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07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:18 am
by Orzahn
So who among you think, like me, that verything Fumbles just rambled needs to be remembered and will show up again? I mean, Thunt is a master of foreshadowing, and it's even in the dialogue.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:24 am
by Rooks
Woah. That's a load of flipping' foreshadowing. This thread is going to be 20 pages long just analyzing all the comments. I'm so excited!

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:28 am
by thinkslogically
...I'm not seeing a new comic page yet. Are you guys discussing a patreon page or am I just looking in the wrong place?

EDIT: NVM, I got there manually:

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:29 am
by Orzahn
I used the link via Twitter, the normal URL didn't show the new page for me either.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:37 am
by Orzahn
Also, seperating all the things Fumbles says.

Panel 1:
Bowstrings break, they are unreliable things.
The shining forest is only found through heroism.
The dwarf cries no more.

Panel 2:
The ears will not hear (reffering to big ears maybe?)
They want the book, but they need to complain (maybe something to do with complains or his current status.) Seems to coincidenetal two have two partial names mentioned in one balloon.

Panel 3:
The mount is backwards, its is displaced (displacer beast mount :O) or maybe two seperate sentences. The mount is backwards.
It is displaced.
The levels are gained outside of time (maybe reffering to the way they get levels being in universe PCs)
She saw but misunderstood. (kin trueseeing, or something still to happen?)
The name is not right. (maybe is own name is wrong, or Thaco not being named chief)

Panel 4:
Death of a Goblin, death of a god. (a kamikaze attack taking out the big dude in the axe?)

Panel 5:
The hammer awaits.

Panel 6:
Two coins for a dead dwarf, another leg lost ( or two seperate sentences again. but seems to refer to Forgath)

Panel 9:
The old go to, poor Minmax

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:38 am
by Belzera
So Fumbles speaks, and ninja'd as someone else posted the transcript up XD

So Anyone think that the referance to the name is wrong has to be about Dies horribly?

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:44 am
by ForgetsOldName
The levels are gained outside of time
The maze of many. Kin's still in there, and the Kins stated that they were going to get levels.
She saw but misunderstood.
Young and Beautiful misunderstood the meaning of Dies short-lived death. Or, it's a reference to Saves a Fox and the misunderstanding of how she was destined to react to the fox,

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:48 am
by thinkslogically
the name is not right
Or it's the "Ken" necklace?

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:19 am
by Rndom
"She saw but misunderstood the name is not right"
Refers to Young and Beautiful thinking that the prophecy applies to Forgath, when in reality, it applies to Minmax.

"death of a goblin death of a god"
Someone is going to sacrifice themselves to kill the trapped demon. Votes on who it might be?

"the hammer awaits"
I'm thinking refers to the the Hammer Of Prissan. From
I don't know how that will play into everything but I'm sure it will all be clear in time

Also excuse mobile formatting

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:52 am
by spiderwrangler
Orzahn wrote: Panel 2:
The ears will not hear They want the book
The ear swill no the art hey want the book :P

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:04 am
by Makes Noises
Panel 7: Fumbles real name is Shaken Fairly.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:18 am
by redfeather
Rndom wrote:I'm thinking refers to the the Hammer Of Prissan. From
I don't know how that will play into everything but I'm sure it will all be clear in time
The Hammer of Jale actually. Because Jale is less Evil than Prissan.

(Of course, Minmax will think it's a mace....)

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:20 am
by Editar
I do think a few of these will come up. I hope power and competence don't change Fumbles too much :)
Belzera wrote: So Anyone think that the referance to the name is wrong has to be about Dies horribly?
No, she was not wrong about Dies Horribly. He did indeed die horribly. I'll be interested to see if Fox or someone else points this out to DH and his outlook changes. My guess is that it has to do with Chief/Thaco.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:22 am
by Davis8488
"Another leg lost" could reference Biscuit.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:31 am
by Rndom
redfeather wrote:
Rndom wrote:I'm thinking refers to the the Hammer Of Prissan. From
I don't know how that will play into everything but I'm sure it will all be clear in time
The Hammer of Jale actually. Because Jale is less Evil than Prissan.

(Of course, Minmax will think it's a mace....)
Wait what?

"Possibly also Fridge Horror or Fridge Hooray depending on how you look at it: We now know that there are multiple Prissans, but then a demon tells Big-Ears the thing in the first ax is "pure", and that the first Prissan is a hammer. Suddenly one of the alternate realities from the Maze of Many whose adventuring party we never got to see could potentially have been brought up as plot-relevant Foreshadowing instead of just more filler Evil Twin examples, if the angel sealed into "the Hammer of Jale" from reality 207 was sealed into the first Prissan in reality 156." (from

When was this announced/discovered?

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:34 am
by ForgetsOldName
Editar wrote:I do think a few of these will come up. I hope power and competence don't change Fumbles too much :)
Belzera wrote: So Anyone think that the referance to the name is wrong has to be about Dies horribly?
No, she was not wrong about Dies Horribly. He did indeed die horribly. I'll be interested to see if Fox or someone else points this out to DH and his outlook changes. My guess is that it has to do with Chief/Thaco.
It doesn't say she was wrong--it says she misunderstood.

