throw this out there... :)

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Krulle » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:49 pm

Good observation, stevedj.
Either PsiMax got so self-assured of himself, that he KNOWS that "his" Kin and "his" Forgath are not able to harm him (since they likely got nearly no XP in all that time) that he adresses the counter first, or his powers are so strong that he wanted to drive the point home for us and "his" Kin...
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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by WurmD » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:14 am

Hi all,

Does anyone remember (can link to) the part of the story where Forgath agreed to killing the goblins?
All I remember is him considering the injustice of *killing* the goblins :|
and I can't seem to find the right pages to re-read them


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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Wolfie » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:26 am

WurmD wrote:Hi all,

Does anyone remember (can link to) the part of the story where Forgath agreed to killing the goblins?
All I remember is him considering the injustice of *killing* the goblins :|
and I can't seem to find the right pages to re-read them

It was between this page and the next.
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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Ansan Gotti » Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:20 am

Great memory/research! I'm always amazed at how well some folks know this webcomic. :)

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Wolfie » Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:53 am

It comes from many archive dives... complete with popcorn, favorite drinks, and a comfy chair.
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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Ansan Gotti » Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:07 pm

I just had a fun trip down memory lane re-reading a brief segment of Biscuit vs. the world. :) It's easy to do archive dives when the material is so great!

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Leftie » Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:38 am

I cannot seem to locate any info on the physical books. My (sinking) gut feeling, is that they're out of print and that collection-publication has switched to PDF-only, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

I bought the first volume ages ago, and am looking to buy the rest of the books in printed versions as well.
I realize that this isn't really a FAQ (since I appear to be the only one wondering) but it should be, damnit! Everyone ought to want these lovely comics in physical form! :'(

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Varto007 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:15 am

Hi guys, newbie here. I just reed the entire comic in like 3 days. Seriously. I can´t seem to find anywhere on the forums why the archive stops in "Chitter chitter Unk" in book 5.
Is there another link to follow the comic? it´s kinda weird that in order to check for a new issue i have to click on that one and then go to the last page.

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by M0rtimer » Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:25 am

Hey Varto! Yeah, I think that might just be because the archive page hasn't been updated for a while..? I know that just visiting the main page should always get you the latest page, if that helps.

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Varto007 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:31 am

Actually it does! I had bookmarked the archive so i could enter it easier so i never got to the main page. Thanks! now i can check on updates!!!

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by Glemp » Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:59 am

There's two problems with the archives. First is that the list goes way off the page instead of being in collapsible sections, second is that they have to be updated manually.

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Re: Boards and Comic FAQ

Post by DragonTurtle » Fri May 25, 2018 11:37 am

Yes, there are issues with the archive. We're aware, but don't currently have a way to fix them. Please be patient with us. :)
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