If in fact the incident with the demons was the "horrible death" she give Dies a very misleading name, either because she wanted to, or she misunderstood the context.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:37 am
by Aegis J Hyena
Fumbles wrote: Bowstrings break, they are unreliable things.
The shining forest is only found through heroism.
The dwarf cries no more.
Hmmm. I don't know any goblin or character besides Kin who would have used ranged weapons, so...
Found only through heroism... so the goblins beat the boss of the dungeon and make it out alive only through their own hard work?
The dwarf... Forgath, then?
Fumbles wrote: The ears will not hear, they want the book, but they need to complain.
"Ears" is obvious foreshadowing, as is the word "complain"... so I guess they'll discover a book somewhere they need? Maybe Fumbles meant -the- Complains, and they don't have him at the time?
Fumbles wrote: The mount is backwards, it is displaced.
The levels are gained outside of time.
She saw but misunderstood.
The name is not right.
Got nothing here, unless it refers to Minmax calling himself Maxo when dealing with Fumbles... I agree on the "displaced" bit being a Displacer Beast... granted the only "mounts" we've seen so far otherwise we've seen were the horses cows :P back in Brassmoon when they were escaping.
Fumbles wrote: Death of a Goblin, death of a God.
This makes me nervous. The death of Maglubiyet? Maybe because Complains is not a goblin anymore and was supposed to be the next great leader?
Fumbles wrote: The hammer awaits.
I remember Thunt mentioning a magic hammer in an alternate reality that was the opposite of the Axe of Prissan...
Fumbles wrote: Two coins for a dead dwarf, another leg lost
This has Forgath written all over it. Two coins makes me think of the ferryman across the river styx but that''s one coin, not two...
Fumbles wrote: When the serpent becomes your prey, friends will become enemies and love will fuel hate.
No thanks to that damn alternate Kin back in the Maze of Many... I so want to strangle her like Kin did ScorpiKin...

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:42 am
by Editar
ForgetsOldName wrote:
Editar wrote: No, she was not wrong about Dies Horribly. He did indeed die horribly. I'll be interested to see if Fox or someone else points this out to DH and his outlook changes. My guess is that it has to do with Chief/Thaco.
It doesn't say she was wrong--it says she misunderstood.

If in fact the incident with the demons was the "horrible death" she give Dies a very misleading name, either because she wanted to, or she misunderstood the context.
Good point. That probably does refer to him then.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:50 am
by Matney X
Orzahn wrote: She saw but misunderstood.
The name is not right.
I immediately thought this had to do with Dies Horribly. My first thought is that his name has nothing to do with how he'll die, but how he brings horrible deaths with him.
Fumbles wrote: When the serpent becomes his prey, friends will become enemies and love will fuel hate.
Emphasis on "his" added, because that's what Fumbles says. Not "your." Who has prey, so far, in this story? Kore.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:29 am
by VBAtheflyinghead
"If there are two and a half words you don't want to hear from a person who can see the future, those words are 'I'm sorry'."

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:37 am
by Teiresias
Death of a goblin, death of a God

Could possibly refer to the Warped Klik, they have previously been described as "achieving demigod status" if they are allowed to feed and persist too long in a warped state. When they defeat the evil green klik it may qualify as the "death of a God"

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:51 am
by Rndom
Teiresias wrote:Death of a goblin, death of a God

Could possibly refer to the Warped Klik, they have previously been described as "achieving demigod status" if they are allowed to feed and persist too long in a warped state. When they defeat the evil green klik it may qualify as the "death of a God"
And the "dead dwarf another lost leg" could reference how if Forgath gets scratches/bitten by the warped Klik then he becomes infected as well, since he's part Klik now too.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:55 am
by Inspired
She saw but misunderstood. The name is not right.
I also think this is about Saves-a-Fox. But it's cryptic enough to be about just about anyone from Kin to Duv...

The 2 coins for the dead dwarf could be the burial 2 coins as eyepieces, if it's any tradition in the (or this) D&D universe. At least that was my first thought.

(Also, hi, haven't checked in for a long time. I hope everyone's fine.)

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:16 am
by Hjerne
Kore's crossbow strings break. He is killed or his curse is removed so he no longer suffers.

Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:17 am
by Tombworld
A lot of these are technically 'aft-shadowing' since we're able to instantly recognize the references due to events which already occurred in the comic, such as gaining the levels in the Maze of Many. Still, it's useful information that WE know but the current GAP doesn't, and sometimes being able to divine the past is just as important as being able to predict the future.

'The mount is backwards.' No clue as of yet, but keep in mind that 'mount' has multiple meanings and isn't limited to transportation.

'The name is not right' could refer to either Dies or the 'KEN' necklace, but coupled with the previous line I'm leaning toward Dies.

'Two coins' is not about the ferryman, but about the tradition of putting two coins on a dead person's eyelids to keep them closed. And it could just as easily refer to Kore as it could refer to Forgath.

Most importantly, I tend to believe that 'Death of a goblin, death of a god' is Ears sacrificing himself to kill The Sacred.